2016 Cdc Guidelines For Prescribing Opioids For Chronic Pain (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedHey all fellow patients out there, did you know the CDC has published a list of their proposed 2016 guidelines for doctors who prescribe opioids for chronic pain? That includes oxycodone, lortab, percocet, hydrocodone, opana, suboxone, morphine, and any other drug that has an opiate ingredient in it that so many of us count on to lead normal lives! This affects all of us and the comment period ends on January 13 2016! That's about a week from now! You know the doctors are going to have to follow whatever federal rules pass so if you are worried that you might not get the care you need please go to the gov web site for the office of the Federal Register and submit your comments to them before it's too late! "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announces the opening of a docket to obtain public comment on the draft CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain (Guideline). The Guideline provides recommendations regarding initiation or continuation of opioids for chronic pain; opioid selection, dosage, duration, follow-up, and discontinuation; and assessment of risk and addressing harms of opioid use. The Guideline is intended to be used by primary care providers (e.g., family physicians or internists) who are treating patients with chronic pain (i.e., pain lasting longer than 3 months or past the time of normal tissue healing) in outpatient settings." https://federalregister.gov/a/2015-31375 Editor's note: Please note that the above statement "You know the doctors are going to have to follow whatever federal rules pass" is technically correct but may be misleading in this case because the CDC draft says that it is "not a federal regulation" and that "adherence to the Guideline will be voluntary." Editor's note # 2: The title for this discussion thread has been updated to reflect the topic most effectively.
some1whoknows, Jenny's insurance is Not through ACA. Tennessee did Not expand Medicaid.
Roy, THANK YOU for starting a brand new, current thread re: CDC'S 2016 Opioid Guideline for Doctors as it was sorely needed.
I just posted my comments. I also included the fact that Suboxone, which is a prescription medication for withdrawal of opiates, is completely out of reach for even patients with insurance can not afford. Those that want to get off pain medication stay on it just do to the fact that pain medication is much cheaper than Suboxone!!
WOW! I'm trying to read the quod lines and comments already posted and it's all very confusing. I don't understand many of the acronyms and the percentages and ratios make my head spin. Since an accident in 2000, numbers throw me for a loop. I can't even play cards anymore. Anyway, the comments are in two groups: pain patients who admit these guidelines will make things worse and parents whose kids became addicts and blame the doctors. Perhaps post surgery doctors should reconsider handing opiates out to young people or maybe THEIR PARENTS should give them their pills duh! I noticed many of the patients in any cohort were > 70 years old! Why was I included in a trial? Where do they get these folks from who prove the exact opposite to what we know to be true? Sign me up! Let the cdc pay for my time and meds for a couple years and I will prove them wrong on every level!
In the book, The Opiate Cure by Dr Robert Cochran, he states: "patients do not trust their doctors. We treat them only to our level of comfort and not theirs. With pill counts and U/A's we make the patients lie to us. They have to find multiple doctors and buy off the streets. We make them do that. Could it be that we could solve abuse by prescribing MORE generously? Look up Dr Robert Cochran. He was a good pain doc here in Nashville. Unfortunately he was forced to resign since he listened to his patients and actually helped them. When I was looking for a pain doc, a school administrator gave me his info and I found he quit the previous month. He has a couple books out about opiates--he knows what they are able to do-in a good way.
To All,
This is for GP and internists. Did anyone look at this? It is not for qualified pain specialists.
I agree. I had back surgery almost six yrs ago! That failed, they call it failed back surgery syndrome. And I got scar tissue on the nerve on my spine. And my pcp don't want to prescribe percocet that has helped before as long as take as needed!. So bcz of ppl abusing it, is ppl who have the chronic pain 24/7 have to take nsaids. Really they have put me on every nsaid around an a muscle relaxer methocarbamol aka roboxin. I feel very little relief. So now I have to suffer an have a hard time gettn up in the morning. Now my routine has changed to it takes about 4 hrs for me to get out the door with getting ready. I have to take long hot showers. I sit with a hot pk on my back every morning while drinking my coffee. Life now has been miserable since this surgery. Honestly plenty of drs said I would need the surgery by the time I turn 35. Now 41yrs old an I'm out of work, I'm very very depressed, and I always had a very clean house that now I'm so overwhelmed and anxiety is up because I have a hard time moving around. Takes hrs to do my things I did before. No dr seems to want to help. They automatically think we're all addicts because these narcotic medication are all that helps the pain. Ok so I understand they don't want ppl to get immuned. Either way your immuned because we need it. Believe me I don't want to take anything if not needed. I never took tylenol unless I couldn't handle the pain. But really the ones who want to stop prescribing these obviously have not had any type of chronic pain to know what it's like to live with. Anyway what I'm getting at is. There got to be other ways they can prescribe it and monitor the people on it. Or the ones who make it can't they come out with the same medicine but do something with the opiate part of it so that ppl won't get addicted to it.? With everything they can do today with technology there has to be a way where it can help the exact same but not have the addiction part to why it's doing that. And drs are the ones who prescribed these pills to begin with an knowing with the schooling they learned to be a dr knew and know the affects it has on ppl. Must remember some ppl didn't think they would be addicted because it was given by the drs. Anyway. I hope they can do something where the ones like us who have the chronic pain can get something other than nsaids which to me is like eating a tic tac. It does nothing to help the pain subside. And I feel like oh yeah they cared before to do the surgery to get there money. Then when we're like this everyday and I feel like I get treated very wrong. It's not right. And it's not fair to the ppl who really need it and the ones who been taking it and have no problems with it. I need it to help the pain and so I can get things done in my home. No one should have to suffer with chronic pain bcz of this. And I had lower lumbar surgery and 6 screws and 4 rods. Every day I regret having the surgery done. Thinking if I didn't would the pain be more intense then what I'm feeling now or would I be able to bare it. If I knew then what I know now that I have to be like this everyday, would not have had this surgery done. I also have other things going on with pain too. But this is the main one that I need medicine to help it.
Jaxx you need to be careful of your NSAID use. There's a mountain of studies which show how long term use of NSAIDs can cause heart attack, stroke and gastrointestinal problems like ulcers. Over 16,500 people die in America from bleeding ulcers caused by NSAID usage and another 100,000+ are hospitalized. These are some of the reasons doctors stopped long term NSAID usage in the past, but because of these new guidelines with opiates they appear to be looking the other way on these NSAID studies. Nothing surprises me anymore on what the government will pull next on the innocent. After all suffering human beings mean less than drug abusers now...
medicaide in past 6 months has killed 4 of my nieghbors been on same med. 25yrs or more then just cut off.Was not overdose it was inhumane pain could not live with anymore
You are sounding like the CDC. Those with real intractable pain require relief with opioids. Marijuana does not kill intractable pain also can increase paranoid, and anxiety. It is a JOKE.
P450 Sorry but I am as far from the CDC you can get and even view opiates as needed nutrients that should be OTC at Wal mart or the grocery store--I was under the impression the person had already been on opiates and was at the end of options, I'm not crazy about marijuana myself but the one time I smoked with my opiates was the only day I got distracted enough to do only four. I also know all the bs about opiates not helping with nerve pain or fibromyalgia is a lie--they have found that opiates will work, at twice the dose but of course good luck getting it. Oxycodone is the safest medicine there is, limited only by a users tolerance to side effects, if they have any. P450 I'm all for opiates and know that just under 100 years ago they prescribed them, successfully, for at least a dozen reasons other than pain. Sorry for going on like I am but cdc is a bunch of ignorant evil folk who really are clueless about what they are doing. I said all this because it seemed better than just saying, "I know you are but what am I?" LOL
To BL my name is ROBERT RAPER NOT RAPE (post 75) please pay attion I bet you have a OH YES WE CAN bumper sticker on your car and he IS THE PERSON WHO GAVE US OR RATHER SHOVED OBAMA CARE ON OUR HEALTH CARE SYSTEM I HAD NO PROBLEM GETTING MY MEDICANES TILL HE SICKED THE DEA ON DOCTORS. IM NOT RESPOSIBALE FOR PEOPLE WHO DONT DO THERE JOBS AS PARENTS just know you Don't Have To Agree with me but at least get my last name right Pay Attion.
BL by the way I vote if it's just Dog catcher I hope we get a President Who Will Never Appoligize For America And I Pray DONALD TRUMP OVER TURNS BARACK HUSSIAN OBAMA CARE that's what I Hope For We need a good President Not A Career Polition.
To BL, I thank you for a very kind heartfelt apology. I do not know what cut and paste are I'm not that Bright. I am sorry I reacted to the name thing. I hated my last name for a long time when I was younger but I embrace it now so I'm sorry to be so mean to you. I hope you will Forgive me. I know the President is not Doing it All. I know his Mother passed from Cancer. my Mother did to at my Home. Mama did not want to die in a nursing home. she didn't but she had a Lot of Pain. President Obama would Care for All of us. I woke hurting really bad this morning. it's a little past 4 in the morning. it just makes me very Mad that Folks like All of us on this Thread Have to wonder who will help us. I have Enough Pain medication if I'm real stingy to last About a year. I Pray BL that You or P450 or Any Legitimite person LIVING in Pain should know our DR has the Best Treatment For All in Pain that I'm afraid is Opioids. nothing else makes life bearable for so Many of us. I don't think a person should have to be Rude to Get a DR to write a pain prescription. it should be seen as a needed thing. we All want to live with as much Dignity as we can. I saw the writing on the wall about 18 months ago and I for the First Time started to take my meds a lot less so I'd have some put back And I Hoped it was just Paranonoia on My Part As we All Know it Won't. I do not see where the Crime is in Cronic Pain Patients Having the Medication We Require. I'm Not a Addict Or Are Others in Pain. But Unfortunately for us people have to get to Know And Care to be able to tell sometimes. I'm a Robust male. I used to be a very Good Machinist and Mechanic. I Love Old Harley's when I worked. I have a Old Friend who could tell when I Hurt worse than usual by my voice so I know it's very Obvious to anyone to See a DR should not be fooled. they have our Records MRIs and can observe us. I have No Dr Now. mine let me go in September because of the DEA and I Do Disagree with the way she handled it But I Do Understand Her concerns About Her Medical Licence. I know a Dr works. I think this is a slippery slope, the DEA has no place in a patients treatment. All the Drs I Have seen Do Not Hand Out Medication to All. its just not that easy. I'm going to be self sufficient for the opiates I need to walk. you can grow poppies. I Do Not Judge. I Think We have to Do the best we can for our selves and Burpe Seeds. they call them Bread Seed Poppies. they are in Fact Paver Soriuiom. I know my spelling stinks I have a 8th grade education. I joined the army when I was 16. we all got a GED so if we came back from Vietnam in a body bag they could say they got an education. I have a little community collage; a couple years. So I'm not a genius But I Do Have A Lot Of Practical Sense. I Know When I'm Geting The Short End Of The Stick. I Feel we All Are Getting This and it makes me Angry. I have Lost A Lot in this Life as I'm sure we all can say that. I'm Not Going To Be Put Away So Easily. I Hope we all Get Mad that way we will discuss things like here I Do Not Care About A Person's Political Leanings. I Do Care That We All Vote And If Some Have A Yes We Can Sticker That's Good Too. I'm Proud That America Isn't The Racist Country It Was. I Do Wish The President Was A Very Competent Person But I Could Not Do That Job So Enough of That. Just Vote with Your Conscience. That's A Good American. We Do Not Have To Agree On All Things But I Will Still Defend Anyone's Right To There Opinion. You Can Kill a Person But Not an Idea. I Thank You All. I'm With You. we are really all in the same Boat. BL I am sorry to have Been Rude. I'm Trying To Not Be Touchy About My Name. I Apologize To You And Anyone Who I May Have Offended And So Everyone Knows, The Fine People Who Started This Thread Did Not Tell Me To Do Any Apologizing. I Know When I Have Been Wrong. I Am Truly Sorry.
When i finally made it to UM,John Hopkins they thought if was perfect candidit for Nano surger yBut after beingon medicaid for before i got United Health care when they gave me blood test which they had touse Utlra sound machine to even get blood becuse thieving murdering medicad would not even give me antinausua med. I was told i had chronic radiation poising from FL.medicaid giving me uneceary cat scans n mris over n over again. They said my immune systmem was so comprimised i could never have any more surgery not even non evasive. I was told i should be quaranted pain relief at end of life theyre nothing more that can be done. Well now i cant even get primary to look at my med. records n forced back on medicaide i cant even get potasuim pills to help me take care of my self.What little life i had left is nothing but pain falling down more weakness.,told im going to have a stroke my BP so high becusse of pain . Murder is Murder I dont care what kind of label gun speacilaist have shoved up theri ass. I want Dr.s Back
For SomeOne Who Knows you are on the Wrong Thread. This is For People Who Live In Pain if you Hurt you Would Stop All Of the Name Calling it only makes YOU LOOK PATHETIC that's what you'd be where I'm from live a life with Some Love For the Pain Jenny Must Suffer and have You Never Needed Help I hope you are not the way your post says you are GROW UP that's what you need the good ole Govt would get your Taxes and You Are Not The Only Person Who Pays Taxs.
For Some1whoknows nothing please research before spewing your ignorance on this page. I worked longer than you have been alive I didn't ask for this insurance if your do your research you have no choice I paid more taxes than you probably earned in your life and 4 months of all the working years you need glasses and do research on true addiction and chronic pain tolerate or would that be to hard for you?
Wow there is a lot of anger in these comments. It's safe to say we are all dependent on these meds. Everyone needs to take a xanax and chill.
Thanks Robert. I know how sucky chronic pain can be. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Other than the physical pain is the emotional pain of dealing with docs. Addicts and pill mill operators have made it rough for legit patients. Dr treats there lifelong patients like addicts now and pharmacists give you the old stink eye. There's a difference between addiction and dependence but it seems they have forgotten there hypocratic oath; to first do no harm.
They have not learned the mistakes of the past look up the laws from the late 1800'S until 1980's it is repeating I wish I had link on me but can easily be found looking up through google history of... thank you all very much on personal experience of the laser surgery I take it all in sadly the nerve that is damaged is hurting him in the area no man can bare and has turned him into a bear.. I think he could handle it better anywhere else. That along with the whole process we all know the routine of finding an honest knowledgeable doctor. He had one but retired. Since he had one tell him phantom pain!?!? The next we rushed in and his jeans were still in dryer.. my fault so he had to wear ones a little tight.. sadly that was the doctors excuse his pain was from wearing tight jeans! They don't realize how ridiculous that sounded and how far from normal truth that was. And sorry men but it's hard enough to get most of you to doctors as it is especially going through that humiliation.
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