H 86
41 Topics FoundI am from Mumbai India. My friend who lives in Goa has cancer in the kidney and it has spread to his liver. He is 60 years old. I wanted to know are they suitable for him and if so can they be sent to India by post or any other means? ## Would suggest taking B-17 instead. Cost: around $27.00 usd. Research it for yourself online. ## Where can you get B-17 for this price? Can you recommend a location. ## B-17 is also known as Laetil. It is produced mostly from apricot kernels ## Just chew on apricot seeds 4 to 5 per day. You can buy it at any store like Nuts and Spices in Chennai. You should look up the Budwig Protocall. It involves mixing 1/2 cup paneer with a table spoon of flax seed oil; fruit and veg juices, wheat grass juice, soda bicarbonate, sunlight, exercise, no sugar or white ri...
I know someone with stage 4 breast cancer. It has spread to her liver, she has a tumor on her breast bone, etc. How has H-86 worked against this aggressive stage of cancer? ## Hi Michelle, From what I understand, there are no real reports of H-86 being a legitimate cancer drug. There are less than a handful of vague articles that briefly state it's use for such treatments. One other user on here found information claiming it to be a type of fermented wheat germ; however I personally have yet to come across any specific details linking them to one another. If anyone else out there has more information on this H-86 substance, please do share! On a side note, I would like to add that there are several (yes, several) other types of natural cancer killers out there if you do the research...
where are they found? ## Hi Gerard, I'm not sure what abbreviation "DBX" stands for, but lately there has been a lot of speculation about H86, how it works as a cancer treatment, and where you might be able to obtain it. Unfortunately however, there seems to be a lack of supporting evidence from credible sources explaining what H86 really is. Some say it's fermented wheat germ, others say black currant extract, and even something called Avemar... Perhaps visiting one of the other discussion threads on here can help shed some light on the topic for you: Discuss/h-86-cancer-cure-250866.htm Discuss/H86-cancer-cure-252776.htm And if anyone else has additional information on DBX or at least what it stands for, please post back with more details so we can all be on the same pa...
Can you post any information on the effects of h-86 as a cancer treatment, where it can found, and at what cost? ## According to some of the discussion threads here on this site, H-86 is just another name for (Avemar) fermented wheat germ extract. If you run a search for this, you may have better luck coming up with the type of results you're looking for. Here is a related thread with much more info on it: h 86 cancer cure, or you can also find a more complete listing of H86 topics: /topics/h-86/. Hope this helps and wish you the best! ## H-86 is not yet available to the public, as human trials have not yet begun. But studies since the mid 80s have been performed on mice, and prove very promising. You can find some interesting facts at Wikipedia by looking up CD-47, which is the pro...
h86 - is it a serious product? Is this a product on the market? Is it safe? ## There are actually a number of related discussion threads here on this topic that I would encourage you to have a look at. I posted a couple links below: Discuss/h-86-cancer-cure-250866.htm Discuss/H86-cancer-cure-252776.htm To sum up my own investigation, the company (Health Science Institute) who promotes H86 is thought to be a scam. H86 appears to be their trademark name for fermented wheat germ extract. And while I don't feel that Health Science Institute has a good reputation, fermented wheat germ extract itself is generally regarded as safe and has demonstrated positive feedback in studies. One of the known brands that is available online goes by the name "Avemar". You can read more about Av...
I agree that the pharmaceutical companies are selling drugs that are poisons and do not cure the persons disease and at an enormous cost. At the same time the some of these herbal cures are high priced as well. So if there are natural medicines out there and the producers are not making enormous profits why is the cost so high??
After a bit of drilling down and reading I think I have found out what H-86 really is... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleevec ## There are actually a few other discussion threads on this same topic that talk about H86 and how it works as a cancer treatment. However, I'm not sure if everyone is on the same page as far as what it really is. You can view each thread by visiting the links below: Discuss/h86-cancer-treatment-252777.htm Discuss/h-86-cancer-cure-250866.htm Discuss/h-86-cancer-cures-252713.htm By the way, have you also looked into CBD's from cannabis as a viable cure for cancer? Studies show that it's actually more effective than chemo, and without the side effects. So this might be something to consider researching as well. I hope this helps! ## This Product is called AVE...
h86 is protein blocker that is in cancer cells that protein fools the bodys immune system the cancer just keep growing and your immune system doesn't even know its there,This drug blocks the protein and your bodys immune system gets rid of the tumors. I received an email about h86 but like a dumbass I deleted it thinking I would be able to find it again. I did find a similer drug by googling cancer treatments , I cant remember the name of that either but its something like cr-47? and they are just starting trials on humans . But you know the big drug companies aren't going to let it out coz they would rather keep killing people for the $$ ## Hi Gary, I came across a forum relating to the H 86 cancer treatment, I'll link to it below: /Discuss/h-86-cancer-cure-250866_s2.htm Yo...
H86 (Av'e) is available in the US. via avemarusa. I have a packet here, but it doesn't show an address or ph #. just shows av'e as the trademark name ## @Rennet, I would recommend having a look at where the product was sent from if you received it in the mail, since that usually indicates the company's/distributors location. I was not able to find an address or phone number either on avemarusa. However, at the bottom of their page it does indicate that "American Bio Sciences, Inc" is the company who trademarks Avemar. So after doing some further investigation, I found that the contact information for American Bio Sciences is actually on a completely different site altogether, and is listed as follows: American BioSciences, Inc. 560 Bradley Parkway Blauvelt, NY 10...
Can be ordered from health science institute HSI ## @dam, If you haven't seen any of the other related threads here on H86, then you may want to have a look. A lot of information has been posted here about H86 over the past few months now, some comments already stating exactly what you said. H86 is basically fermented wheat germ extract, marketed under the name Avemar. Someone in another thread actually took the time to post a recipe on how to make it (linked below): Discuss/H86-cancer-cure-252776.htm However I'd still like to see more feedback from people who've tried it on a continuous basis with success. Is this something you've used before? ## How long is the right time to fermented. And how much from each, do you have the recipe? I have tumors all over my body, the ...
This may be a wonderful drug but if you have been diagnosed with cancer see a doctor take your chemo I have been battling colon cancer and I would maybe take this along with Chemo. There is a reason cancer survival rates are going up Chemo does help. And Chemo sucks I know, I have lost my hair three times, and had my head in the toilet more times than I can count. But I am alive! My fight has been over 5 years. But again I am alive. I travel to Houston TX (over 1000 miles away) so that I have an opportunity to be treated by the best oncologist in the world. I am not wealthy. Make about $11 and hour with good insurance. My life is important and I wanted to live and I figured out how to make it happen. Friends purchased plane tickets for me on two occasions to get out there. I was able to...
Always keep in mind, if a treatment works and can not be profitable to the drug companies. Then the drug companies will do everything they can to discredit the treatment by quickly publishing that it has not been evaluated or proven in a double blind study (This is quite expensive to do to the standards to have published & excepted by the drug companies and the medical community.), or they may say it is a out right lie that it can do any good at all.
My name is James, I have stage IV cancer of unknown origin. Have had radiation treatments and have been on chemotherapy for over a year. I would like to find out if there is any truth relative to H86 and it's ability to stop or cure cancer. Like thousands of other people with cancer would like to find where or how to get obtain this product. ## Unfortunately, no there is not. I have spent hours searching and there is no valid proof to the claims, whatsoever. I lost my dad to lung cancer, and I would have been elated to find such information, so I wouldn't lose him and I could share it with everyone else, however, there is nothing. I really wish I had better news for you, and others with cancer, but I don't, and I am very sorry. Many people have asked, and I can't find an...
The HSI website is SOOOOO...classically laid out in the 'push' format that doesn't let you see where' its going until you get to "Order Now." I have no genuine knowledge about what they're selling or saying - in terms of validity - but I can definitively state this: Whenever I've seen a website set up like HSI's (usually its for financial services of some sort), it's been designed to lure people into making impulse purchases. The method used is always the same. The site discusses case after case from semi-anonymous testimony givers, indicating great success, but almost always using only initials or first names. Another indication is when the price of the product(s) is unusually high, but bears no reason for being so (except, perhaps amassing a fut...
Anybody know if this is helpful against leukemia? ## Hello, Sharon! How are you? Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find any information on this substance that's been claimed to be a miracle cancer cure. Many people have asked about it, since a certain email newsletter has been going out and I have searched various sources, both subscription and free, repeatedly to no avail. I am sorry, I know it raised the hopes of you and many others who either have a serious illness, or have a loved one that does and I sincerely wish I had some information for you, but I don't. Does anyone else know more? ## Find Dr. Hanna Kroeger's exercise for curing Leukemia in 5 days. The video will astonish you. Watch the video with the man,he speaks good english. IT WORKS.
I received the same. It was from HSI (Health Sciences Institute) in an ad for a "free" book titled Miracles From the Vault: Anthology of Underground Cures by Jenny Thompson. It was "free" with a newsletter subscription... The "infomercial" was vague about most of the "top seven" cures it supposedly detailed. H-86 was the first of them. It supposedly reduces (attacks) cancers but I cannot find any reference to it on the web other than questions. I've found many people on the web asking about this and the others (nitric oxide, policosanol, lion's mane mushroom) which are well known but no answers about the H-86. The closest thing I could find was a rabbit derived LHPP antibody but I think this is NOT the substance in question. ## i need daily health...
hi cant find anything about h 86 but youtube has doctors talking about vitamin b17 found in apricot seeds that is supposed to fight cancer. lost late girlfriend to cancer and bicarbonate of soda treatment of cancer but doctors wont use either for fear of losing license. big pharma don't want it out ## Hello, Chet! How are you? I'm very sorry about your loss. As to the apricot kernels, it's actually not safe to ingest those, they contain a dangerous substance, so they can be toxic. Anyone trying that could place themselves at risk, especially, if their body is already under attack from cancer cells. Sticking with an extract, something that is purified and proven safe would be the best bet. As to such treatments, including bicarbonate of soda, yes, doctors would be risking the...
Thanks for the info placed on here about H86. One of the cures for cancer that I have been reading on is sodium bicarbonate, that's right, baking soda. Many cancers are of the fungus type. Though red in appearance, they are white as most funguses are. There are many videos on youtube about the use of sodium bicarbonate, one being a cure for cancer. It is worth checking out. ## Baking soda is a cure for cancer. Cancer can not live in an alkaline environment. The trick is to get the baking soda into the cancer cell which has a protection against it. Cancer cells require 22 times the amount of sugars as normal cells. Originally baking soda was heated with maple syrup 1 part maple syrup 3 parts real maple syrup. This boils over easily so use a double boiler and put 1 or 2 spoons in a gl...
I have been fighting cancer for 5 years and still going. I have tried so many things like this that are empty promises. All they do is put down chemo, which has been the ONLY thing keeping me alive so far. I did this fatal Mexico heat treatments with they charged me $40,000 for two weeks of treatments and they almost killed me because they did NOTHING to help me. I know everyone has a special ingratiate to kill the cancer they have, but I have yet to find mine, but I do know there are people who take advantage of us, because we will do almost anything to stay alive. ## Hello, JOJO! How are you doing? I am very sorry about your continued health struggle and I really hope you beat cancer very soon! And your warning to others is greatly appreciated. There have been many that have asked abo...
DOSE ANY ONE KNOW HOW TO CONTACT JENNY THOMPSON? I CAN NOT FIND ANY OF THESE ITEMS IN THE MIRACLES FROM THE VAULT ## Hi Harold, Just an FYI, various products from the health science institute are deemed to be a scam. H-86 is apparently a form of fermented wheat germ extract (which has displayed anti-cancer properties). But as far as the HSI company itself being legitimate, I think enough people throughout the forums here have already been scammed by buying into their subscription on miracles from the vault. In light of that, I'd encourage you to check out this other discussion thread pertaining to another product from the health science institute, evidently showing that they are not a trustworthy company after all: Discuss/DBX-13-scam-261559.htm I hope this helps! ## Look up the Hea...