Maxalt Forums
Recently active Maxalt forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Maxalt and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I took one maxalt for a migraine and saw my pain dr. I also take percocet and my urine came back positive for lortab. I never took one. Is this possible? They sent it to the lab. ## So are you saying that your urine test came back positive specifically for Lortab, or did it just show positive for opiates in general? What did the doctor say about the result. I assume they are aware of your Maxalt prescription?
white round pill with imprint of triangle over a circle on both sides ## Hi Brian, The closest match I can find is Maxalt-MLT (Rizatriptan) 5 mg; which is used in the treatment of migraine and belongs to the drug class anti migraine agents. Manufacturer: Merck & Company Inc. National Drug Code (NDC): 00006-3800 Learn More: Maxalt- MLT Details I hope this helps!