Butapap Forums

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I took Butapap with caffeine approx 27 hours before I had a random drug test, will it show? ## Since the drug you are referring to Acetaminophen + Butalbital + Caffeine is prescribed for migraines, then if you can show that you have a prescription for it you should be fine. The only thing is that Butalbital is a barbiturate, so if the drug test is looking for barbiturates then it would come up positive. But it's not like you would have narcotics in your system or anything heavy like Oxycodone, so if you can simply explain your migraine situation they should understand. Good luck! Roy ## The other thing to note is that Butapap is not exactly the same drug as what you had described above (but/apap/caf). It has the same ingredients, just without the caffeine. A popular brand name for t...

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