Stop Period Bleeding Tablet Name

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I have really heavy periods and painful all through my period is there anything i can take to stop / lighten it (a.s.a.p) ## Have you had an exam and any testing done to discover what's causing the problem? There are various reasons that you may be experiencing such symptoms, ranging from ovarian cysts to perimenopause, so it's important that you discover what the main issue may be, in order to properly treat it. There is no miracle drug that will just fix all such menstrual related problems for every woman that has them. ## medicines to stop me from bleeding ## Taking approx 800mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours can slow or stop completely for some women. This should not be used as a long term option. ## Hi, it's my second day of my period and i'm travelling tomorow , is the...

8 REPLIES Filed under Ibuprofen

I'm 36 years old, since last month my periods have been irregular. Spotting was there for 10 days only, then my Gyno prescribed me medicine so that I can get my regular period and she suggested a pelvic scan. I'm now done with my pelvic scan and I have a simple cyst in my Ovary, and now I'm suffering with heavy bleeding since the last 8 days. I also took 2 tablets of Pause 500mg, and two doses of Pause 1g. inj., but there is no effect and I'm still having heavy bleeding. What should I do now?

I am 21 Years old. Tuesday Started my periods .i take sysron tablets daily but my periods do not control how to i stop my periods....and i have abdomen pain also then monday i will go to pooka so please help me ## Hi My name is prulo..its been two weeks with my periods soo i want to stop and my periods is too heavy wich tablet can i take to stop my periods? ## My age is 29 my periods last for 20 n more days I have to take tablets to stop periods now doctor has suggested me to take sysron-NCR. . Is it works?? ## I am 22 years old..I missed my periods for i am takeing sysron ncr 15 suggested by doctor...when I will expect my periods?


I been having heavy bleeding with big clots for almost 1 month already. What is wrong with me? Is it cancer? How to stop it? Please advice. ## You need to see your dr ASAP. If you don't have a dr, call a OB/Gyn and get an appointment. ## I m 16 years old... I have long period for 20 days. I am a student n because of it I'm not feeling comfortable. pls recommend me some tablet! ## I can't stop bleeding and its heavy with big clots for 1mnth nw wat should b the problem and wat can I use to stop ## I have a long period for 3 weeks now. Please can you tell me if what medicine i can take to stop bleeding. Thank you ## You can take Taver-MF tablet in bid for ten days. ## am a feeding mother... after Fourth month of delivery, I noticed heavy flow of bleeding after my menses... what...

20 REPLIES Filed under Cancer

Hi. I'm 19 yrs old and just started my period today. I heard that taking 800mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours can temporarily stop the bleeding. My question is, does it work for any kind of ibuprofen or just the red ones? I have white 600mg tablets. Can I use those and they will work just as effectively? ## Hi Lydia, Based on my research, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as Ibuprofen or naproxen) may help reduce menstrual bleeding by decreasing the production of substances called prostaglandins. I haven't read anything about certain colored tablets having a greater effect than others in this regard, so I'm thinking that is just something which can only be determined through trial and error. Cramp bark is also a natural alternative touted for it's use in alleviatin...

10 REPLIES Filed under Ibuprofen

I want to stop my bleeding during my periods. Is there any medicine you can recommend? ## I had a serious bleeding for 2weeks after I. Use PRiMOLUTEit stop for 2days it y started again like spotting for. Another 2weeks and not yet stop ## I AM 52 I AM STILL HAVING MENSES REGULARLY BUT THIS TIME THE BLEEDING STARTED ON 19TH AUG AND IS CONTINUING TILL DATE (20/09/2012) AND IS VERY HEAVY .I HAVE TO CHANGE 3-4 PADS DAILY ACCORDING TO SONOGRAPHY DONE 4 DAYS AGO I HAVE NUMEROUS FIBROIDS THE BIGGEST IS APPROX 5CMS I FEEL VERY WEEK ALTHOUGH MY HAEMOGLOBIN COUNT IS STILL 12 PLZ ADVICE ## I have gotten mty period 10 days early, very heavy. it has now lasted 12 days and continuing to get heavier even after the Doc prescribing me Primoult for the last 4 days, i have no idea and the stress is very s...

15 REPLIES Filed under Women's Health / Fertility

Hai am 20 years. i want to stop my bleeding on 5th day of my periods.. due to long journey.. can you suggest me a tablet with out causing any problem.. please rply me soon.. ## I am 19 I want to stop my period for 5 days only please name Tha tablet ## Today is my fist day and I need to stop my periods immediately they arrived a week early than the regular schedule, I have to go on a holiday tomorrow.

2 REPLIES Filed under Nikki

Hi. I had a miscarriage one the 2 nd of June and was given a pill to make everything come out. My problem is I'm still bleeding and its almost the end of June despite taking the combined pill soon after I miscarried. Is there a pill I can take to stop the bleeding? ## Hi! I had a miscarriage last week.. For legal reasons i have no choice but to have it at home..but now im having chills and fever and bad smelling discharge.. what antibiotic should I take? Thanks. ## My GF had miscarraige lastmonth until today she always bleeding. What medecine she maybe take? ## Call your MD ASAP. If u dont have a family Dr. call a Hospital or Emergency room, where an RN might answer your questions. Give it a try! Hope all goes well. God bless! ## I am not a Dr or RN so only advise I can give you is ...


Hi I'm taking cyklokapron tablets for my periods to stop them it says on the box to take 3 tablets 3 times a day does that mean I take 3tablets in the morning and 3 in the evening time and 3 more at nite so that's 9 tablets a day am I rite please help me thank u

Filed under Cyklokapron

Been bleeding for 10 days how can I stop my period ## Hello, Dee! How are you? There are various things that could cause this, some listed by the NIH include medications, hormonal imbalances and miscarriage. Have you consulted your doctor? That would be the first step to discovering what the problem is and how to solve it. Are you on any medications?


Is this medicine taken to stop post pregnancy bleeding or incase of heavy regular bleeding during periods? ## Based on my research, GYNAE-C.V.P. contains the following ingredients: calcium lactate (300 mg) + ferrous gluconate (67 mg) + menadione (0.66 mg) + citrus bioflavonoids (150 mg) + vitamin C (75 mg). Apparently this medication/supplement is listed as a preventative and therapeutic measure against Post-partum bleeding; but also has a number of other uses relating to pregnancy as well. You may want to discuss proper dosing with your doctor however, if you feel that it's not doing enough for you. How long have you been taking it for? ## Heavy bleeding dats y doc suggested dis ## continus of 18 day plz sajus the madicin. ## Hi. I have a problem with excessive blee...

5 REPLIES Filed under Ferrous Gluconate

Writing on behalf of my mom..she has always has probs with period..has fibroids on the uterus. Was taking novelon pill for 1.5 to 2 months at a stretch..then started getting break out doc was consulted who suggested 2 regestrone pills. even after that she was having little spotting and clotting (very minimal) after which she informed the doc and had 3 pills. From 5th day of period she again took 2 regestrone pills but same spotting happened and started taking 3 after which the bleeding stopped completely. Please tell me is this anything to worry about? what does this mean? ## I've been bleeding for a whole month. My doc says to use the regestrone tablet for one month but I got my period within 10 days. What can I do? ## My doctor prescribed me regestrone for 15 days to...


I had period bleeding 3 times in a month, it means every 15 days and it finished after 3 days as usual. The doctor suggest that I take 2 Primolut 5 mg tablets for 10 days. I have still bleeding . How many tablet should I takethat bleeding stop? ## Every 15 days would not be 3 times a month, since no month has more than 31 days. Has there been any change in the bleeding? How long have you been bleeding and how heavy is it? The NIH lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and irregular menstrual cycles.

1 REPLY Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

My period is very heavy and can come anytime. I was booked for surgery and I'm bleeding so I really need help to stop it as soon as possible. Thanks ## Hello, Lilchy! How are you doing? Sorry about the problem that you're having. However, no medications are prescribed or diagnoses given on this website. Have you consulted a doctor? Usually, such an issue is caused by some type of hormonal imbalance and it can be easily rectified by correcting that, via hormonal medications.


Madam I m visali from periods were started a week days back, but in those 3 days, I hav no bleeding at all, simply dry..but bleeding started heavy from 4th day am suffering from over to get stop? pl advise any medicine.. ## I am from Hyderabad, India. am already posted my query..and my health prob..what am experiencing.. pl post any advise suitable to my health issue. ## Have you consulted a doctor? For a condition like this, it is very important that you see a medical professional to determine what's causing the problem and to find a proper treatment solution. ## Madam I m visali from periods were started a week days back, but in those 3 days, I hav no bleeding at all, simply dry..but bleeding started heavy from 4th day am suf...


Hi I am going with my boyfriend on holiday trip my periods get started. I want to stop it on 3rd day. Which medicine can work? Please suggest ## Hiii i m.deepmala coming with my friend for holiday n my periods started today i want to stop those for 2 days atleast plzzz suggest me something ## My period started today and i want it to stop by tomorrow. What drug can help?? ## I started with my periods today... But I'm going out with my hubby tomorrow.... So want to stop my periods just fr 2 days.... Pls suggest something. ## Helo ,, I want to stop my period for 2 days ,, please help me ,, how to I stop ,, ## I want to stop my period for 10 which medicine l have to use.. ## Hi I want to stop my bleeding for going on vacation. which medicine will be helpfull? When should I tak...


Hi, I was taking Regestrone to postpone my perdios, but after taking it for 3 days 1 time a day, i started bleeding today. Is there anyway i can stop my bleeding as i have to attend a religious function on 29th dec ## Hi madam How to postpone bleeding for 3 days. To day my first day of period. Please tell me. ## Unfortunately, no! Once your period has started, there is no guaranteed way to stop it that fast. Bleeding can be a normal side effect of this medication, according to the U.S. FDA. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, and PMS-like symptoms. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I got my periods today and tommorw i am goimg to wonderla as there is water i want to go in tat swimming so i have taken pause mf tablet will it stop my periods or it w...

3 REPLIES Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

Hi. I need yr advice/ help. I saw my period on the 23.11.14 & it finish on 30.11.14. I start taking detox herbal tea n supplements and my period start again two days after I begin taking it. What could be the cause and what can I do to make the bleeding stop??

I had periods after a gap of 2 months. I started with little bleeding. Flow got heavier and with clots as days proceeded. I am using ETOSYS on advice by doctor since 10 days. Now even after 15 days, bleeding has not stopped in spite of using tablet. Can someone please suggest me some tablets for immediate solution as well as treatment? ## Hello, Madhu! How are things going? Has the bleeding stopped, yet? It sounds like you might have a hormonal imbalance. Heavy bleeding with clots usually signifies very high estrogen and low progesterone, which means you may not be ovulating. Have you consulted your doctor again, yet? You may need to take some type of hormone to help rectify the situation, but only they will be able to let you know for sure. ## Hello i am samvi and 22yrs old i got my pe...

5 REPLIES Filed under Progesterone

Hello, am Tomi from Nigeria, I was diagnosed of Hormonal imbalance since 2012 and PCOS, I controlled it and was fine all through 2014 and now, I've been seeing my period since a month now with heavy bleeding and clots, I've used Tranexamic Acid and it seems not to be working. Pls what drugs can I use again to stop the blood from coming? ## I have a same problem ,I take pause 500 but I don't stop bleeding. ## Hi Tomi, This is Dee, do you have fibroids or have mennorraghia? Heavy bleeding can be helped with finding out the root cause the of the problem. How is your diet, stress like? My bleeding has been helped with changing my lifestyle, releasing and letting go, and a healthy diet. Are you anemic?

2 REPLIES Filed under Tranexamic Acid

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