Light Brown Pill No Markings

32 Topics Found

Small, oval shaped, shiny brown capsule with no markings. ## I was wondering what type of drug, it is? if you ever find out. Does the drug sort of smell like weetbix. ## I found a very small round light brown pill the markings have been worn off do you have any idea what it might be?


Round and no flat sides, (like its swollen in profile, if u no what I mean. light green pill 4mm wide, 8mm diameter, no markings, White inside. Supposed to be 5mg diazepam? Can't find anything. 15pills per chart, help please ## I found a light green pill in a blister pack with no markings. The pill is round and is speckled brown inside like a multivitamin. It is about two centimeters in diamiter. If anyone knows what it is id like help thanks ## Sounds like it could be a librium 10 mg a benzo, similar too valium but milder and has a lower half life, doesn't work as long. More commonly come in capsules. Used to treat anxiety and alcohol withdrawal. But with no markings very hard to tell could be anything.

2 REPLIES Filed under Diazepam

I have found 2 light brown mottled pills they are very small and round but do not have any imprints at all. ## I will continue trying to locate your pill, but I am having a difficult time doing so since there are no markings on the pill. Please post back if you have any more information to add, so I can better assist you. ## Oval, 3/4 in long, 1/3 in wide; medium brown speckled with dark brown and beige; smooth: no identifying marks or scorings. Found in cigarello tube in son's room.


big capsule....very light grey on one end blue on the other....the insides look like brown snuff in a way. Husband had them in a vitamin bottle so hid definately. ## Are you sure they aren't vitamins of some sort? If they are no markings on them, then they aren't a U.S. prescription medication, since they are required to have markings to enable their identification. Thus, they are most likely something that's available over the counter and there are many vitamins and supplements that meet this description. ## I found a capsule that is 1/2 blue & 1/2 grey with no markings. What type of pill is this??

2 REPLIES Filed under Vitamins & Supplements

Round rusty brown pill no numbers ## I need any markings or imprints in order to locate the correct pill. Please post back with any more information so I can further help you. ## Oval brown pill/capsule coated. With the letters V E printed in white. ## Hi I have this little Brown in color round pill with the number 225 on oneside and it has the number 93 on the otherside I am trying to figure out what it is any help would be great. ## It's a capsule shaped pill . A light brown sand looking color, kind of grayish. With tiny black brown and white spots. No writing on it ## it is most likely an herbal pill. (i.e; st.johns, valerian root, etc)...there's a possiblity it could be H that dealers cut and put in capsules.


I have a small light brown pill with "9", a line and "3" under it. There are no markings on the back. What is this? ## Hi Sherry, A small round light brown pill imprinted with 9 over 3 (separated by a horizontal score line) on one side and blank on the back (aside from another horizontal score line) is reportedly identified as Pramipexole dihydrochloride 0.5mg. This medication is indicated for use in treating Parkinson's among other related symptoms. For verification, the manufacturer is listed as Torrent Pharmaceuticals. I hope this helps!

1 REPLY Filed under Pramipexole

I came across some pills that got mixed into another bottle with some so I am not sure what they are now. They are capsules and look like a very light gray and white capsule. The powder inside is brown. There are no markings or imprints on the capsule at all. ## I am sorry, but without any markings, it will be impossible to positively identify, unless you would pay to have it lab tested. We can safely say it is a not a legal U.S. prescription drug, since by law they are all required to have markings to enable their ID. But, otherwise, it could be any one of a number of over the counter products, there are quite a few herbal supplements that meet this description. I am sorry, I wish I could help more. ## Grey capsule with white cap. Looks old but I think the insides were once brown. All ...


I found a light brown pill with darker brown speckles. It is oval shaped with no markings at all. It might be a diet pill because the persons room I found it in has been losing a lot of weight but i'm not sure. Any information would be helpful. ## I'm sorry, but if there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to determine exactly what this is. We can rule it out as being a U.S. manufactured prescription product, since they are all required to have markings to enable their identification, however, it could be any one of a large number of over the counter products, or even a foreign medication. Have you tried asking the person? Does anyone else know what this might be?


What is this large white capsule with a light brown powder inside? Just found it while cleaning a hotel room. ## Hi Liza, There are countless conceivable herbal products that fit this type of description as well as various OTC dietary supplements. With so many possibilities, it would be very challenging to narrow down anything in particular. If you think it could be something illicit, I believe your best bet for identifying it would be through a lab analysis / drug panel or perhaps taking the pill into a local pharmacy for a closer evaluation. Other than that, it seems to me like it should just be discarded to remain on the safe side. Please post back if you find out any additional information.


I went to see a doctor because i suspected i could have A.A.D.D. So the doc didnt give me ritalin or adderal, he instead gave me some Tan/light brown gel pill with no markings at all and when I cut inside, i found some oil and dark brown paste. I dont know what these are for, but i looked all over the web, ive had no luck. i just want to know what im taking is legit and not some placebo... ## You didn't ask him what they were? They weren't prescribed, or in a pharmacy labeled bottle? That is very odd and without any markings, it is going to be very difficult to determine what they contain. To be quite honest, all manufactured prescription products approved in the U.S. have to have imprints to enable their identification, so we can rule it out as being one of those. However, it c...

1 REPLY Filed under Ritalin

Name of capsule: DiCod301 Contains: 15 mg hydrocodone bitartrate, Cyclizine HCl 25 mg., Benzyl benzoate 0.01% ## What exactly is this? Is this compounded hydrocodone? I'm not sure what DiCod301 and who manufactures it. Any info would be appreciated. ## These green and yellow capsules came from a company in South Afiica loose in a small heat sealed plastic bag. A printout was included saying DiCod301 including ingredience as stated and its uses A white and light brown powder was in the capsule. ## It is very hard to say with any certainty, since foreign medications are not regulated like those approved for use and sale in the US. I would assume they mean Dihydrocodeine, but wouldn't place any bets on it. ## Verwon, these are definitely hydrocodone bitartrate and not dihydrocodein...

11 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

t's a bright orange capsule which is 2cm long (almost an inch) a little less than 1cm wide (quarter of an inch?). Inside is a light brown powder that smells like stale cinnamon (not nutmeg) ## I'm sorry, but if there are no markings, it will be virtually impossible to positively identify, unless you would pay to have it lab tested. It could be any one of a large number of over the counter items or foreign medications. Very sorry, I wish I could help more! ## I think I have the same pill...did you take one? have you found what is in them? ## Found this same pill with the same brown powder earlier today and couldn't figure out what it was. Smelled like stale cinnamon.


Hi, I found this white tablet (not a capsule). It’s a bit narrower and longer than most. Broken in half, the inside is a light brown color and has a peculiar smell (inside, once broken). An exhaustive search online yields nothing that tells me what it definitely could be. Anyone know? ## Btw it’s more of an oblong shape than oval, similar to an excedrin or tylenol, just slightly narrower and slightly longer. ## Also, it has no markings. No imprint or numbers or anything like that. It also lacks any kind of scoring. ## Hello Jimbo, In the United States all perscription and over the counter drugs are required by the FDA to have an imprint. If the pill that you found does not have an imprint it is possible that it is some sort of vitamin, energy pill or a foreign drug. If you a...

5 REPLIES Filed under Tylenol

Found two blue capsules (turquoise) that have no markings. The powder inside is a brown color with grains of white lightly mixed in ## found an unmarked dark purple pill with a brown hardened powder with crystal looking bits in a "recovering" heroin addicts drawer in a unmarked pill bottle. what is it? ## If there are no markings, it is going to be difficult for anyone to identify this for you. We can rule it out as being a manufactured U.S. prescription medication, because they are all required to have unique markings to enable their identification, in case of emergency. However, it could be something that was done by a compounding pharmacy, an over the counter product, a foreign medication or an illegal substance. The description does sound like it could be Heroin. ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

This pill is suppose to be used for weight loss ## If there are no markings, it may be difficult to determine exactly what this contains. Do you have any other information on it, such as where it is from, or what the ingredients are supposed to be? ## No, there are no unique identifiers (markings) on this capsule. It is suppose to be used as a dieting supplement. The contents of the capsule is light brown and it looks like sand with some white powder substance.

2 REPLIES Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

capsule shape does not pull apart half light brown half dark brown length wise with dark brown thick fluid inside when cut open ## if it looks like that stuff guini pigs eat... its ritalin.. extended release.. methylphedite or however spelled.. ## Are there any markings on it? The name brand Ritalin LA that would meet that description has clear markings on it, they are NVR R40. It is also not a liquid.

2 REPLIES Filed under Ritalin

small clear round light brown capsul about the size of a pea ## The only small light brown capsule I can locate with an "M" imprint, also happens to have other markings as well (i.e. "0554 5mg M"). The "M" is also inside of a square box. This particular pill is identified as Oxycodone hydrochloride 5 mg. Manufacturer: Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals National Drug Code (NDC): 00406-0554 For additional reference, the size of the capsule is approx. 14.30 mm Oxycodone comes in various forms and is used to treat moderate to severe levels of pain. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Oxycodone Details Any thoughts on this being a possible match?

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

found dark blue capsule no imprint brown and a little white powder inside says could be vitimin,diet or 30 mg oxycodone. Anyone know for sure. Found in tylonol bottle ## Light blue dark blue capsule with "tecnalab" on it and white powder inside ## Hello Dena, In the U.S the FDA requires that all prescription medication, such as oxycodone, are required to have an imprint on their medication for identification purposes. So at least we can rule that option out. This leaves us with the following options, diet pill, supplement, vitamin or illegal substance. None of these options are required to have markings or imprints, but sometimes companies will still put a logo or imprint for their own identification purposes. If it were a supplement, diet pill or vitamin it would be very diffic...

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

I found a triangle shaped pill that is thick and has a strong odor that reminds me of garlic but I am not quite sure that is the scent. There are no markings on the pill it is a light brown with speckels of white beige and dark brown. Please help. I found it in the french fry bag in my child's food. ## This was from some sort of restaurant? Without a marking, it is going to be difficult to determine what this contains, but if it were me, I'd be raising chaos with that restaurant. Don't turn the tablet over to them, but they should be informed that this occurred and of how dangerous it is. You may even have the ability to pursue some sort of legal recourse. Did you notify them? ## Yes we talked to the restaurant, Burger King, their corporate office and the police. The police ...


My friend gave me 2 pills, she said they would give me energy, needless to say i havent took them yet because i dont know what they are! Its oblong, with a white coating on the outside without any imprint whatsoever. Then inside is light brown with white specks. PLEASE HELP!! Thanks~!~ ## If there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to narrow down what this is. We can rule out its being a U.S. prescription medication, since they are all required to have marking for identification purposes. However, it could be something available over the counter or a foreign medication. Did she say anything else about it?


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