Accord Clonazepam
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These are horrible, Accord Clonazepam. I'll be glad when I get my new script and can go back to TEVA.
Re: VeggieGirl (# 144)
Today I checked 4 different places for Accord 1mg and they all have Teva
I was filling mine at an independent pharmacy which always got me the Accord brand. Recently they went with Teva and they told me they go with what’s cheaper.
Regarding the Accord quality issues, I know for fact that the 1mg was not on the list of recalls.
Also, all pharmacies go through major distributors such as McKesson and AmerisourceBergen
These guys dictate what the price is
Re: Johnny murphy (# 145)
As of right now it's not available anywhere in the USA. Accord Company did a volunteer pull of their product to have it tested by a Independent Lab. Who knows how long that will last good luck all that is available is Solco or the non generic one
Re: Matyilip (# 3)
How can I get the accord clonazepan
Re: Just concerned (# 138)
Accord is not made in China, it's made at three sights in India, same goes towards Teva. Only Clonazepam brand that is made in China is Solco, the company will tell you they make products in Charlotte, NC, Clonazepam is not on that list having looked into it.
I had to go to Walgreens instead of Walmart to get Accord Clonazepam which works for me. Teva doesn't. Then Walgeens said they could no longer get it. I've called Accord to see where I could get Accord Clonazepam again? I have Dystonia.
Re: Duchessofperu (# 16)
Accord is not a Chinese company
I take 1mg Accord Clonazepam every night for epilepsy. I was in the ER recently, and they did a standard urine drug screen, and they told me that NO benzo metabolites were found in my urine. That explains my seizures! Anyone ever had a bad batch of Clonazepam and find that their benzos don't contain benzos?
Re: Duchessofperu (# 16)
Realistically, EVERYTHING is chinese, even if the final pill pressing is in the US. Likewise for India. The US company selling the drug has the obligation of QA, so don't be ripping on China.
Re: Barbie 616 (# 10)
I know that this is an old posting, but I'm wondering if you are having problems with it now because it worked good for me but the last two refills have not been good. Hope that you can reply Barbie.
Re: Ty (# 134)
Hello I just wanted to say that I also had a problem with the Accord brand. It is made in China and has other ingredients that are not supposed to be in it. It isn’t pure Clonazepam as it is from China and most of their drugs are not screened by the FDA. I have been on the Methadone maintenance program for over 20 years and have never been positive for any substance but my Clonazepam. I pick up the Accord brand got drug tested after taking the Accord brand for 7 days and was positive for 2 Benzodiazepines my Clonazepam and a minute amount of Alprazolam. It was a disaster and the amount of problems it caused was unbelievable after some digging the head doctor realized it was from China and now just like other doctors I’ve heard about tells all his patients not to get any medications from the pharmacy that are made in China. So I hope u don’t have any issues with the Accord brand if u have to get it.
Re: madashell (# 135)
Not only legal but preferred by all but patients. You can, however, discuss this with your pharmacist what brand/generic you wish, and they either have it, or can order it.
If they won't, move on to a different pharmacy, and make sure the management knows you are doing so.
Mom & Pops' are the best pharmacies, as you can develop a relationship with them. And CVS vs walgreens vs walmart vs target, etc will have a broad spectrum when taken together of manufacturers.
Re: Roberta (# 14)
I have gotten PAR in the past. This time I received TEVA O.5. For some reason I have had a bad reaction to it. I requested PAR but they are getting it in in two weeks.
Re: wackattack (# 132)
is that legal? how can they say it's one thing on the outside, but it's not? what if you had a reaction? sounds like they're getting away with more and more crap every day.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I am unable to find any pharmacy here in Denver Colorado that has or that can get clonazepam manufactured by Teva! It's so disappointing. I had to settle for Solco manufacturer. The Accord brand of clonazepam did not work at all on me! I had to suffer for a whole month before I was able to get a refill. Since they were unable to get the Teva brand for me I settled for Solco. It does work but it seems to go in and out of my system a little quicker but at least it works unlike the Accord which had me going through very uncomfortable with draw and horrible panic attacks and seizures. Someone should really look into this brand and take it off the market! Or at least Banette from the United States.
Re: wackattack (# 132)
TEVA owned Actavis. They decided more than 1 year ago to remain with their Actavis product, which is as you can see from this discussion almost universally rejected by patients.
Patient activism has brought TEVA to a point that they are preparing to reintroduce the discontinued TEVA product.
I don't think they knew that they had by far the best product.
Eric (# 131) --
Don't be too sure. I picked up my 3 month supply that was supposed to be brand said TEVA on the contained Actavis pills. The only thing that had changed was the name on the bottle. It was NOT Teva.
Re: Bratty Natty (# 130)
TEVA the maker of the yellow ones will soon, say they, begin producing and distributing the old, trusted cloneazepam...2-5 months now. Keep inquiring at your pharmacy and others.
Re: Mike (# 5)
It is now 2019 and it seems as if all Walgreen carries is the Accord. I was just placed back on Klonopin .5mg twice a day after fighting to get my meds straight for over two years. I used to get the yellow ones.
Re: Mike (# 5)
Accord is now carried by Walgreens, CVS, and most other pharmacies. Reba, which I'd bee on for years, is No longer manufacturing it--- Too Bad!!Having problems with Accord- plus it's made in India/ China
Re: Snoozy (# 15)
The Accord brand is HORRIBLE! Basically like taking candy. Not effective at all!
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