Purple Pill No Markings

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I received these pills from my doc today but don't know what are. ## Hi,Niki! Did you ever discover what they were? DId your doctor mention anything, when they gave them to you? Where they a prescription or something you received in the office? If you aren't sure, there's really nothing wrong with calling and asking them about them. They shouldn't have a problem, it's wrong to expect you to take something, without telling you what they are for and what they contain.


Found and can not identify ## Can't identify a purple capsule with only a name Watson on it. Any ideas? ## No, I cannot find a listing for a capsule with no other markings on it, does anyone else have any information? ## I have a dark colored purple capsule it is somewhat small and everyone i contact say it is a percocet 30

3 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

I found a round purple pill that is scored on one side and not coated. Is this Xanax? ## It sounds like a Grape Pez? . ## I saw images of the grape Pez tabs and those appear to be rectangular in shape. I'm actually not sure if they make a round version... But my question to 'Beaches' is, why would xanax OF ALL THE DIFFERENT SUBSTANCES be the first interpretation of an unmarked pill that was found somewhere? With no markings other than a score line, this pill could literally be anything. Something just seems a little off about that. Were there any clues at the scene of the pill that might make you assume otherwise? Personally, I think your best bet would be to discard it or maybe consider having its contents analyzed by a lab for verification. There are just too many possibil...

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

A purple and yellow capsule w/no imprints and lot#1211FTN102. ## Hello, Brian! How are you? I'm sorry, but the lot number is of significance only to the manufacturer for knowing the production run, it does not help identify something. That said, without markings, that means this is most likely an over the counter product, which may make it difficult to identify. However, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else have an idea of what these might contain? ## Has anyone ever come across yellow and dark purple capsule pills with no imprint?? Found some today and was wondering what they are. They are packaged in little plastic with a foil back.


Found a Dark purple (half) and white (half) capsule no imprint. Anyone have a clue what this is? ## If there are no markings, it will most likely be difficult to narrow down what it contains. We can rule it out as being a U.S. approved and manufactured prescription product, since they are all required to have imprints to enable their identification. The greatest likelihood is that it's something available over the counter. However, there is also a chance that it could be something specially done by a compounding pharmacy, since they also use blank capsules, or it could be a foreign medication. Does anyone else recognize this capsule? ## Thank you for the info. ## This is Tylenol/codeine from Mexico most probably. ## Women's Thrive level capsule. Purple and white no markings. ## ...

13 REPLIES Filed under Tylenol

I have found this pill in our meds. markings, md12 small purle pill, can you tell me what is is used for? Can you advise me.Thanks ## This tablet contains 8mgs of Doxazosin, which is an alpha blocker that is used to treat hypertension and certain cardiac conditions. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, headache and hypotension. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Doxazosin

Hello. I have some dark purple and yellow capsules. No markings at all. Def not stacker 2. Maybe Mexican or canadian generics? ## A U.S. or Canadian prescription generic would still have some type of marking on it, when it comes to Mexico, however, they don't have many laws and many don't pay any attention to the ones they do have, anyway... But, it could be an over the counter generic from the U.S., Canada or pretty much anywhere else, since they aren't required to have imprints. Learn more OTC drug details here. So, it could be some off-brand of Stacker, or any one of a large number of other possibilities. Where did you find them? ## I found the dark purple and yellow capsules in my son's room. ## The ones I have seen came From over counter in Mexico


purple oval shaped pill, no markings ## If there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to narrow down what this tablet contains. We can rule it out as being a U.S. prescription medication, because by law they must all have imprints to enable their identification. However, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter items or even a foreign medication. Does anyone have any idea on what this might be? ## can u send me a picture of it?


I found a bag of light purplish-pink pills with no markings or inscriptions. Does anyone have any idea what they could be? ## I'm terribly sorry, but I would need an imprint or a marking to identify the correct pill. Is it scored? Coated? Any more information will help me better in locating the right pill for you.


Little round light purple pill with IP on both sides ## This isn't listed in any of our U.S. prescription drug resources. Since there are no other markings, it makes me wonder if it is possibly something available over the counter. There is also a chance that is could be some type of foreign medication. Was it found in the U.S. or elsewhere? Do you know anything else about it?


since I been taking the purple pill i feel really sick, when I don't take it i am fine, could i be allegeric to it? ## Do you mean you're getting sick to your stomach, as in being nauseous? If so, that's usually not the symptom of an allergy, but you may be sensitive to the active ingredient Zolpidem, or one of the inactive ingredients in the pill. Learn more Ambien details here. Are there any markings on the tablet?

1 REPLY Filed under Ambien

List all pills that it could possibly be. ## I couldn't possibly list all the possibilities, because the shape and color don't actually mean anything and if it has no markings, then it is not a U.S. prescription medication. While there is a slight chance that it's a foreign medication, it is more than likely an over the counter product and there are many that could fit this description. All U.S. prescription medications are required to have unique imprints to enable their identification, in case of emergency. Personally, I have seen several products that meet this description, from vitamin supplements to laxatives. Was it found in the U.S.?

1 REPLY Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

I'm trying to find the name of this oval shaped diet capsule, that is half white and half purple. ## Are there any markings on it? If not, it may be difficult to determine what it contains. Do you have any other information on it? ## Thx Verwon for the response... There is no other information on it, just purple and white, no stripes nor markings... ## Finaflex PX


A purple pill with no imprints or scores on it and wrapped on its own ## Are there any markings or names on the packaging? If there are no markings on the tablet, then it is going to be difficult to determine what this contains. There are several supplement products on the market, for women, that meet this description. ## Its a light purple candy coated oblong pill about the size of a jellybean no imprints/markings ## What is a large light purple tablet with no markings?


The pill I described in the title is canadian xanax 1.0 mg generic form. ## If you look closely you will notice a "." Dot between the 1 and 0. It actually says: "AL 1.0" with a "G" on the other side. Its 1 mg xanax. Common in Canada ## Dave, anyone who wants to duplicate a fake Xanax Pill usually tries to copy one. How you can claim any pill is legit it wrong. Had anyone asked about these Canadian pills you seem to know about so well? ## Look dude, I ve seen my fair share of prescription pills. To say that these purple AL 1.0 G are fake is HIGHLY unlikely. 1) people usually fake brand name XANAX pills 2) BARS are faked far more than 1mg footballs 3) the pills in question are very unique the markings suggest is made by mylan. Street dealers dont fake whats unpopul...

3 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I have a purple pill about the size of dime with no imprints. It's supposed to be some kind of steroid tablet from Mexico. Any ideas? ## If there are no markings, there's really no way to be certain what they contain. Did you order them, or did someone give them to you and claim that's what they are? ## Found pills in daughters room that are small, light greenish-blue, round with an M (with a circle around it) on one side and the number 35 on the other side also a line under the number 35 with nothing below the line but what appears to be an apostrophe.

2 REPLIES Filed under Steroids

xanax 10 scored film coated oblong purple color ## First, I would like to state that there is no 10mg Xanax on the market, it is only available in a maximum of 2mgs of Alprazolam. That said, are there any markings on the tablets? It is the markings that enable us to identify them. I am also not finding any purple tablets, but there are several blue, oval tablets, some of the markings include: G 3721, 1mg GG 258, 1mg 2089 V, 1mg BP 632, 1mg 605, 1mg and ALP 1 APO. And this is not a comprehensive list, since it is available as a generic. Can you post back with the markings on the tablets in question? ## The only markings on this tablet are Xanax 1.0 - not 10. There is nothing else on it at all and it is coated with a film, whereas alprazolam is not and is blue, the supplier said it is a b...

20 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Found this in my drive way, the ground was wet, not 100% sure of the last 2 letters on the pill: co or cc. The soft gel pill was emptied of its contents, what was left behind looked like sugar particles. There was no smell to the pill. ## Hello, Summer! How are you? I believe that markings are supposed to be ASP CC and it is Alka Seltzer Plus Cough & Cold liquid gel. They contain Acetaminophen, Chlorpheniramine, Dextromethorphan and Phenylephrine to treat cold symptoms. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and headache. Is there anything else I can help with? ## It actually says as+cc not asp. I found one too and I can't figure out what it us

2 REPLIES Filed under Acetaminophen

I found a bright half pink and. Half purple capsule pill with no markings on it.. does anyone know what this pill is?? ## If there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to narrow down exactly what this contains. We can rule it out as being a U.S. manufactured prescription medication, because they are all required to have markings to enable their identification. However, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter items and there is also a possibility that it could be a foreign medication. Does anyone else have any ideas of what this could be?


what diet pill is this? WHAT PILL IS THIS WHAT PILL IS THIS PLEASE FREAKIN HELP A PERSON OUT!!! ## A PURPLE OBLONG SHAPED PILL I BOUT IT IN DIET SECTION BUT LOST THO BOTTLE AND DO NOT REMEMBER WHAT IS WAS! ## it is oblong and purple ## If there are no markings on the tablets, then it is going to be difficult to identify. Trust me, I'd love to help you, if I could, but there are many purple tablets on the market that meet this description. The color really doesn't tell us anything, nor does the fact that it was some type of diet pill, because there are also tons of those on the market, with varying ingredients. Do you remember if it was supposed to be a natural product or if it was a medication product? For example, a drug/medication product would be something like Dexatrim, whic...


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