Abuse Of Zanaflex (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I was just wondering if anyone out there has over-used zanaflex? I am ashamed to admit I did. I was just so desperate to sleep at night. One or two wasn't cutting it so I started going up to 6, 7, or 8 at I time. I would never ever recommend this for anyone. It was just my own desperation and stupidity. I have always had giant tolerances to everything. Anyway, this stuff would put me down hard, it was hard to get up and walk myself to the bathroom and the other thing was the vivid hallucinations, i have never experienced anything like it before. Everything I was seeing was so real it was scary and I would even see people and hold conversations with them. In the morning i would be completely fine. Thankfully i am in treatment for addiction now to various other substances. I just never heard a story about this from anyone else, it was just so crazy.

69 Replies (4 Pages)

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Your M.D. is insane it's extremely DANGEROUS to take zanaflex with ambien! You could develop sleep apnea and not wake up!!! This is why more and more people are dying from prescription medications....been a nurse 22 yrs see it happen in the E.R. a lot

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You are on a bad road friend.. I am afraid for you.. I was addicted for almost 20 precious yrs of my life.. I was anti drug and had no idea what I was in for.. Doctors are just highly paid drug pushers... I lost everything... Everything!!!! Please don't waste your life as I did..

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God bless you and your friend...I am an LPN *well, was* and was addicted to opioid meds for over 10 years. I was almost dead and it took being arrested and humiliated at work to quit. I see it as a wonderful thing. My pain management doc didn't even care what was in my urine. But, recently, I was given Zanaflex for my constant back spasms and I hate it. Vivid and terrible dreams. The hallucinations are the worst. And yes, I take everything the way the doc says take them no. No more P.O. opioid meds for my back. Use low dose of Fentanyl patches. I use the 25 mcq. Good luck to you and your friend and anyone that this helps. 7 years sober 10/6/15.

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My best friend and brother died from a overdose of this s*** and opana. The zanaflex was the reason they couldn't bring him back. I know this because I'm an air ambulance pilot on a chopper. I'll keep the name of it anonymous but anyways there nothing more hurtful than watching someone go down hill so fast. We begged him to get help and he wouldn't. So if your out there messed up on any s*** please don't feel silly or desperate because it's a certain substance. God loves you and i love you no matter who or where you are. If you think you need help then you most likely do, but you'll quit when you wanna quit. God bless.

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I have cervical and lower back pain. My prescription is 4 mg's at bedtime and physical therapy (3 x's week). Having access to Zanaflex is a significant slippery slope for me. I ended up in residential addiction rehab in early 2013 due to prescription drug abuse after a medical emergency. Zanaflex allows me to get some sleep; I've not experienced any negative side effects. The other side of the picture is that I do not take Zanaflex precisely as prescribed. I will take a dose late afternoon and then sometimes an extra pill (2mg) at bedtime. Tomorrow I meet with a new doctor, a neurosurgeon. The hardest thing for someone like me is the moment of truth revealing to a new doctor that I am a drug addict. The addict in me is screaming 'I need something stronger than Zanaflex; it's not working'; the part of my brain that was not destroyed by my addiction, says to me 'you must let the doctor know because my disease wants to kill me'. After treatment, I did tell all of my established doctors and I told my druggist. I felt as if the druggist would be a safety net. Although I live in a large city, I go to a small independently owned pharmacy. I can only speak for myself, but I do see that Zanaflex has the propensity to make me crave more that is prescribed although it is not in a class of drugs that I should not take unless under an extreme medical condition. I hope this helps someone out there that is in a similiar situation.

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No, they are very different medications, chemically and molecularly.

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Trust me, if its for recreational purposes, leave it alone. If you have a actual need see a specialist. I'm not preaching or lecturing in any way, but I'm dealing with pain on a daily basis and want off the meds. I don't know if you'll get this message or not, but you can contact me {edited for privacy} any time if you need to.

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They probably won't treat you anymore. I take the 4mg three times a day and it helps with my spasms. I also take meloxicam 7.5 twice a day and oxycodone hcl 15 mg every six hours. With injections it's keeping me fairly comfortable. You may just have to wait until you were suppose to run out before you ask for more. My PM told me to call if what I have isn't strong enough but I do know they don't like you over using the way they prescribe it. I hope you can get off of it. I have no effects taking it the way it was prescribed

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To me, tizanadine was a nightmare. To me, that medication is pure evil. I would hallucinate. I would see people and also I would see arms with hands come out from back of my bed trying to grab me. It would cause me awful chest pains. One night I thought I was having a heart attack. I went to the emergency room at a nearby hospital and found out that nothing was wrong with my heart. The last straw was when I was in bed one night reading and it felt like someone had grabbed my left hand side and tried to roll me out of bed. No more tizanadine. Now I am on cyclobenzaprine.

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I take cymbalta 60mg a nite I was just wondering if cymbalta has hurt your stomach been taking it for 12 yrs I take it because I have fibromyaligia I want to take tizadine c if it helps my pain also

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I am not a dr. and in no way qualified to give you an answer except I have been on both medications but (Ambien and Zanaflex) but not at the same time.

I am concerned for you after reading this post. From my experience, I would NEVER take them together. Ever. Please be careful.

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I had chronic back pain and had L5/S1 spinal fusion in 2009. I got hooked on oxycodone, and I know now that my mind was trying to convince me I continued to need the meds. I didn't, and I don't. When I ran out, I would take every opportunity to manipulate my doctors by learning the proper way to act, and things to say, to get the prescriptions (basically, saying that I hurt but that I could fight through the pain through willpower. They didn't see me as a drug seeker, so they would prescribe). I overcame my addiction, but then I tore my meniscus and started using again. I finally got sick of seeking highs, and I found out I had undiagnosed adult ADD. They put me on Vyvanse in 2010, and I haven't taken a single pain medicine since. My doctor said many ADD adults try to self-medicate to feel like they believe they should feel. I'm now having joint pain and arthritis in my knee, but I didn't even think to ask for pain meds. The doctor gave me Zanaflex. I take it as directed, and it helps. I get cortisone shots in the knee every so often. A friend of mine who had the same spine surgery got hooked on oxy but didn't quit. Her kids found her dead from an OD two weeks ago. She was just 41. I know the road. I even used to cold-water extract the acetaminophen out of pain pills so I could take more without damaging my liver. I look back now and can't believe I allowed myself to do that. Just admit your problem to your doctor and tell him why you seek the drugs. Maybe you have ADD or depression or just need therapy. It's a step you won't regret because it is a step in the right direction. Your mind is powerful in trying to convince you into thinking that what you want is what you need. You might want oxy, but you might just need Naprosyn or, in this case, Zanaflex.

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Hi Diane, PLEASE TRY TO HELP ME. I too never felt like this before. I have been taking Zanaflex for about 6-9 months. I was alright in the beginning but then I was taking 3, "4mg." Zanaflex for bed and as time went on, I am in a very dark place. I wake up with tremors that are only on the inside and it feels like my heart is hurting, "chest pains", and I also sweat. I am so scared that I am going to have a heart attack because everyday, my chest hurts even if I take it. I don't know what to do and I am afraid if I tell my pain management doctor, they will think I am abusing the one opiate I am taking and I never did, in fact, I don't even take all of what I am prescribed to take. I don't know how to ween off of this HORRIFIC medication. I pray that you can somehow give me any sort of advice. I know you are not a doctor, but you must know how to ween off of Zanaflex. I cannot go into a rehab because there are not any around where I live and if I am put in the hospital, they only keep you there for 5 days and they throw you out and think you are all fixed. I know this from people who have been in those situations.
Thank you,

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I took 3 4mg zanaflex and wound up in the hospital for 3 days. My bp was 70/30 and my pulse was 30. How I called 911 is a mystery. Then my bp skyrocketed. I have a high tolerance to most meds and think if 2 is good 4 is better. That stuff kicked my ass. And I was sooo thirsty. 1 at night only. Scared me to death.

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Please take this very serious get away from the Xanax it's terrible if you do have panic or anxiety it will only make it worse. If you don't it will make you have them way worse. This is how quick Xanax effected me with the first one I needed the second dose immediately and on and on. The withdraws from Xanax are currently the worst I have ever experienced. I don't wish any addiction on any one. I wouldn't give Xanax to my very worst enemy. May God bless you always

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Switch him to Trazadone. It's non narcotic and non addictive.

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Glad you are in treatment. Many people need a combination of meds for different types of pain relief, but it is vital to discuss when to take these meds, not only with your doctors, but ESPECIALLY your pharmacist. Stick to one pharmacy. It will save your life.

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Ambien is the devil. I blacked out and ended up in the hospital for ten days. Even when I would tell doctors what happened, they still wanted me to take it. I refuse. It's so dangerous.

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Yes. After faking just 2 and I also have a high tolerance and high bp. So I took my reg meds along with the bloop pressure medicine znf shortly after iIgelt terrible. I took my bp and it was 68\25 pulse 20.I knew I didn't have much time so I called 911. I WA's in the Hosp for 3 days while they tried to balance it. Once the xanaflex wore off my rebound bp skyrockef and I almost strokefd out. It drops you bp like z rock. Take either or not both

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Hi I take these too for muscle spasm but now cannot sleep without them. I really never noticed at first but I did start to notice changes in my temperament and didn't think anything of it until my husband mention that if become more mean even when sleeping he says I curse and push for no particular reason and I never believed it until I was sleep talking and he touched me and I cursed so loud that I woke myself up, now I've been noticing more and more angry tendencies. After doing research I found it to be a side affect, have found no alternative yet so on my third year of it heading into number four in a few weeks

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