Accord Clonazepam (Page 6)
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These are horrible, Accord Clonazepam. I'll be glad when I get my new script and can go back to TEVA.

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Re: Sylvia (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

I don't feel totally in withdrawal but I don't feel good either. You would think with this many complaints that someone would take notice. Is Mylan any good Sylvia? I hope you feel better soon.

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Re: John (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

Well, John, my first reply said I was going to wait a couple of weeks and see what happens. Didn't make it. Started with the headaches, nausea, then dizziness so bad I had to use a cane to get into clinic for a routine test. Then came the involuntary leg movement, insomnia, clenching of toes on my right foot, then both legs and arms tingling - thought I was having strokes. Debated about calling 911 on Saturday night, but called God instead and of course I got an answer - purse. Then I remembered I had some "old" Teva brand in my purse - very few, but enough to get me through tonight. Have tried to call my psy four times; no return call. Have called pharmacies - Cub Foods who said they had some 1mg Teva, which I can split; my close-by Walgreens has Mylan. The Accord tablets sent me into withdrawal; - as one person on this thread said - no Benzos in the Accord. That would be like going into withdrawal - sudden termination of meds. Hope someone calls me soon.

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Re: Grace (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Grace, I'm sorry you're feeling that way. I'm feeling bad and depressed on the Accord brand too. I used Teva over 20 yrs. I contacted Teva and was informed they will no longer carry Teva clonazepam at all. I hate it as well. You should call there customer service and complain. They told me mid June they will be going with Actavis brand. I have no clue how it will work but the Accord is terrible. I have a drs appt wed and am going to show him or at least tell him about the results people are having. I have also had nausea, ringing ears, congestion, dry mouth as well as extremely depressed. Teva gave me no side effects at all.

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I have been using Teva .50 for years. They are no longer available for me in NY. I have tried Accord which makes me suicidal. Sandi nothing. Got the disintegrating Teva tablets and it makes me feel like I'm not in my body. When can I get my Teva .50 back? Does anyone know what's going in?

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Re: John (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

Hi John - the Accord is reacting differently BETWEEN PILLS for heaven's sake. One night I can't sleep worth a darn and last night, for example, I fell into bed like a rock and didn't wake up until 9:25 this morning and my right foot was completely numb. Scared me into a near panic attack until I figured out I must have been lying in one position all night. I'm afraid to take one this morning because I have to drive this afternoon and I don't know what the effect will be. Guess I'll take a half of .5 and see what happens. And the more I think about the changes from Teva, the worse the anxiety gets. Talked to a CVS pharmacist this a.m.; he said he has taken all different brands and none have side effects for him. He is on Accord 1mg per day (night) and if he has to work the next day he takes .5mg. So obviously any brand gives him a "hangover". Doesn't do any good to talk to the pharmacist about the change; they take whatever their warehouse sends them. Going to check with my Dr. to see if I can go back to Klonopin or taper off. Thanks to all who contribute to this chat.

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The main reason I think there's some Benzo but weaker is I'm on three a day and if I cold turkeyed on 3mg after 20 years I'd be way worse. I wish I did know what's going on. I heard Actavis is gonna be the new brand from Teva but its not out til mid month. I just hope its better. I wish I could just get off the meds but I know its not safe to discontinue it unless you taper. I really don't know what to do....Sure I can file a complaint but it probably won't do much good. I'm really pissed Teva discontinued their Clonazepam. It was good and had little side effects. It's all about money and making it cheaper I'm sure. I'm totally fed up.

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Re: Clara (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Wow! I've had Clonazepam not turn up before but i agree this is bad stuff... I'm having lots of stomach problems since i started the Accord two weeks ago. It must do something but i think I'm in wd as i feel bad all the time now.

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I was using Mylan and last month Accord was in my bottle. I wasnt getting the response I usually did with the Mylan but just thought I must be overly anxious. I went to the doctor after 15 1 mg pills over 2 weeks and NO BENZO in my urine. I then got another refill of 6, took 2 within 24 hrs and had a U/A showing NO BENZO. I took a different brand and within 2 hours my U/A showed Benzo. I cant get anymore refills because the doctors think I'm not taking it. I analyzed it myself also and NO BENZO. I think we are being scammed people....I have filed a complaint with ACCORD.

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Re: Mike (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking Teva Clonazepam for 13 years for panic disorder; it has affected my short-term memory, and maybe I have gotten too used to it. Last refill two weeks ago was made by Accord HealthCA and was filled at my local CVS pharmacy. Have noticed the change in my sleeping and an increase in dizziness. I will give it a couple of weeks before I give up and call my psy.

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Re: Lazaro (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I Get accord brand currently from Walgreens. 1mg.

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Re: Jenn (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

That's good, Im glad it worked for you. It does nothing for me and seems the majority prefer Teva. I guess i'll try the Actavis next. Im getting off this drug. I can't depend on any consistency anymore with it.

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Re: Jeans (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

I was able to take a half mg than a whole one when i got switched to Accord, so it can be a good thing for some.

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I just found out today Teva will no longer be carrying there Teva brand anymore and are switching to Actavis. I've been taking Accord for around a week and have had back pain, felt way less results and had more depression and lack of motivation. So after 20 years the best drug Teva will no longer be available. I would call to Teva and complain if you prefer that brand. This really sucks. I'm considering getting off the medication now. Only Teva worked for me positively.

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Re: John (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

Hi John, I've already tried to talk to my doc about Accord and he looked at me like I am crazy. If you feel comfortable with your doc, talk to him and see what he says. My doc's MA told me patients have been complaining about generics not working. Like I said before, the more patients contact Accord, FDA, and pharmacies no one will do anything about it. Please let me know what you decide to do. Thank you and good luck.

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Thanks for your message. I'd call Teva as well and ask them to please start getting their product out. The shortage recently was because they had none in their warehouse. I've only been taking accord for a few days and I hate it. I'm speaking to my dr this week about the problem. Do you think it's a good idea to let him know lots of people are complaining about Accord? Teva never has given me a problem. It's like there two different drugs, the Accord is super weak and making me on edge. Sorry if I am repeating myself.

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Re: John (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

Hi John. I have written complaints to FDA, Accord Healthcare and spoke to my PCP and pharmacist. The pharmacies in the Houston area are ALL carrying Accord with no end in sight. The only thing I can tell you is write, call, etc to let everyone know we are not happy with their product. My doc won't change me to anything else, so I'm trying to wean off it and try to deal with my symptoms. I think the more complaints that go to FDA, pharmacies and Accord, maybe I. To me this will change, but for now im just trying to deal with it and it's not easy. I don't know what else to say or do to make pharmacies, FDA, and the manufacturers listen to us with us, patients, k owing this product is NOT up to par. My doc won't even request from ins. Co. Name brand. Now my anxiety and insomnia are worst than ever. Good luck and let me hear how you are doing and if you might have any ideas. Take care ok

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Re: Stirfry (# 29) Expand Referenced Message

I've taken Teva since the 90s and they work great. I just started the Accord and this is freaking me out because they're not doing anything. I feel scared as hell because I don't even feel like this is clonazepam. I'm on 3mg a day and if it's not helping I could get even worse. This is just the beginning of the month. I told my parents about this and they don't believe me. I'm in full panic mode and my blood pressure has shot up. I don't know what to do, please help.... Any advice?

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Re: Stirfry (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

JJ we can't go to another city to get the script filled even by another manufacturer as the pharmacies don't know our docs. I guess I'm going to get off them completely and hope for the best. My anxiety will probably get worse along with my insomnia. My doc won't put me on anything else, so I'm screwed. If you have any ideas of way wan do, please pass the info to me. I am tired of dealing with these issues and like I said, I called Accord and filled out a questionnaireSccorf Nd the FDA.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have called my pharmacy and all pharmacies in the Houston area. They are all giving out Accord and they don't work for me. My PCP didn't believe me when I told him I could tell the difference and I'm afraid if I keep telling him, he will just not prescribe them anymore. He gave me 45 and I've taken 2 at a time of the 1 mg which he told me to take no.more than 1 mg. Any suggestions? He didnt want to give them to me to begin with, but I've got anxiety disorder and insomnia. I've also called Accord and filled out questionnaire on their website. I don't know what else to do. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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I've always taken Teva for 25 yrs and now today I got the Accord. I really dont like change with this medication. As stated previously by someone, this is just keeping me out of withdrawal. I dont feel it's very effective and if the Accord is less effective and makes me more dopey I will be seriously more dow. I just wish I never had to take the meds. In the beginning the brand name klonopin was like a miracle cure. Now i always have anxiety. I think the longer you're on it the more you notice differences. I guess we'll see when I take the Accord this week. I guess most wouldn't understand but people on this drug, but I feel I like I cant be on it or off the meds. I never abused it but im dependent.

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