Side Effects Of Frova..worried


I am 23 and suffer from migrain headaches..I was put on three medicines for it..One to take everyday to stop it from coming called propanolol 20mg and on top of this im supposed to take frova 2 of them 2.5 mg each and then i take 1 naprosyn 500mg.I just started these last week.The first one is ro stop them from coming and the other 2 are if they come anyway to stop the pain and to stop them from progressing.I took the first one like i usually do before bed.I then took 1 of the last pill.That didnt work so then i took 2 of the frova which i hadnt taken before.After i took the frova i now am sweating but i feel cold and i have tightening and pain right under my chin like in my jaw and i looked it up and this is a serious side effect.Im wondering if i should go to the hospital and when it will stop?Im worried and i looked for a triage hotline to call a nurse and couldnt find one around here.I dont wanna get a three year old out of bed to go to the ER if im gonna be fine.Im just nervous.Im not taking it again,i know that for sure.

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2 family members have had adverse reactions from naproxen, same as the one you described. They didn't take more than the standard dose, it just didn't sit well with them. I don't know what frova is.

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Anytime you are experiencing symptoms like this that make you fearful for your life, you should definitely seek emergency medical attention, rather than posting online, and waiting for advice. While there is always the chance that it's nothing serious, the risks associated with the serious issues it can cause definitely make it worth driving to your nearest ER, or calling paramedics.

Ref: Frova Information

The FDA lists the typical side effects of Frovatriptan as possibly including nausea, dizziness, hot flashes or chills, tiredness, and belching.

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