High Dose Sleeping Tablet Name
38 Topics FoundIs a 15mg dose of anxit tablet dangerous? Anxit is a sleeping pill.. ## Depends on the person and his body functioning system. This med is usually prescribed for anxiety and panic attack relief. And is a temporary med to be taken with other therapy. although deaths are reported at higher doses but in very few individuals it is unlikely, but probable. although taking such a high dose will lead to permanent brain damage... organ failure..hosts of internal organ problems and can definitely lead to coma. if you are troubled in any way and are under severe depression(i have been through it too)..ther are many other ways of handling this. stop dwelling on ur negative thoughts...do minimal exercises at home...expose urself to the outside world little by little...i assure you u will not have su...
zoc 7.5 round shape tablet with a depresion in the middle so that it can be cut into half white color ## i just really want to know if ZOC 7.5mg are dangerous or are they really there to help ## well are 7.5 zoc dangerous can someone please tel me an hones answer here ## only in high doses..threre sleeping tablets..any sleeping tablets are dangerous if not used correctly. ## I'm guessing Zopiclon. A mild sleeper. You'd have to take a very high dose for it to be dangerous.
I want to know is there any sleeping pill named as relaxan (or something similar) ## something like Melatonin but targets sleeping better. Begins with R I think. ## Methedone withdrawal. I got banned from the MDC whilst on 45mls. I went to the doctor and she gave me Tramadol, Pregablin and oramoroph. I'm already on zopiclone, Valium and a few other meds. Can anyone please tell me how much Oramorph I should take for withdrawals. Dr said a teaspoon but my tolerance is way too high for that to have any effect. Thanks for any answers ## Sorry I wrote this in the wrong place but yeah zopiclone are probably best for sleeping if you can handle the taste! ## ihave been taking Rystyl 0.25 two tablets at bed time since last 25 years but now iam not getting sleep by above dose. kindly advice a...
Does anyone other than myself have trouble with sleeping too long when taking Buprenorphine? ## Hello, Allan! How are you? Do you mean it makes you more tired/fatigued so you sleep more than usual? If so, that isn't uncommon. Buprenorphine is classified as an opiate, by the FDA, and that is a common side effect of such drugs, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. What dose do you take? It may be slightly too high for you. ## I usually just sleep a full 8 hours.
I am on 8 mg og Suboxone a day. I take it at 6am. I know it should last atleast 24 hrs, but it seems as if I go to sleep during the day, I wake up sick. Is this possible, that when I'm sleeping my body burns off the suboxone quicker? ## No, that doesn't make any sense. When you are asleep, your metabolism actually slows down, so if anything, it should take longer to process a medication. Have you spoken to your doctor about this problem? It is highly possible that the current 8mg dosage you are on isn't enough for you. Another problem that may cause you to wake up sick, has to do with the same slowing of your metabolism when you sleep. And it has to do with if you are eating or drinking anything, before you lay down. Are you doing this? When you do this, the items you ingest...
I had an allergic reaction to Bactrim and was given prednisone - I took 60 mg, 80 mg, 60 mg, and then 40 mg. On the third day of prednisone I went to the ER because I woke up shaking uncontrollably. The last dose was a week ago today. Even since stopping, I have been feeling very shaky, weak, easily out of breath, tense/anxious, not sleeping properly, extremely emotional, and many other uncomfortable symptoms. I went to a doctor a couple of days ago and she basically said to give it time. I'm happy to do that but I'm also concerned about the (stupidly) large doses of prednisone I was given, and quitting abruptly even though it was only four days. Is it likely the symptoms I'm experiencing are a result of prednisone? I just got bloodwork, U/A, EKG results and nothing seems to...
8 weeks ago my mom was given 10mg citalopram for anxiety. she did not feel any side effect in the first week but afterwards starting having insomnia, upset stomach, tremor, agitation, etc. The psychiatrist increased teh dose to 20 mg daily but this did not solve anything. Today, in the 8th week she could not sleep at all in the night (she felt fresh when going sleeping even she was working the whole day) and in the morning she is feeling needles in the whole body, she is shaking + many other bad feelings. Can be that the dose is too high for her age (74 years old)?. I am afraid not to be the symptoms of a high level of serotonin. ## Those can all be side effects of Celexa. Insomnia is a classic side effect, though some people get sleepy from SSRI's. Seems to depend on the person. Th...
gone off serequel and they put me on trazadone. (50mg). I does nothing and yet they say 2 will give hallucinations. what can I do. I cannot sleep w/ 1 of the trazadone. ## That's odd, it can be given in doses much higher than that, it's approved to be used for some conditions in up to 400mgs a day. The FDA classifies Trazodone as a tetracyclic antidepressant that is also commonly used to treat insomnia. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, weight changes, mood swings and dry mouth. However, they may be being cautious, since you've just recently gone off the Seroquel, you may need to give it more time, before the dosage can be raised. Your problems sleeping could also be aggravated by coming off of it. Are you on any other medications?
I am 80 rears old women.the toe of my left foot shakes occasionally for the last5 years causing much discomfort. It has been diagnosed as Parkinson disease. I am daily taking carb/levo Er 25/100 Tab thrice daily. Now my leg also shakes occasionally. Three days back the doctor increased the dose to 5 tablets aday. It has caused me much more discomfort.The frequency of shaking of toe and leg has increased. Despite of taking sleeping pills I get very little sleep at night.this has caused me much more discomfort.is this due to sudden increase of medicine from 3 to 5 tablets a day? ## Hello, Ved! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problems that you're having. Yes, doses over 3 tablets a day have been known to lead to a higher rate of dyskensia, which includes involuntary movements...
Our 17 year old is taking 54 mg of Concerta 1x a day. The past few weeks she has been/had weepy, irritable, dizzy, headaches, increased sweating, trouble sleeping and loss of appetite/nausea. She spikes with extreme anger and just seems to be much more agitated. Are these symptoms of her dose being too high? She has been on this dosage for over a year? Concerta has been given to her for almost 2 yrs. Thanks! ## Hello, Jennifer! How are you? Yes, it could be, unless you have reasons to suspect that she may be doing some other type of drug. Another alternative could be hormonal changes, she is at the right age for another shift in them to occur. Has her doctor been consulted?
I ended up at the ER thinking I was having a heart attack. So I didn't take the last two pills. It has now been a full week after my last dose, and I am still struggling with insomnia, nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness, loss of appetite, heart pounding and high bp. I feel better in the evenings, but then it starts over in the mornings. Does anyone know how much longer these side effects will last? Does anyone have a similar story? ## I'm two weeks past the last dose, and I still have anxiety, nausea/weakness, fast heart beat and trouble sleeping. Can anyone help me get an idea how much longer this will go on? I've been to my Dr twice, and going to a cardiologist tomorrow, all because of this awful methylprednisolone pack. ## Usually it takes about 2 weeks for the side effec...
What ingredients are in zopiclone and what imprint does it have on zopiclone 5mg tablets? ## "Zopiclone" is the generic name and active ingredient of the medication. So the only things that would be in it are that of fillers and inactive ingredients, which can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. These tablets are sleeping pills (hypnotics) which work by acting on the brain to cause sleepiness. Hope this helps! ## Hi. I just got 5mg zopiclone and have been taking alprazolam for 20 yrs (0.5mg). Is this combination ok? Thank you. ## 5mg Zopiclone sleeping pills should have Tec on one side and 2/30 on the other side. Is this correct? ## i think only a doctor could say if the combination is okay but i have taken a higher dose of alprazolam with zopiclone sometimes 4ml in fact but...
am on aspirin for 2 heart murmurs, 2typesof blood pressure tablets.eltroxin 100gm daily, for underactive thyroid.femtab low dose as Hrt. 2 antidepreesants 150mg daily. would any of side effects of these meds,be simular or cause low blood sugar. I also have prescribed half sleeping tablet at night.my stomach does not feel good alot and I have irratable bowel.help non drinker or smoker 57yrs old.. ## I am 57 years old, on 2 tablets for high blood pressure, aspirin eltroxin for under active thyroid, femtab low dose hrt,2 antidepresant at night have 2 heart murmors. and I take half 10 mg sleeping tablet at night.I dont smoke or drink and am facing diabetees 2 down the line..have irratable bowel syndrome. I dont feel great alot of the time but not sure if side effects of medication am on cau...
## I've been taking this pill which i was told would help me sleep. They're Trazodone HCL 50mg tabs. It says on the bottle that it's for insomnia. Is this a sleeping pill and what does it do? I sleep 10-12 hours and I only take 1/2 the tablet. ## The thing about trazadone is it is actually an antidepressant,but only in high doses built up over a period of time(this level must be maintaind to be theraputic).But one of the side effects is extreme drowsiness,but if taken regularly your tolerencn will build up.Mine builds up after a period of time and I have to stop taking it for 6 months in order for it to b effective for me.But overall it does its job for sleep,I have been taking it for 5 years ## Just like the trance song, I can't get no sleep. That is how I feel every ni...
I have suffered from insomnia for years. Tried one sleeping pill after another. Azor is not prescribed for sleeping as such but it did help for me for a while. After 6 months I found that I needed a higher dose to make me drowsy enough to sleep. But the side effect was drowsiness the next morning and headaches. It made me lethargic the next day and my productivity went down the drain. I accidently discovered a video clip on cannabis oil on youtube. I tried it out. (Cooked in olive oil) I never had a problem sleeping again. Never felt lethargic the next morning. I generally felt much healthier over all. And the spot of skin cancer I had disappeared in 3 months. Cannabis is unfortunately illegal mainly because if it was not many pharmaceutical companies would lose big business. Please edu...
Filed under Azoroblong orange janssen on 1 side r 2 on the other ## This is Risperdal 2mgs, this is an antipsychotic med, also used for those with racing thoughts who have trouble sleeping. This is a very high dose, as it is a very strong med. If you have never taken it before and take this 2mg pill, you will be sleeping for about 2 days, maybe more.
Have been taking gabapentin for a week and am having trouble sleeping anyone having the same problem. ## can't get a good nights sleep two days in a row. surgury pain from lung absess dosen't seem to get any better. ## Yes me too I have been on 100MG for a week.....BUT that is too higher dose so will be coming down to 50MG today......i am not impressed with this drug and as I need my sleep, if i am not happy with 50MG i will stop it..I prefer to have the MS problems than not been able to sleep!! xx ## I am taking 100 MG 3x's a day and have noticed (on about day 5 of this drug) strange dreams when I CAN sleep and trouble getting to sleep in the first place. Anyone else? ## I take 400mg 3 times a day, I will sleep one day and then up for the next two nights and then sleep one ...
i have dice,problems an siatic,,i think thay are good to sleep ,,but on a high dose,,7.5. ## Hi mando, Cyclobenzaprine is a pretty potent muscle relaxant and works by blocking pain sensations, so I can certainly see how it helps you get a good nights rest. Are you currently taking anything else with it? If you're into natural alternatives I'd recommend trying out lavender essential oil and mixing it with a lotion to rub onto your spine/back prior to sleeping. It may help promote healing in any areas that have inflammation related to disc problems. Lavender is also very calming and acts as a muscle relaxant too. Let me know if you'd like any more information on this!
I have been on chantix 6 weeks...totally smoke free for 4 weeks...however my sleeping pattern was awful...three nights ago I quit taking 2 dose and just taken morning...slept like a baby since.... ## If you missed two doses of chantix in a row, it's likely that your body was probably experiencing some early effects of withdrawal symptoms. If or when you decide to stop taking the medication, I'd highly recommend contacting your doctor first in order to get proper instructions for tapering off. A lot of people here have been complaining about how bad the chantix withdrawal symptoms are, so I think it would be wise to play it safe until you get a-hold of your doctor. I hope this helps!
I have been taking tramadol for about 2 months they I am now taking about 500 mg at once to help me sleep and it's not working for the pain can i go higher to 600mg ## The recommended maximum daily dose of Tramadol is 400mgs, so you are already exceeding that amount. Learn more Tramadol details here. As an analgesic, it may cause some drowsiness as a side effect, but really isn't meant to assist with problems sleeping, it is usually solely used for pain. Thus, you may do better if you tried an actual sleep aid for that and just this for pain, or an alternative medication for pain. Have you talked to your doctor about the issue? ## I Have been taken Tramadol 50 mg 2 times a day for 3 months now been taken Tramadol 50 mg 3 times a day for 2 months its not working any more should i...