How Many Times A Day Is Every 4 Hours

42 Topics Found

Hey. I just had surgery (tonsils burned & removed) and the dr prescribed me Acetaminophen with Codeine in it. I've been instructed to take 15mL every four hours as needed. Is that 4 times a day? ## Hi Brittany, 4 goes into 24 hours (1 day) six times. This means that "every 4 hours" translates to 6 times a day. However, "as needed" means that you don't necessarily have to abide by that regimen if you don't feel the need to take it as often. Here's an example of how you could space it out evenly over a waking day, assuming you are awake from 6am to 10pm: 6 am (right after waking up) 10 am (mid-morning) 2 pm (early afternoon) 6 pm (evening/dinner time) 10 pm (shortly before going to bed) If you have any other questions concerning an appropriate dosing pr...

1 REPLY Filed under Acetaminophen

Hi. I am prescribed Percocet 10/325 one tablet every six hours for pain. I've had more pain recently. How many tablets can I be taking in a day? Thanks! ## Hello, Chrissy! How are you? That would be up to 4 a day, based on what you've said in your post. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Percocet

My mom was given Acyclovir 800 mg to take 5 times a day. What does that mean??? ## 24/5=4.8 hours or 288 minutes or 4 hours & 48 minutes ## Your math is right, but should we take the number of waking hours and divide by 5 rather than the entire 24 hour period? So accounting for sleep, 16 hours awake / 5 times = 3.2, so about every 3.5 hours? Update - I looked up the Acyclovir dosage guidelines on DailyMed, and it states "800 mg every 4 hours orally, 5 times daily for 7 to 10 days." ... So it seems like somewhere in the middle of both of our answers lol

2 REPLIES Filed under Acyclovir

I take 1 Percocet every 6 hours for pain and I have 60 tablets how long should they last? ## Hello, Penny! How are you? If you take them every 6 hours, then 60 tablets would last 15 days. However, if the prescribing instructions from your doctor say to take as needed, then your doctor may expect them to last longer. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## If the doctor prescribes every 4 hours that 6 pills a day six times 10 is 60....Meaning 10 days 60 pills where the hell did you get 15 ## I received 120 pills on January 9 and I take them every 6 hours today is January 30 bow many pills ...

6 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

I am taking Skelaxin. The bottle says take one pill 3 times a day as needed. Is that 6 hours or 8 hours in between each dose? I don't usually take the first one of the day til about 7 or 8 in the morning at the earliest if I need it. ## Hello, Marie! How are you? That would be every 8 hours, 6 hours would be 4 times a day. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thanks so much for your help. If they are 800mg tablets, but I have been cutting them in half and taking only 400mg at a time, approved by nurse, would I still only take them every 8 hours? ## hi i am on cleocin every 8 hrs 3 x a day can i take it after 6 hrs ?

3 REPLIES Filed under Skelaxin

If your supposed to take a med 1pill every 4 hours how many pills total is that a day? ## Is that like 6 total pills a day? ## Prescription says to take 1 tab every 6 many pills is that taking a day? I'm thinking thats 4 pills a day. The total qty is 120 for a month. 4 pills a day for 30 days is 120 pills total...right? ## Yes, every 4 hours would be 6 pills a day and every 6 hours would be 4 pills a day. However, it should be noted that you may not need to take that many of all medications. Some, such as pain medications, may be prescribed to be taken as needed and that means you can take it a maximum of that many times a day, but you don't have to take them all, if you don't need to do so. But for others, such as antibiotics or cardiac medications, you should t...

4 REPLIES Filed under Anxiety

My daughter has prescription Penicillin 500mg for every 6 hours after wisdom teeth removal. How many times/day does she to take? Are the intervals for awake times only or for 24 hrs? ## Hi Cindy! If your daughter is prescribed to take every 6 hours, she needs to take 4 pills a day. Sometimes, you need to wake up during the night to take them. Or, maybe try 6:00am, 12:00 noon, 6:00pm and midnight. That might work. ## Thank you Cats68 for your reply.

2 REPLIES Filed under Penicillin

How many times a day should I take this pill for strep throat? ## Hello, April! How are you? Are you referring to 500mg Cephalexin, the antibiotic? You should follow your doctor's dosing instructions. According to the FDA, it's usually taken every 12 hours for 7 to 10 days, depending on the severity of the infection. The side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Cephalexin

I am taking Ibuprofen for knee pain, wrist pain, arthritis. I just want to know how many times a day I need to take it? I'm 5'11" and 175 lbs. I've been taking it twice a day and it has not helped much so I'm really hoping that more will help. I need some relief. ## Hi AJ - the Advil label states: "adults and children 12 years and over; take 1 tablet every 4 to 6 hours while symptoms persist... if pain or fever does not respond to 1 tablet, 2 tablets may be used... do not exceed 6 tablets in 24 hours, unless directed by a doctor." So, you can technically take up to 2 x 200 mg tablets, 3 times per day. It sounds like you aren't taking that many yet. Also, it is not recommended to take Ibuprofen over a long period of time since it can increase the risk of s...

3 REPLIES Filed under Ibuprofen

If it's prescribed every four hours, how many times a day is it? ## If you take a dose first thing in the morning and then factor in 8 hours of sleep, that's 5 times in a day. Though technically every 4 hours covers 6 times in a 24 hour period. Using a simplified example: 8 am - wake up, take a dose 12 pm - take 2nd dose 4 pm - take 3rd dose 8 pm - take 4th dose 12 am - take 5th dose, go to sleep sleep until 8 am next day Of course the above is oversimplified. If you aren't sleeping through the night you might need a sixth dose in a 24 hour period. Something to work out with your doc. ## How many tablets are prescribed for how many days ? Every 4 hours in a 24 hour period is usually for those that just had surgery. All others that say every 4 hours usually means 4 times in a...

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

How many tablets should I take in whole is it 4 whole tablet or I have to make half of two tablet and take 4 times ## Hello, Geet! How are you? It would be best to double check with your doctor or pharmacist to be sure, but under U.S. FDA prescribing guidelines that would be 8 tablets a day, you would take 2 pills for each dose, every 6 hours. What medication have you been prescribed?


Want to know safely how soon can another dose can be taken after the first dose 100mg ,trazadone ## Hello, Ray Ray! How are you? Trazodone is a tetracyclic antidepressant that is also sometimes used to help with insomnia. The dosing schedule depends on how your doctor has prescribed it, since it's generally taken 2 or 3 times a day. If they've told you to take it twice a day, then that would be approximately every 12 hours, if it's 3 times a day that would be approximately every 8 hours. Side effects to this medication may include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Trazodone

I was just wondering how many hours will an 8mg Suboxone Strip will work before needing the next dose before withdrawals come back? ## I am new when it comes to taking Suboxone and was wondering once takeing a 8mg Suboxone Strip How many hours will it last until needing the next does and was just curious if someone has been taking a 8mg Suboxone Strip for a year does it build up in your syteam there for will the hour span of a Suboxone be the same as somebody new taking Suboxone? Anybody out there know the anwser to these two question please reply as soon as possible everybody and anybody who sees this is welcome to anwser Thank You So Much To Whoever Anwser These Two Questions......

1 REPLY Filed under Suboxone

when taking medication & the directions are 1 tablet 3 times a day, how many hour's are between each tablet ## Hi Katt, When the directions state "1 tablet, 3 times daily", I think most people base the "3 times daily" off of a 24 hour period, where as you can simply divide 24 by 3 times and have "1 tablet, every 8 hours". Some people might not wait 8 hours and may just take it 3 times spread out during the day and not have any at night. I personally would go with the "every 8 hours" deal, because I find it easier to track. I hope this helps to answer your question! :) ## David you must be a machine being up for 24hrs, when do you sleep? For 1 pill every 8 hours you times 8 by 2=16. 1 pill at 0hrs, next at 8hrs then final at 16hrs. Most people are ...


When taking prescribed antibiotics and the dosage is 1 pill twice a day, how many hours should before the next dosage? ## Hi Dman, Based on a 24 hour time scale, if you're required to take 1 pill twice daily, that "generally" means taking 1 pill every twelve hours. However I would recommend double checking this with your doctor first, in case he or she has special instructions for your individual case. From what I understand, the dosing schedule may also depend on the brand and whether or not it's an extended release tablet. I hope this helps! What's the name of the antibiotic you're taking? ## levetiraceta 1000MG ## I've just started taking Nitrofurantoin MCR 100MG CAPSULES. They're yellow in color. ## I'm taking amox-clav 875mg tablets. Confused at ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Nitrofurantoin

I took 200 mg of time released morphine at 11am yesterday morning. It's been 31 hrs. Is it safe to take a suboxone? I've been down this road before and I have never had a good experience! I hate drugs!!!!!! I have been sneezing, yawning, and jimmy legs! Please help!!! ## From what I've read on other reviews, you should probably wait at least 24 hours after your last dose of Morphine before having Suboxone. Others suggest waiting until you're well in to withdrawal, especially with Morphine. But I imagine these estimated waiting times are going to be largely dependent on several individual factors that also come into play. Everyone has different tolerance levels and different body chemistry that effects metabolism and excretion rates. However, in my personal opinion, 31+ h...

1 REPLY Filed under Morphine

I have been prescribed Amoxicillin 500 mg, one pill, three times daily. I forgot to ask the pharmacist about the intervals between doses (how many hours between each dose)? ## Hello, Sandra! How are you? That would approximately every 8 hours, though it doesn't have to be exactly precise. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Amoxicillin

I have had 6 back surgerys with pins,screws and many of fusions.over the past 5 years or more have been on oxycodone 10-325 4 to5 times a day. Now with new pain management on 5-325 oxycodone 2 a day for break through and 15 mg morphine sulfate every 12 hrs. In pain consistently. What should I suggest to help get out of this constant pain? ## I've been on oxycodone 10mg 4x a day for a year. TODAY I switched to 2 morphine 15mg every 12 hours,time release, BUT MY PAIN MNGMNT GAVE ME 60 PERCOCET 10'S FOR BREAKTHROUGH PAIN. SO GET OFF THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE N ASK FOR PERC BREAKTHROUGH. ## @Roy, Sorry to hear about your situation... There are stronger pain meds outside of Oxycodone and Morphine (such as Fentanyl and Dilaudid) however it may only be a matter of time before tolerance bec...

2 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

I'm supposed to be taking Octreotide inj's. three times a day. How many hours should I wait in between the inj's.? ## That would be every 8 hours, if those are your prescriber's instructions. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including administration site irritation, blurred vision, constipation, dry mouth, and dry skin. Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Filed under Octreotide

What is the meaning of "take 4 capsules per day"? (i.e. How far apart is the dosing schedule?) ## Generally, that would be every 6 hours, but it can depend on the specific medication being asked about. Can you post back with more details? In some cases, it may mean that you can take all 4, at once, it may mean two doses of two capsules, or even taking up to four a day but not always four if not necessary. For instance, I take a medication for nerve pain, and it is prescribed to be taken up to a certain number of times a day, but that doesn't mean it has to be taken so many hours apart, I can take them all at once at night, or take several throughout the day.


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