20mg Vs 40 Mg Of Viibryd (Page 5)
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I have been on Viibryd since Nov 1 2011. I began with the started pack (10mg/7 days , 20mg 7days then 40 mg). After being on it for 2 days my anxiety was TERRIBLE on the 40mg. I am now on 20mg and feeling pretty damn good...better than I have in years. Psychiatrist has agreed to keep me on 20mg and we will re-evaluate later.

My question is: are any of you on 20mg and staying there? If so, what are the pros and cons? How are you feeling...does it feel like that dose is enough?

134 Replies (7 Pages)

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Cutting in half with a pill cutter so they are equal sized doses are the same as taking 20 mg pills. I can't afford the meds so my dr gives me samples and I cut the 40's in half

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I haven't been able to take ANY psych meds since my heart attack cause of the heart meds but then Viibryd came out! My dr gave me a starter pack and I did the first week at 10mg then the 2nd week at 20mg and felt GREAT!!! I called my dr he said stay at 20mg to prevent a manic episode (I'm bipolar) and it is AWESOME!! It's been months and no weight gain plus I found a hidden benefit: I get migraines from chocolate but on Viibryd I'm eating M&M's by the big bag and NO WEIGHT GAIN OR MIGRAINES!!! My only issue is the cost. With Medicare it's too expensive but my dr gives me sample packs and I either take 2 of the 10 mg, half of a 40 mg or a 20 mg. I LOVE my dr!!!

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I started Vibryd starter pack in November. I have taken many different antidepressants in the past 30 years. I was on cymbalta when switched to Vibryd. I felt better within a week. The loose school has been the only side effect but has gotten better. However once on 40 mg for a couple of weeks, I felt zombie-like. I went back down to 20 mg and like it much better.

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Hi again...I had posted that the 40 mg was too much for me and dropped back to 20 mg...which didn't seem to be quite enough. Discussed this with my Dr. who agreed to try a combo of 20 mg. and 10 mg in the pm = 30 mg. Seems to be working! Just wanted to share! Still have some 'days' now and then, but anticipate this will subside as I move forward, re-engage more with activities that I enjoy and try to be more social and less isolationed. It's all good and I'm hopeful.

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Hi Becky,
I just started cutting my Viibryd 40 mg in half because the higher dose made me angry all the time, but I have some concerns re cutting the 40's in half' Viibryd is a coated pill - at all dosage levels, so if you cut one in half, you are removing the coating and I think that will have an effect on how fast the meds are absorbed and on what part of your gut the meds are absorbed in. My sweet doctor gave me several starter packs before I started taking the daily 40 mg (I took the higher dose for about 6 weeks - mean-city... do not give that woman a gun.) Anyway, I would ask around about the wisdom of cutting the pills in half. I certainly am going to do that.

By the way... it seemed to me that the pills in the starter pack worked better than the ones from the drug store - anyone else feel that way?

Good luck!

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2 days at the most. Since starting 20mg I'm also noticing small little white heads here n there. I'm.going to see a dermatologist to see what I may be able to use for it.

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Boopy how long did it take for the 20 to work

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I'm currently on 20mg which is a great level for me. I did visit my physician about the bloating which I immediately noticed because I have an athletic build. My physician prescribed for me Dicylomine also 20 mg an interesting enough the belly was gone. Speak with your Doctor and explain the side effects from the Viibryd. He should give the Dyicyclomine a shot for you. Happy travels with your meds.

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Just dropped back to 20 mg last week, as I found 40 mg TOO much for me, but I tend to be a little drug sensitive. Two aspirin for everybody else is only one for me, etc. So this was not a surprise and think I'm still seeking a 'level' point on 20 mg., but think it'll be fine.

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Hey this was REAL helpful. I love this mediciine and started with the 10, 20, and 40 pack. I haven't felt this good in YEARS, but I think the 40 is a little strong. I feel nausea but I thought it was sinus problem. I really like it but the 40 is a little strong. I am 54 yrs old and heavy weight. Wish their was a 30mg. Anyway I'm going to go to 20mg for a while. thanks everybody. Also as a sidebar, I haven't been smoking! Yay!

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Are you going to try the viibryd may I ask why your looking to switch pristique is it working for you!

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Thank you for your post...just reading your words made me feel better! I have been on "pristiq" for probably 3 years now - just recently went from 50mg to 100mg - I have the starter PAC for Viibryd - my doctor gave it to me to try - I'm glad I've found these reviews before trying...hope you are still doing well?!?

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R u still on viibryd how long did it take to work for u what do u suffer from depression anxiety ?

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R u still on viibryd

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Are u still on viibryd how long did it take to work for u

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Yup. I went all the way to 40 as suggested...bad results. Back to 10 and feel great. This stuff actually gives me a higher libido.

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I actually got better results at 10. 20 was bit light headed, 40 I was zombied. But 10 makes my libido incredible. Everyone is different. I am thrilled with this medication.

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Been on 40 mg. for 1.5 yrs. saved my life. One or two day stomach issue and that is it. Did not mind. Nice to exit crap. Lol. Hate being on pills. So trying to go down to 20 now. Getting headaches now and can tell. 40. Almost seemed like it gave me too much energy. Tough to go down. But my gut tells me to go lower

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Debbie what kind of side affects did u have?

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So what did u decide to do stay on viibryd 10mg or go with 20

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