100+ Topics FoundSmall town = pill abuses = impossible to get help for my endometriosis chronic pain. I am "green", totally new to searching for an online doctor that can prescribe the medication I am needing. I am searching for a first hand referral :) please I am irritable because of pain. ## Hi, I'm truly sorry your experiencing so much difficulty finding the relief you legit. NEED. From first hand expierence,The chances of finding a legitimate prescriber of opiat/opioid containing pain meds online is ZERO. The chances are slightly higher for obtaining a valid referal for a local pain management provider.What worked for me was meeting with a social services my local small town hospital's outreach department.They were able to schedule an appt. for me with a pain specialist ,when...
I took half of a 15mg is it safe to take a percocet? ## Percocet contains Oxycodone and Acetaminophen and the Oxycodone is also a narcotic, so combining them both could cause the risk of overdose, or even just depression of the central nervous system. Has your doctor prescribed them both? Learn more information on Morphine here and Percocet here.
Just a FYI for anyone out there that's looking to buy vicodin/percs from a US pharmacy. I just spent $280 for 30 vicodin from a so called pharmacy named ordermeds. They sent me 3 blister packs of unmarked pills, which made me so sick. Of course they don't say u are getting blister packs, they are a fake/scam!! ## Hey frustrated, sorry to hear about your experience with ordermeds... But if you're going that route without a valid script, the nature of it is illegal, meaning that they aren't necessarily obligated as a business to stand by their word. I wouldn't recommend trusting any discreet web-based pharmacies for that reason, unless they are verified to be VIPPS-accredited by The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP).
I'm 28 and have a birth defect spina bifida oculata,as well as several bulging and herniated disc,several fused vertebraes , also have fibromyalgia, and possible ms. I'm trying to stay away from pain clinics and would like to just get a gp to write my script any luck in or around Decatur, Alabama. I'm in pain everyday of my life and a stay at home mom of 3 young children. ## I am in a lot of pain every day. I have a condition called wry neck and it shoots pain in my neck up and down my back and into my legs. I can't sleep because of this pain. There are other conditions i have. My joints are swollen because i have RA so i'm always in pain. If u can help me please help me. I am tried of the pain.
I've taken percs for 3 weeks will the withdrawal be baf ## Hello, Sam! How are you? No, that's not typically a long enough period to become addicted to them. The FDA lists this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thanks for the info. I really don't want to take pain meds but with having 2 back surgeries and a screw put through my L-5 nerve I have to but I worry about add
can these be substituted for percs.or loratab?can ## It isn't as strong as the Oxycodone or Hydrocodone that's in those, since it isn't a straight narcotic opiate, just derived from one. Thus, it will really depend on what works best for the individual seeking pain relief. There are many people that get great results from it and there are some that don't. Learn more Tramadol details here. When I tried it years ago it made me sick, but didn't do anything for pain. However, I had a friend whose doctor prescribed it and she got great results with it. Has it been prescribed for you?
Took 2mg suboxone yesterday, got my perc prescription today. How long do I need to wait to take them. This was a one time thing. ## I took a very small doses of suboxone silicone and I weigh 125lbs and I am 5'3. Will it be out of my system in 5 days
I was robbed and ALL my scripts were stolen. I went a whole month without my Percs 15s and OC 40s. I finally went to a methadone clinic. Been on for 3 weeks at 60 mgs now and got my script back yesterday for my Percs and OCS so I didn't dose today and OMG the withdrawals are starting and they are bad. Taking Percs and OCS are doing S***. WHY AM I STILL IN WITHDRAWAL? PLEASE HELP!! ## Because there is something in methadone that prevents other narcotics from making you feel high. That's why they used to only give it drug users because if they did go out and use they wouldn't feel high. You should never have gone on methadone in between. It does help my back pain, but I'm not looking to feel high I just want it for pain management. Don't expect to feel euphoria for a v...
Have a bad back due to an auto accident which happened last year was discharged from pain management in August but now have to go back for more shots I already had 4 epidermals and now they wanna operate but I.m.e wants me to have cervical factor injections ... 10mg made me constipated, and had to take 6 a day just to dull the pain and since I'm going back to pain management hoping to get a higher dose so I don't kill my liver ANY SUGGESTIONS?????? ## Hello, Ryan! How are you doing? Sorry about the pain that you're suffering. There is no 30mg Percocet, it contains Acetaminophen and Oxycodone and none are available with 30mgs of either one. I believe what you're wanting is straight Oxycodone, since it is available in a 30mg dosage. Learn more Oxycodone details here. This ...
I am a person who has battled with addiction my whole life. At age 32 now I'm now getting a handle on the situation a little bit at a time. I very often think back to the begining when so much could have been done differently. Not only by myself but the Dr.who had no problem writing me continous scripts percocets after I had all my wisdom teeth removed. After the initial bottle I was prescribed I was given another at the post op chech up a week later. Regardless of my communicating that I was comfortable I went home with a new bottle 2 more times. It was put as " why not be 100% comfortable while your healing and working such a physical job"? Now dont get me wrong I also blame myself because I didnt have to take them but If for a moment I was uncomfortable why not if they ar...
Filed under Percocetsi been on one hundred mg of percs for 8 months or better? ## Suboxone contains the active ingredient Buprenorphine, an opiate that is used to treat severe chronic pain and drug addiction. Treatment depends on whether or not your habit is severe enough to require it and only a doctor trained in its used can decide that. To find a clinic in your area you can check their website Read more on the medication here: Is there anything else I can help you with?
I have been on vik and percs longer then I can remember. Over five years ti be sure. Currently 60-80 mg percs a day all perscribed. I want to get off them. Have had alit of medical issues/pain but its at the point I do not truely know what the pain is. I had major surgery about two montgs ago. Morphine dilliuad fir about two weks in hospital. I want to get iff meds and reacess if I even need them for pain or if just an addiction at this point. One real problem is I am to have more major surgery in two months. Then the narcs will be rx again. So two questiins here. How to taper and if I shoukd do it now or wait untill after surgery and when the surgical pain SHOULD be gone. I really need help. Cant go on like this. I also work a 40-50 hr week at very stressful job. I work with addicts ab...
I have a question I have been on Percs almost 2 years now due to arthritis I pay for my prescription and doctors visit so is pricy for me but I have kind of want to stop taking them but then I feel really tire and I don't want to do any thing. I don't know if this is normal then my back startats aching more. Any one . I also feel sleepless at night and very sleepy and moody during the day . question here is does this have any thing to do with my meds or is just me ??? Please help ## Hello, Janni! How are you? Yes, those symptoms could be from the Percocet. The FDA lists it as containing Acetaminophen and Oxycodone. The latter is a narcotic and they basically work as a depressant in the body to alleviate pain. Other side effects you may experience could possibly include nausea, d...
Am I crazy!? I just switched from Percs 7.5-500 to Percs 10-325 and I feel it doesn't work near the same at all. The 7.5-500 made me more pain free, and more chipper. The 10's just make me feel dazed and dizzy! Could the acetaminophen actually help that much more? So confused. Tempted to ask to go back to 7.5. I just hate feeling tired! ## The Acetaminophen does help the narcotic work better and it can also vary from person to person, so having a higher amount of it may make it work a lot better for you. Another thing that may play a role is if the new ones are from a different manufacturer, if that is the case, then they may not work as well for you, depending on fluctuations in the active ingredient, plus the inactive ingredients. Learn more Percocet details here. Feeling tire...
Have a bottle of Percs for emergency. Tweaked my back and was going to take 2. Cannot read the expiration label (worn out) just wanted to know what signs of expired meds are. They are extremely powdery and look battered down. Is super chalky and powdery a good sign its too old to do anything or is that irrelevant? ## Dear Rick, usually a prescription is good 4 one year from the date u got it. But u said u couldn't read it. And, by the way u described the condition of them, I wouldn't take the chance. Medications can still be ok after 1 year, but, they lose their potency . Maybe call your Dr and get a new script? I hope this info. Helps u. ## Hi Rick, This might be a bit surprising, but Harvard Medical School did a study showing that many types of medications can actually retain ...
light yellowish pill friend was told it's 10 mil percs but he's sceptical can you tell me for sure my friend isn't stupid. ## endo 122 ## Yes. It would be ok. Even though, you probably have taken it by now. :) ## This is an old tablet, but Endo listed as containing Acetaminophen, and Aspirin, it was a generic for Percodan. The FDA warned that it carried the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. However, it has been discontinued. Are there any questions I can help with?
How would a doctor write out a prescription for 15mg percs? Would it just say 15mg Percocet? I currently take 7.5mg/325 percocets but I'm going to a new doctor since mine moved away and I wanted to change the mgs to 15 without the acetaminophen. I can modify this on my medication list that I printed out from my old doctors website patient portal. Just want to make sure I write it correctly. ## Percocet doesn't come in a 15 mg. Percocet is a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen. Oxycodone does come in 15 mg without the acetaminophen You may want to think twice about changing anything in your medical records or pharmacy info. Your new Dr can easily look up all the pain meds your old Dr prescribed you in your states Prescription Monitoring Program Database and most, if not al...
Hi All! I had been taking about 30-30mg percs a day or the equivalent in 10s and 15s depending on what I could find. I started on suboxone three weeks ago. My first week I took 1 8/2 mg strip a day. When I went in for my first follow up I explained to the doctor I wasn't feeling well (stomach pain, no energy, no desire to eat, couldn't sleep) and he felt I was experiencing withdrawal symptoms so he increased the dosage to 2 8/2 strips a day. According to him I should feel better and better every day and should start having more and more energy. I don't feel any better at all. Is it a dosage issue or is this normal? I don't have cravings for pills but I'm tired of feeling miserable every day. Any suggestions? Thank you! ## How long has it been since Dr. increased your...
Hi all, I need some help. I was taking 2 - 5mg percs a day for my fibromyalgia, unfortunately I have now developed two tumours and a cyst on my hip which cause excruciating pain. My doctor tried me on a gamut of anti-inflammatories but due to my colitis those were not tolerated, she also tried a couple other pain meds, those and the 5mg percs were not cutting through the pain. She just gave me 5mg morphine sulphate 4 x day until my mri and surgery. I have taken one morphine pill about a half an hour ago and am still in the same amount of pain. How long does the morphine take to work? If the morphine doesn't work, is there anything I can suggest other than percs? I worry that I will look like I am drug seeking but I cannot function at all with the pain and haven't gotten much sle...