Abuse Of Zanaflex (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I was just wondering if anyone out there has over-used zanaflex? I am ashamed to admit I did. I was just so desperate to sleep at night. One or two wasn't cutting it so I started going up to 6, 7, or 8 at I time. I would never ever recommend this for anyone. It was just my own desperation and stupidity. I have always had giant tolerances to everything. Anyway, this stuff would put me down hard, it was hard to get up and walk myself to the bathroom and the other thing was the vivid hallucinations, i have never experienced anything like it before. Everything I was seeing was so real it was scary and I would even see people and hold conversations with them. In the morning i would be completely fine. Thankfully i am in treatment for addiction now to various other substances. I just never heard a story about this from anyone else, it was just so crazy.

69 Replies (4 Pages)

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Zanaflex is a somewhat common sleep aid and due to its drowsiness side effect, exceeding the amount while being up can definitely cause a high. It's common with Ambien for example. Many people stay up on the Ambien when they aren't supposed to causing them to feel high.

So I would say that's the biggest indicator as to why one feels high, unable to walk straight, hallucinating, etc.

Abuse for Zanaflex isn't too common but it definitely exists. If you have trouble sleeping even when taking Zanaflex I think a talk to your doctor would be a good idea as they can put you on a better sleep aid.

Hope this helps somewhat

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That is NOT a lot of medicine to take for chronic pain which to me sounds like what pnut princess has!! 2 xr Meds and 4 very low milligramage (I know that's not a real word) for break thru pain and something to help sleep w the Ambien and 4 mg Zanaflex to real muscles and help facilitate sleep. I'm on a Very Similar! Regimen of Meds for my chronic back pain and it has helped me get my life back! She's probably worse off than me and I take Zanaflex up to 4x a day! Excellent muscle relaxer!! Sooo who R you to say that she's taking Sooo or toouch medicine?! Sounds reasonable to me being a (fellow) chronic pain patient

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my wife got addicted to them. Started taking them during the day neglecting our small children. She finally has admitted that she has a problem, but we dont know where to start getting her treatment as my area all they offer is help for those who are addicted to narcotics and zanaflex is not considered an opiate. What kind of help are you getting or can you advise me?

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Hey Mat, you live in NY? It's terrible here get'n narcotics!!

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I've had a bad bad hallucination last night after taking Zanaflex and Ambien together. I've taken it for years but all the sudden I'm starting to have hallucinations. I'm seeing people that really aren't there and I feel like they're out to get me. It's like I'm in a horror movie and can't get out. I don't want to stop taking it because I have insomnia and fibromyalgia real bad and it helps me a lot with my sleep and nerve pain. I'm not sure what to do. I'm so scared of night!!!!!

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Have u tried pregabalin?, they're for nerve damage. Don't know if u'd get them in the States but I know peeps that get them here in Aberdeen Scotland

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I've been taking zanaflex for awhile 2mg at,a time no problems for muscle pain fibromyalgia.

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Hello brother. I am a currently separated veteran from the U.S. army. And I hate to see thee doctor keep prescribing you so many pills. When cannabis can help with the majority of those without needing the ambient or opiates.

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Ive been waiting 6 months and on increasing amounts of oxy when i got severe musclevspasms so started tizanidine at low dose. After only 2 weeks i started falling then had serious hallucinations which after a terrifying period of believing that i was being chased by underground dwellers a took a hard fall. Difficult on my 67 uear old body. Landed on my face. Huge bruises all over body. Police came and took me to the hospital where they stapled my forehead. Then a 3 hor trip to a mental institution for a 72 hour hold. Nightmare! What pissess me off is that that was my thied visit to the emergency room in 2 days. Came in with complaints of hallucinating and falling. They saod it was the tizanidine and to stop taking it but it was already too late. Even drove to my doctors that same day with my complaints. Just sent me home whete i live alone and btw right across the street from the hospital whete i was trying to run to to be safe! I get there and they ship me off for 3 days in one of those hell holes. It was and continues to be a nightmare. My brain is as bruised as my eye. Have spent the past two years off all psych drugs after 30 wasted years on and this happens. I was just seeing daylight in my healing and now i am back into despair and feeling hopeless and so traumatized. Does biting it for faster telease during bad spasms increase the risk of hallucinating or is it just my propensity to be super sensitive to all chemicals after 30 years of them. Daughter is pissed and say s i brought it on myself for biting it. Would love to be able to tell her not true. I know that biting a pill is inappropriate intake but i didnt over use them. Thanks. Any response would be appreciated. Dont know if its ok to put .my email here but im going to because id really appreciate an answer. Maybe she wont be so pissed.

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I would not take Tramadol. It makes my son have seizures along with many...I'm talking about a lot of other people also. It made me shake and vomiting violently for hours. It made my mom really sick also. Just a little warning.

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I would not take Tramadol. It makes my son have seizures along with many...I'm talking about a lot of other people also. It made me shake and vomiting violently for hours. It made my mom really sick also. It is also addictive. Just a little warning.

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Can it kill you? I know someone who downed about90 pills i just need to know can it kill you

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Taking an extra 4mg, of a strong generic, causes me to experience visual & auditory hallucinations, plus paranoid delusions. I can take 8mg with no problem, & with some generics I can take 12mg & still experience no effect at all. I see my doctor frequently & am a lifelong sufferer of chronic insomnia, therefore I take tizanidine at bedtime.

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It's not unusual for individuals experiencing extreme sleep deprivation to overdose in an effort to get sleep. Let your doctor know that you're at risk for overdosing & perhaps he/she can help with a safer medication, or a supply too small to stop your heart. Oh, it's important to realize that Zanaflex(tizanidine) is a muscle relaxer & the heart is a muscle. Too much of this drug will stop the patient's heart.

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I have had vitually the same exact experiences with the zanaflex I could not sleep without it. I was up for almost 72 hours straigh when i went to alcohol treatment and had to stop it for 6 weeks. I still cant sleep well withouti

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Thanks for your share! It helped me to know about how many you can take at 1 time. The doctor told me that I could take 8 a day. I take 2 in the morning & 2 at night. I usually forget to take the other 4 during the day. . But lately, I've been adding some of them to my nighttime medicine regimen. It seems to be helping me to fall asleep and stay asleep. Hope this helps someone

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Omg Diane!!! I had the same reactions to Tizanadine. I began taking it 5 months ago for back pain and had sudden seizurelike reactions and very vivid evil visions or hallucinations. Mind you i had excellent blood pressure prior to using tizanadine but found I developed hight blood pressure or rebound hypertension and just got back from a emergency room and hospital stay of 2 days. I was using Tizanadine for my pain but mainly took 4 4mg tabs at night for insomnia. I learned the hard way at 57 yrs old that this is a very dangerous drug. While asleep i was lowering my bp too low therefore playing russian roulette with my heart. I am so glad I saw your article because I was feeling very
stupid but now feel validated. People stay away from this med!!!! God bless you Diane.

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I've been having strange nighttime hallucinations (like home movies - of all kinds of people playing in yards - on the walls) over the past 5 months or so. At first I thought it was interesting but once I figured out I had no choice it is frightening. I take Morphine ER's and Tizanidine. I looked into side effects and found both cause them. I too fear the night. I was doing great on Opana (best thing I ever took) and Soma but they took Opana off the market and for some unknown reason my doctor hates Soma. Too bad I can't have what works for me. It's back to try this and that and deal with the pain in between. It's pretty tiresome. To the kind military person - thank you for your service - once I get this figured out I'll be okay. Not all If these meds are necessarily bad If you take low doses and they help. If I don't get it figured out with conventional medicine then maybe I'll try CBD (Cannabis) oill next.

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More sleep and wild halucenations.

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You are headed for a serious crash! Been there, almost all self managed and at very low to no dosages now. Lyrica doesn't work. You are taking too much. Pain doctors can lead you to addiction because all they do is dispense meds symptomatically. And it keeps building up and up until you my friend, are in trouble. This is a fact. Start to come off very slow of everything. Cut doses slowly and slightly increase time to next dose. Will take a few months but it can be done. You may have up and down days, but you will start to notice trending downward in dose taken and going up in time before next dose will occur. Take it in stride. If you can't, suggest you get professional help. Very sorry to hear this. Just saw this 2day.

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