Migraine / Tension Headache

This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Migraine / Tension Headache, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.

Migraine / Tension Headache Overview

Migraine (UK: , US: ) is a genetically-influenced complex neurological disorder characterized by episodes of moderate-to-severe headache, most often unilateral and generally associated with nausea and light and sound sensitivity. Other characterizing symptoms may include vomiting, cognitive dysfunction, allodynia, and dizziness. Exacerbation or worsening of headache symptoms during physical activity is another distinguishing feature. Up to one-third of people with migraine experience aura, a ...

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Recent Migraine / Tension Headache Forums: RSS Feed

topaz25 and topaz 50 tab

i suffering from he-deck pain almost center place of head the dr. Nero phisyion give me this topaz25 and topaz 50 tab ones a day 1st days t 25 then next 20 days t 50 he according to dr. i got migraine decease so tell me this was right treatment or not ## hi kanak. m not a doctor . bt i m taking the same topaz 25 from last 2 years .. doctors r not sure for my headche, reason they gave it a name called cluster headche .. because m having a very differnt kind of headche .. in which no pain killer works .. duration of pain is atmost 45 minute .. plz feel free to share ,, ## i got seizures and i have this same medicine i ve been eating this thing for a year now

Imitrex and pain around surgical site

I got a migraine a week after my shoulder replacement surgery and took a shot of Imitrex. It felt like the medication went into my arm, it was a bizarre feeling. It created pain in my entire upper arm. I’ve had three migraines and used my shots (in my thigh) all three times and had the same experience, like intensely painful to the surgical site and below it. I’ve looked online and can’t find anything about it. I’m just curious if I’m the only one that’s ever experienced this?

Updated in Imitrex
I have safely taken my pain medications for 10 years without ever having a problem, my MD will no longer prescibe, it is unfair to the patient

I have been on Fiorinal w Codeine and Fioricet as well as Valium for Sleep. I have 3 herniated disks in my back, Scloroisis, Nerve Damage in my left leg and Chronic Migraines. No Doctors in Rhode Island will any longer prescribe medication, if they do it is only one medication, I used to get all 3 of my medications for these problems from one Doctor who was my primary until he informed me that he could no longer write those. If anyone know's anyone in Rhode Island Please Help! ## Hello Thank you for your reply. I was wondering if this is just in Rhode Island, becuase I am close to the border of Massachusett's. Perhaps I might be able to find a good Family Physician there? My regular Md, just told me to go to see a pain Specialist and that they have alternative ways of managing p...

Updated in Fioricet with Codeine
L374 Pill

The L374 oblong white pill is generic Excedrin Migraine. I don't understand why everyone has problems looking up drugs. (And by the way, take it from an addict - you shouldn't use, hydrocodone, or any opiates or drugs at all as these can easily cause your heart to stop. Get sober and be somebody that gives back to the world). ## @RockieAnn, Thanks for taking the time to share that pill information. And just to confirm for anyone else who might be reading, this pill is in fact a generic Excedrin, containing: Acetaminophen 250 mg + Aspirin 250 mg + Caffeine mg (NDC 0113-0374). NOT Hydrocodone. I realize with a lot of people posting for help on identifying something, they don't always know what to type in a search field and may be thinking that it's just easier for someone ...

Updated in Hydrocodone
Mikart generic fioricet

Does Mikart make a generic Fioricet? I know they stopped making it for awhile, but they definitely worked the best for me. Hopefully, they will again!! ## Yes I was getting that same generic for Fioricet and had the MIA on one side and 110 on the other I believe those worked very well it seems like every time something works well they take it away ## Is Mikart still making the generic Fioricet 110? My pharmacy says it can no longer get it. ## Hi Dee, yes they do. It's a white oblong pill that says MIA on one side and 110 on the other side. That pill worked the best for me as far as any generic for Fioricet; and the Mikart brand is so difficult to get. They actually sold it to another company. If you need further details I can give you the company’s name and they will find a lo...

Updated in Fioricet
Nurtec ODT - Worked well for abdominal migraines

I get abdominal migraines, basically it’s a migraine in your stomach instead of your head and it’s absolutely horrible. It’s like a stabbing pain with nausea and vomiting, and also diarrhea. Should I try to put anything in my stomach it’s immediately rejected however my body can figure out how to do that and they last between one and three days. This medication aborted an episode, it took about four hours instead of the one hour it claims, but it actually worked. I could tell I was still in pain because I was kind of hunched over when I would walk and I would catch myself doing the stomach pain type of breathing, if you’ve had that kind of pain you know what I’m talking about. But I was detached, it was like I was observing pain but not feeling it. I ...

Updated in Nurtec Odt
How soon can I take Klonopin after Fioricet?

Is it safe if I took fioricet about 4 hours ago and then take klonopin? ## Has your doctor prescribed them both? The problem with taking them together is due to the Butalbital in the Fioricet and the Clonazepam in the Klonopin, some barbiturates can reduce the efficacy of Benzodiazepines, so the Klonopin may not be as effective for you, as it was, at its regular dosage. However, conversely, the Benzodiazepines can increase the amount of the Barbiturate that your body absorbs and, in some cases, where people where taking high doses of both, it has resulted in an overdose. ## Yes, the dr prescribed both. I took a klonopin two hours ago as of writing this. Now I have headache and need to know if I can take a fioricet? ## How long do I have to wait to take tramadol or nyquil after taking fi...

Updated in Fioricet
Depakote, Kepra, & Topamax

What are the side effects of a combination of all three medicines for a seizure disorder? Have been on the Depakote and Topamax for years with the Kepra only recently added for partial seizures. I noticed that my hair is now thinning dramatically and I'm now suffering from insomnia! I'm thinking it may have something to do with the addition of the Kepra. Am I correct? Is there a solution for this problem? Has anyone else ever come across this problem or complaint? I will, of course, consult my neurologist before doing anything. Just wanted to know what you thoughts. ## The basic side effect profile remains the same, and the FDA lists it as including things like nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, sedation, mood changes, weight changes, and the hair loss that you mentioned, however, t...

Updated in Depakote
Emgality Reviews

Has anyone tried this medication called Emgality? ## It’s really weird that since 2019 nobody has come to this website to post anything about Emgality? I have a hard time believing that considering all the bad reviews out there. Is the Emgality manufacturer paying to keep these terrible side effects off this site? This is really upsetting as I’ve used and trusted this website for five years at least, it’s bad enough they’re paying the neurologist to tell people there are zero side effects FYI, if a medical professional tells you there are zero side effects you need to run from whatever medication they are trying to give you because that’s the biggest lie ever. Emgality side effects per patients: [1] Emgality Patient Reviews ## No, this site is not being pai...

Updated in Emgality
Side effects of frova..worried

I am 23 and suffer from migrain headaches..I was put on three medicines for it..One to take everyday to stop it from coming called propanolol 20mg and on top of this im supposed to take frova 2 of them 2.5 mg each and then i take 1 naprosyn 500mg.I just started these last week.The first one is ro stop them from coming and the other 2 are if they come anyway to stop the pain and to stop them from progressing.I took the first one like i usually do before bed.I then took 1 of the last pill.That didnt work so then i took 2 of the frova which i hadnt taken before.After i took the frova i now am sweating but i feel cold and i have tightening and pain right under my chin like in my jaw and i looked it up and this is a serious side effect.Im wondering if i should go to the hospital and when it ...

Updated in Frovatriptan

Migraine / Tension Headache Medications (138 results)