H86 And Breast Cancer
UpdatedI know someone with stage 4 breast cancer. It has spread to her liver, she has a tumor on her breast bone, etc. How has H-86 worked against this aggressive stage of cancer?
3 Replies
Hi Michelle,
From what I understand, there are no real reports of H-86 being a legitimate cancer drug. There are less than a handful of vague articles that briefly state it's use for such treatments. One other user on here found information claiming it to be a type of fermented wheat germ; however I personally have yet to come across any specific details linking them to one another.
If anyone else out there has more information on this H-86 substance, please do share!
On a side note, I would like to add that there are several (yes, several) other types of natural cancer killers out there if you do the research yourself. Not one doctor will tell you this information... Why? Because cancer is a profit driven business my friends. And what greedy research institutes would want to loose out on your money by telling you there is in fact a cure? Not one of them!
I'll name a few below for anyone else who may be interested in delving further into their studies:
1) Frankincense: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23237355
2) Cannabis: activistpost.com/2013/08/20-studies-that-prove-cannabis-can-cure.html
3) Hydrogen peroxide
4) Baking Soda
5) Reishi and Chagacan Mushrooms
6) Gerson Therapy
7) Raw Vegan Diet
8) Alkaline foods
And this is just a few of many...
You can also see the following page for additional information on natural cancer cures: naturalnews.com/042688_natural_medicine_cancer_cures_government_agencies.html
It's time to spread the word and stand up for yourselves and your health! Too many people are needlessly dieing under the greed of the US government.
where did you get medication from???
Doctors can lose their medical licenses if they attempt to treat you with alternatives.
This does not just apply to cancer either.
The FDA seems to want to make sure we cannot get the accurate info on things like vitamins & minerals.
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