Anyone Else Trying Savella For Fibromyalgia? (Page 21)


This is a new medication that just came out for fibromyalgia. I have several other conditions involving spinal degeneration , herniated discs, arthritus, etc.
I've been taking this medication for a little over 2 weeks now and have worked up to the full dose. My biggest symptom seems to be upset stomach but I don't know if it's from the Savella or from de-toxing from 7 other medications that I've been on for over 10+ yrs.
Is there anyone else out there that has started this medication that can give me any information that they may have on it?

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Savella has given me my life back. I've been on it now for almost a year, and the difference in the way I feel is dramatic. I still can't push it, but I can lead a fairly normal life. The last time I posted was when I started on it. The fact that it is STILL working is amazing!

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I even weeded my entire garden in a day. Normally i would have suffered the next few days, and felt as if i had been beaten. However, to my surprise, i was able to get up in the morning and go about my business like a normal person. Was not exhausted and confined to the bed or couch in pain. That is very awesome.

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I have been on Savella for 11 days now, and I was given a 2 week titration pack to get me up to 100 mg per day, 50mg in the morning and 50mg in the evening. Within the first 45 minutes of taking it for the first time I became very achey. The aches moved from one part of my body to another and when the ache left one part of my body that part felt more relaxed than before. Within a few hours I felt different in a good way, but I got extremely bitchy that first night of taking it. The next day I felt good when I woke up. I wasn't as achey as normal but still enough to make it a tad bit rough getting out of bed. As the days move on I do feel much better and since I am on my second week now and on the 100mg per day I am feeling awesome. I am still achey and that is most likely from my arthritis. I wasn't on any medication before I started to take Savella because I had given up so I am not going through any withdrawls symptoms. I have taken every other medication that could possibly be used for Fibro with no luck, you name it I've tried it. Savella was my last hope, otherwise I would be going to a pain clinic for injections. I still have good and bad days, but Ive only been on it for 11 days. We will see how the next month goes.
The first day when I woke up and I actually felt better I cried out of pure joy!! Between my AM dose and my PM dose I can feel my body needing the PM dose when it gets close to the time that I normally take it, and my mood turns to super bitch if I take it too late. I start to get very achey, stiff and cry.
My pain level went from being a 10 everyday before Savella to a moderate 4-5 now which is awesome!! I haven't noticed any weight gain, but I'm also not extra hungry on the medication either. I do have sweats and perspiration more so now that I am on the medication and I have cold sweats once in a while, but if that comes along with the medicine I will deal with it. I haven't felt this good in a long time.
I also do suffer from depression, and the first week of taking Savella I was crying uncontrollably and for no reason at all that I could define. My boyfriend thought I was nuts because I would call him crying and not be able to tell him why. I was also very sensitive, and the slightest thing would set me off crying, such as sad commercials on the radio or sad songs. I'm over that now, and I do notice that I can focus more and my depression isn't as bad as it was a few weeks ago, but the first week on the Savella was awful for my emotions.
I hope more people can find relief like I have so far from this drug.

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I have been on Savella for 5 months, after coming off of Cymbalta. As with everyone else's post I have read, my pain has decreased significantly, but my mood is SO irritable, close friends and family tell me they have noticed a drastic change. I am actually craving sugar and carbs like a hormonal mad woman, and am gaining weight. I also have NO energy at all. When I sleep, I sleep better, but when I wake up I am completely exhausted. It takes a great deal of caffeine to get me enough energy to get through the day, and then it takes me a long time to wind down at night. I don't want to try taking something else because I can't handle all of the pain from the fibromyalgia again. I am not leading a very functional life....please post if you can relate to any of these symptoms. Thanks for listening.

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Yes you will get an upset stomach from the medication as it is a very common side effect as well as weight loss. I, too, quit taking a lot of other medications before I ever started Savella, and that could be a cause of your problems as well. I took anti-depressants for 10 years or more and I quit everything. I tried taking savella at the same time as quitting and it did not agree with me. Once all of the meds were out of my system once and for all, I started it again and did pretty good, other than occasional mood swings due to the fact I didnt know how to act or feel when coming off of everything. It was definetly a rollercoaster ride for me. Now I am doing well, but it does make me sick to my stomach. try to eat a small meal first thing before you take the Savella and it should help to ease the nausea. Also, try some crackers or Ginger Ale.

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I have been on Savella now for about 5 months. I have recently been cutting my dose in 1/2 and taking it in the am then taking the other half at night. I am finding that the side effects have diminished and that also I get a more steady dose. I find Savella is not a magic bullet. It hasn't cured everything. It has helped with the depression, low energy and some of the pain. I still have to take care of the other symptoms everyday. I have recently acquired the book A natural approach to fibromyalgia. And have added some of the supplements that are recommended which have really made a difference in the other symptoms. Check the website

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I understand how you feel. Wish I was close by because I need friends. I've been taking the savella for about a month, it really helps with my pain I just stay kinda nauseated. Hang in there and God bless.

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I understand how you feel. This disease has taken me from an outgoing busy Activist, to a person totally alone trying to deal with constant pain. I had a mountain climbing accident and just had both knees totally replaced. The pain, well, I don't have to tell anyone here. I had started Savilla then stopped because of all the pain medication and other drugs they put me on. I am now, after seven weeks, back on Savilla. I notice a difference, a slight difference in my depression and I have "moments" of energy. I take half i morning and half in evening. Upset stomach is a constant, but, I will ride it through and give it time..My dogs really help me, also I swim a lot...There is no pain in the water and it gets my body going. Don't give up! Peace...

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I have been on Savella for about 6 months now-- have noticed a decrease in the intensity of the pain, but the pain is still there- just not so intense. I tried going off of it once in May of this year and noticed a big deifference, so I went back on it-- I still have achey spots on my neck and arms. As far as the negatives-- the upset stomach is not there, but I sweat alot, I am hot all the time, when other people are feeling fine. It is a minor distraction. I have taken all the other meds for Fibro and this one seems a little bit better then the others.

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I was on savella for 4 months.The first day I took itI thought it was a miracle drug.My pain was almost non existant.Over the weeks I noticed upset stomach but thought nothing about it.I took it for another month and my mood swings got worse.I started having suicidal thoughts but I had been depressed and again dismissed it.The third month I would wake up and my jaws had locked and I had broke out with a terrible rash all over my face I continued to take it.Two weeks later I had my jaws clench up again where I couldn't even get a spoon in my mouth.I again got the rash all over my face and neck.I called the doctor he was on vacation.I spoke to the nurse and she said there wasnt anything wrong with me.I immediately started reducing the medication and weaning myself off of it.This is a very dangerous drug.

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I never have been one to respond to a forum but after reading erveryone elses posts thought I would share my experience with Savella. I have been on it nearly a year and I take 25 mg morning and night along with valium. I am 51, in great shape to look at me but have a myriad of physical problems that don't show to the naked eye. I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, osteo arthritis and shogrens disease (this is a disease much like lupus). My body is also toxic with anti-inflammatories and my skin will puncture like ripe fruit if I give into the urge for even a couple of Aleve. I have also been in eight car accidents, none my fault but my body was already traumatized with a variety of aches and pains. Very hard to combat all of my issues when the most helpful drugs are anti-inflammatories and steroids and I can't take any of them. I noticed relief with in three weeks of 50 mg of Savella, it was really a miracle for me. One day on the way to pain mangement clinic I realized I had moved my arm and I had no pain in my elbow. This was a first in literally years. I have to take valium to try to keep my muscles relaxed and Ambien to sleep at night but insomnia has always been an issue so no biggie. I have tried to half my dosage but within a week I can feel my pain increasing so I go back to the 50 mg. I work for a catering company and it is very physical work, I could not attempt it without this medication. My only complaint is the cost every month and the sweating. I have always been hot blooded but it definitely makes me sweat much more. That is my only fear about possibly increasing my dosage at this point, I'm afraid I would melt. Not sure that it has really affected my moods, much happier now that I can go back to the gym and do my six mile walks. Think I will be tense and in some pain forever but life is so much better at this level of discomfort. Think it is hardest on my friends and family, impossible for them to truly understand when you look healthy on the outdide but your body is a mess on the inside. They all know the active energetic person I've always been so they know this is for real whether they can see it or not. Good luck to you all, pray for the day that maybe we can all be med free....

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i'm 18 years old and have just been diagnosed with fibro. by a rheumatologist yesterday. He gave me Savella 12.5 right now and im supposed to move up to 25mg,and Lyrica. 50 mg. ive been having severe neckpain for four years. all my test come out normal. Im glad to be diagnosed finally but also frusterated because there is no cure. I just want to be pain free or at least have tolerable pain. I work as a pharmacy tech and I go to college. I cant take this pain I dont know what to do if this doesnt work. Has your Rheumatologist ever given you pain medicine to help with the pain? I hope this works im so depressed.. ugh

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I have been on Savella for 2 months now and have had to go to 1/2 of 1 - 50mg tab morning and night. At that dosage it is still helping the pain, if not stopping it, but the side effects have only lessened a little. Severe perspiration barely covers the sweating I am experiencing. There is also constipation and cramping of the feet. Will try 1 more month and then decide if this is worth it.

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I hadve been to many different drs. and used so many treatments since 95'. when I found in 99' it was fibro. It's so funny because being a nurse you think I'd have some idea. Nothing seem to help my pain that wasn't addicting. For 7yrs. I wore patches that cancer pts used and still didn't get full relief. In five yrs. I had 4 surgeries from bil. knee replacements, thyroid, gallbladdler etc. I walked like with a 100yr old woman quad cane just to try and keep myself moving. Neurontin,Cybalta, Lycia etc.etc. nothing seem to work. Yes I had aqua therpay (which was expensive even with insurance) but just getting there was a major chore. It was the grace and mercy of God that I'm still alive since there were days I just wanted to die. I was on permanent disablily for 5yrs but felt I had to keep moving so I went back to work. It's been 3 1/2yrs. I use Vicoden to help with the pain especially with the knees but I feel better being able to focus more on others than myself. Most people don't know what we really have to deal with physically or mentally even those in the medical field. Reading about it and living it are two entirely diffenent things. It puts such a strain on your finances and relationships. If they breakdown you are even worse off because you most times blame yourself or you become bitter because people don't seem to care. Savella has worked for me to some degree, I've been on it for 2mos. but the nausea, stomach pains, increased appetite and irritablity are hard to take. I find my ususal easy going attitude turn to " I wanna take your head." Being diagnoised cervical disc disease, OA and now with RA and that medication for the last yr. and a half, bad joints, extra weight gain because of lack of exercise, divorced for 2yrs. I have to work just to keep my insurance and pay for Drs. and medication, my song is as sad as everyone else but I Have to leave you All with this... find your Spiritual source and HOLD ON TIGHT!!!!! Man/Woman can only do so much. Put your trust in God and let Him give you peace as your mind stays on Him Each day and you'll be able to get through!!!!!

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the upset stomach should go away-- i have been taking 50 mg twice a day for about 4 months now and altho it helps a little bit, it does take the edge off, it is still not the be all end all drug. Some things for sure you will get with it is sweating, feeling hot- my doc calls it the Savella flush (my face feels like its on fire sometimes) and it is common. I always take my meds with food, as it decreases the likelihood of upset stomach for all the other things i take for other ailments.

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I have been on savella for one month. i have experienced severe hot flashes, increased heart rate, insomnia, and terrible mood swings. I have just started reducing the dosage to get myself off this drug. I have lost weight but feel it has too many side effects for me. My blood pressure has gone sky high. And i usually don't have an issue with that. Not sure what else the Doc can put me on since i have tried them all :( but i know i cannot stay on savella.

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i was on cymbalta for fibro and recently switched to savella because of increased pain levels. The savella made me CRAZY. I would fly off the handle about anything. I think my husband is afraid of me now. This is so NOT me. Have to get off this drug.

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Even though you may have alleviated pain from your carpal tunnel, I encourage you to speak with your primary care or an orthopoedist. I have had both carpal and cubital tunnel surgeries on my right arm. You need to know that the nerve damage can become permanent in your hand; pain is our body's natural way of letting us know something is wrong.
I suspect your doctor will want to do an EMG on your arm to see how much nerve damage has occurred, and if you need to be taking more drastic action regarding the carpal tunnel.
In my experience, they generally will tell you to take an anti-inflammatory (as long as that does not interfere with any of your medications).

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I've been on Savella for 3 weeks now. My doctor gave me 4 of the 2 week titrated dosage packs - from 12.5 mg to 100 mg over the 2 weeks. So I take day 1 for 4 days, day 2 for 4 days, day3 for 4 days, etc. (I try not to figure that out or my brain shuts down! LOL) I just began the final week of 50mg twice a day - i.e. 100 mg/day. The last couple of days I've noticed some nausea. But the dr. has me on Prozac, Clonapin, Oxycodone 15mg 3 x a day and let that one run out on Thanksgiving day. No appointment before 11/28 at 11 a.m., altho I called 11/21. So I'm feeling a little berserk at this point. Oh - did I mention I had cataract surgery Tuesday and my grand-daughter wrecked my car (with me in it) on Wednesday????? I wish I knew how to scream in text. Well, yall have a nice day and a better one tomorrow.

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I was diagnosed with FMS about 4 years ago, but my pain started in 2004 after a car accident. I've been on many different pain meds and muscle relaxers, but I try not to take them everyday, because I can't function on them. I am one of those people who ALWAYS get side effects (sometimes extreme-hallucinations;eating every 20-30 mins for days! not sleeping for 2-3 days; extreme vision changes; mood swings;etc).

I was on Cymbalta for about 3 years, but it never really worked that well. I still had pain, I was always hungry and seemed to eat all day, I still had anxiety, (but my depression was a little better). I also had chronic fatigue. I alternated between sleeping all day and not sleeping for days! I took myself off the Cymbalta and suffered the same effects but more extreme. Then I started having these "electric impulses" in my brain!

The latest pain "specialist" gave me a 2-wk started pack of Savella. I was afraid to try it at first, but I finally gave in nearly 3 weeks ago. WELL, after the 2 weeks, I still have pain, extreme fatigue (alternating with insomnia) excessive sweating, racing thoughts, awful nausea, constipation, dry mouth, and I can't stop eating!!! The only good thing that I've noticed so far is that I haven't had as many migraines in the last 2 weeks. That's it. I don't know if I should continue the Savella, go back to Cymbalta, or just keep trying to find something natural! (Praying, singing, and laughing helps more than Savella or Cymbalta; at least those are all free!)

Still frustrated!

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