What Is This Large Red Capsule With No Markings

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Found 2 red capsules (looks like white powder inside) in a small clear plastic sealed bag. ## If there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to narrow down what thse contain. We can rule them out as being U.S. prescription drugs, since those are all required to have markings to enable their identification. However, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products or even a foreign medication. Where they found in the U.S. or elsewhere? ## Hello I have the exact same type of pill. It has white powder in it, no markings, and when I opened it it smelled really sweet. I am thinking possibly a cranberry vitamin/supplement??? Are there any products that are packaged like that?

2 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

its a big red pill with letters or numbers on it. its about 2.5 cm long. it gets bigger at the top. Also at the top before it gets round, theres a darker red line and tiny holes punched under the line going in a circle. ## If there are no markings on it, it is going to be difficult to determine exactly what this contains. We can rule it out as being a U.S. prescription medication, since they are all required, by law, to have markings to enable their identification, however, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products. There is also a small chance that it could be a foreign medication. Was it found in the U.S. or elsewhere? ## sorry never mind i found out it was a diet pill but thanks for the help.


Deep red color, very large, 150mg. I feel very shaky and my eyes are very twitchy. I took 2 yesterday and 1 today. I dont remember what it said on the pill, or if it even said anything. ## You took them and you don't know what they are? Without knowing the markings or active ingredient, we are operating on pure guesswork. Even knowing the dosage was 150mgs and the color still leaves it open to many possibilities. Can you tell me where you found, or obtained them? That may help to narrow it down. ## I found a large red capsule with white powder inside, any idea what it could be? I was cleaning out cabinet and found about twenty inside a bottle that supposedly contained antibodics


I was given some pills, being told they are THC pills, but I'm unsure. They are very big (long) dark brownish/red in color, and when I poked it this bright yellow stuff is inside.....the pill has no markings on it. I have been looking online but can't seem to identify it. It is not nabilone, or maridol, or any of those. Can someone help out? Another friend took one, said it was very mild, like having a small amount of cannabis......but still wondering what they are, thanks. ## Hello Sarah, Unfortunately without having an imprint or some sort of marking it would be near impossible to tell you the actual contents of the pill and I strongly recommend not taking any pills that you are unsure of their contents. Realistically there could be anything in an unmarked pill and a number of...


off white or white oblong capsule with red stripe dividing the capsule off center - what is this? no other markings seen. ## Unfortunately, if there are no markings, the only way to positively identify it would be to pay to have it lab tested. It could be any one of a large number of over the counter items or foreign medications. We can, however, rule out it being a legal, U.S. prescription drug, since they are all required, by law, to have markings to enable their ID. There is a capsule from Redline that meets this description, it is sold as an over the counter, body building supplement for weight lifters and athletes. It contains a proprietary blend of: Caffeine, Evobum, L-Tyrosine, Guggulsterone, Yerba Mate, Green Tea, Tryptophan, Vinpocetine and Yohimbine. Has anyone used this produ...

1 REPLY Filed under Caffeine

blue and white capsule no markings, with reddish brown powder inside. ## If there are no markings, it may be difficult to determine exactly what this contains. We can rule it out as being a U.S. manufactured prescription medication, because they are all required to have imprints to enable their identification, but it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products. There is also a small chance that it could be a foreign medication. I will keep looking into this to see if I can find an identification. Does anyone else have any ideas?


What is in a medicine capsule which is white on one end and yellow on the other, with a circular red stripe in the middle, separating the two halves? There are no letters or numbers, and it's maybe 3/4 of an inch long. ## Hi, Tom! Where did you find it? Since there are no markings on it, we can rule it out as being a U.S. prescription medication, since they are required to have imprints on them to enable their identification and compounding pharmacies use plain capsules, not multicolored like this. That means that it is most likely something that's available over the counter and the leaves it open to a large number of possibilities. And that is the reason I asked where you found it, some products are regional, so knowing the general location may help to narrow it down. Does anyo...


this was half red and half brown, when I broke the capsule open it smelt herbal no numbers or other marks were on the pill ## If there are no markings, then it will be impossible to positively identify, unless you would pay to have it lab tested. It could, however, be Valerian root, as it does have a strong, herbal smell to it, but there is no way we can be certain of it. It could be any one of a large number of foreign medications or over the counter items. Where was it found?


Found White capsules with Red Band sealing capsule size 0-00 no other markings on capsules ## can you help me identify the capsule I found. it is not quite an inch long. it is white pill witha wide red band around the center. it has no marking on it. it is a large capsule. ## I have a white capsule. No markings. About 3/4" long and 1/4" wide. I am hoping it is an antibiotic. Thank you, Tammy


I found serveral large beige capsule with a red line in the middle of the capsule. There is a beige substance inside What is is ## If there are no markings on them, it is going to be difficult to determine exactly what these contain. We can rule them out as being a U.S. manufactured prescription product, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification. However, they could have been something specially ordered and done by a compounding pharmacy, or they could be any one of a large number of over the counter items. Where were they found?


I found this pill on my house, and I was wondering what it could be? It's blue and white with a thin red line in the middle. And between the blue and red its almost a black line. ## Are there any markings, or logos on it? If not, we can rule it out as being a U.S. manufactured prescription medication, because they are all required to have unique markings to enable their identification. However, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter items. There is also a small chance that it could be a foreign medication.


large red / orange capsule with powder in it ## Are there any markings on the capsule? That is what would enable us to identify it, if there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to narrow down what it contains. If there are no markings, it can be ruled out as a U.S. prescription medication, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification. However, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products or even a foreign medication. Was it found in the U.S.?


No markings ## I am sorry, but if there are no markings, it will be impossible for us to positively identify. The only thing we can say for certain is that it is not a U.S. prescription drug. However, it could be any one of a large number of foreign or over the counter medications. I really wish I could help more.


found some large capsules that are solid in color. blue, yellow, red, orange, and white. All contained in a small clear plastic package. Wondering what this may be. Thanks for hte help ## Are there any markings of any type on them? Letters, numbers or logos? The colors don't actually mean anything and if there are no markings, then there are a couple likely possibilities. The first would be that someone just purchased empty capsules for their own personal use, some people do create their own supplements or medications. They may be something that's available over the counter. Learn more OTC drug details here. Or they may be a foreign medication. Is there anything in them?


The pill is rather large, came in a silver package of some sort but the markings on that can't be read. On the capsule itself all it says is Contac-C, twice. Thank you for helping. ## Contac is a brand name, the company makes cold and flu products, they are available over the counter. Contac-C is a 12hour cold capsule, it contains Acetaminophen, Diphenhydramine and Pseudoephedrine. Do you have any other questions? ## Need help identifying: Clear capsule, red ring around the center, filled with white and pink beads. The capsule has no markings on it. Came in blister pack, says "cold capsule" and "nasal decongestant/Antihistamine". Blister pack has number, 94820000xa. Need to know if this is non-drowsy or night-time formula. Thanks.

2 REPLIES Filed under Acetaminophen

Off white capsule with the numbers: 93 typed above the #s3109. They're on both halves of the capsule. I think some sort of pain medicine. Not sure. ## off white capsule; 93 over 3109 ## Purple and Gray Capsule ST-3FE on Purple side 224 / 3850 on Gray side Light brown powder inside ## it's a blue and orange capsule with the letters WRP104 on the orange half and 70 mg on the blue half ## found capsule/pill red and blue with tan band in middle inside is white and solid like tylenol....no markings at all on th outside....maybe nothing at all, but it is strange to my home, and I have g-children. ## DARK GREEN--LIGHT GREEN J2 J2 ## GXP Capule Lt. Beige, Top looks larger that bottom because of the joint where the top and bottom join, but the bottom of the cap looks smaller. My dog chew...

10 REPLIES Filed under Tylenol

They have no identification code. One is half red and half white. The other is a solid dark purple, and yes they are both capsules. They are normal sized capsules. ## HI, Dannyboy! How are you? If there are no markings on them, then we can rule them out as being U.S. approved and manufactured prescription medications, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification. That means that they are most likely something that's available over the counter and that leaves it open to a pretty large list of possibilities that include both medications and supplements. Where did you find them? Some products are regional, so knowing the general location may help to narrow it down. Does anyone else recognize these capsules?


Blue and white capsule with red and black in the middle. Inside are small granules. Can you tell what over the counter med. It is? ## Hello, Linda! How are you? I'm sorry, but no. The colors don't mean anything and are entirely up to the whit and whim of the manufacturer. Without markings, it could be any one of a large number of possibilities. However, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this capsule?


Has anyone ever gotten dilaudid from a compound pharmacy before? I live in Florida brought my script to this pharmacy and when I picked them up they were red capsules with no markings? When I got home I googled the pharmacy and it is apparently a compound pharmacy, I just moved from New York and have never heard of such a thing? ## Hi, Dave! If you're unsure, contact the pharmacy to double check, they shouldn't have any problem with it. However, compounding pharmacies are pretty common in most large areas and major cities, especially near large hospitals. They make the medications to order according to doctor specifications, so their capsules have no markings, they aren't required to, since they aren't manufactured drugs, such as those you would receive from a regular ph...

2 REPLIES Filed under Dilaudid

Same size and shape of a skittle candy piece. Red. Found the bottle the date on it is december 2 1955. On the bottle it said take every four hours that you are awake. And it says its a prescription. ## Interesting find, but I am afraid that narrowing down exactly what this is may be difficult. Are there any logos or anything on the tablets? I know things weren't regulated quite as strictly back then, but some companies still used certain logos and markings to denote their products and there were laws already in place, under the fairly new FDA. Under those laws, the label should state what it is to be taken for, such as for pain, nausea or etc. Does anyone have an idea of what this might be? ## I have a bottle of pills from 1955 relatively large capsules with no logo on them. On the ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

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