Cipla Actin And Arvs
UpdatedCan i take cipla actin and arvs?
Can i use cipla actin and arvs? I want to know if there is no side effects
. Im hiv ppsitev so i wnt to knw can I use cipla actin.while I'm eating arvs
I want to give my 7 months old baby cipla actin is this safe for him please help
Can I take cipla actin with my arvs? Will I gain weight?
I want to know that tehre are no side effects if I use cipla actin and my arvs cz. I'm hiv+
Please, I need the help before I take it cz. I really want to gain my weight back.
Can I take cipla actin while I'm taking arvs
It's been 9 months but still i haven't got my weight back
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center ( / drug interaction tool), there are no drug interactions listed between Cyproheptadine (Cipla-Actin) and Combivir (Lamivudine, Zidovudine) - an "arv" class drug pertaining to HIV treatment.
However for anyone seeking to combine two or more pharmaceutical medications, I believe it may be best to reach out and contact your prescribing doctor first. This way you can work together to weigh out any possible risks vs benefits in doing so.
Hope this helps!
Am on arvs started on the 7th December 2016 i want to know if i can also use Cipla Action i want to gain weight
Hi. I want to know if I can take cipla actin while I'm taking arvs?
Y when u take cipla actin u gain weight is it a good medication or it's not gud
Hi. I am on arvs, so i wanna know if Cipla Actin can help me gain weight again? Please advise.
Hi I'm 35 yrs n on arv I've just lost a 1 week baby girl n I stress too much can you pls prescribe me something to gain weight cos I lost too much weight
Hi can I take Cipla actin with arvs please I need clear answer.
Hi I just need to gain weight and I'm on ARV so is it safe for me to use cipla actin and how long does it take to gain weight
Hi iam Cynthia can I take cipla actin with arvs, pls help me?
Just want to know if I can take cipla actin with ARV coz I'm HIV positive and I am losing weight.
I am HIV positive and I have lost so much weight. I am taking ARVs. Can I use cipla actin while I am on ARVs to gain my weight back?
Hi i m taking ARV's and im losing weigt it is save to use cipla actin on this ARV's?
Most Recent Replies:
Re: yolatha (# 1)
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Can I take bco and cipla during the day along with my arvs?
Re: yolatha (# 1)
Is it safe to use Cipla Actin for weight gain while on arvs
Re: Lady diva (# 25)
My sister have hiv can she take ciplactin pills?
Re: Mams (# 4)
I also want to know.
Re: lizo (# 2)
Can I take Cipla Actin pills together with Arvs pills
Can I take cipla actin and arv's to gain weight?
Can i take apetito with arvs?
Can I take Cipla actin and arvs at the same time?
Can I use cipla actin while I'm on arvs? Are there any interactions?
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