Blue Oval Pill 20 Y
100+ Topics Foundsmall blue oblong, M on one side and N2 on the other side, the N2 might also be NZ ## This tablet contains 20mgs of Paroxetine, the active ingredient in Paxil, it is an SSRI antidepressant. Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, weight changes and dry mouth. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with?
What kind of tablet is blue and oval shaped with 20 on one side and Y on the other? ## Thia tablet is manufactured by Aurobindo Pharma and is listed as containing 1mgs of Alprazolam, which is most commonly used to teat anxiety and nervous disorders. NDC: 65862-0678 This medication caries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability. Inactive Ingredients: - Silicon Dioxide - Starch, Corn - Docusate Sodium - Sodium Benzoate - Lactose Monohydrate - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - FD&C Blue No. 2 Is there anything else I can help with? ## It is Alprazolam 1mg also known as Xanax it's for anxiety panic attacks
I do not remember what this pill was for. I usually take generic brands of Zocor (20mg) and Zanex for anxiety. Can you help me to identify this pill. ## An oval, blue pill with G17 on it, actually contains 220mgs of Naproxen, it is a generic or store brand of Aleve. It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory used to treat pain, fever and swelling. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and stomach irritation. Learn more: Are there any questions or comments? ## My first prescription of Simvastatin (40mg) did not state a warning on the prescription label as did my replenishment prescription (from a different pharmamcist) regarding not to consume grapefruit/juice whilst taking this medication. Unfortunately I had just started consuming one grapefruit/day for about a week...
whats the main purpose of this pill. ## I can't be 100% certain, but several other site users have reported this as being Mybulen tablets, it's a pain reliever, fever reducer. It's listed as containing the active ingredients 200mgs Ibuprofen, 350mgs Paracetamol and 10mgs of Codeine and is from Africa. Learn more Ibuprofen details here. Learn more Paracetamol details here. Learn more Codeine details here. Has this been prescribed for you?
PILL IS SCORED ON OTHER SIDE ## i dnt knw ## I believe the marking on the tablet being asked about was actually 2089 V and the tablet contains 1mg of Alprazolam, the active ingredient in Xanax. It is a Benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, irritability and dizziness. Learn more Xanax details here. Is there anything I can help with?
Is the genetic stronger than name brand?? ## Hello, Jay! How are you? This is a 1mg Alprazolam tablet and yes, there is a chance it could be, but it would only amount to a fraction of an increase, since the allowable difference is just plus or minus 20%. This medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with?
It is generic Xanax - I take them 2 a day for panic attacks. they say gg258, or blue 605. that is all I take because they're the most potant ones. all others won't work for me. Just be careful with them especially if you also take oxycodone or methadone cuz they interact and u can very easily overdose. ## I was prescribed 1mg xanax 3 times a day.Than my gradaddy was in the hospital on a ventilator for two weeks so my do coterie uped me to 4 1mg xanax that was in 2010...I was doing great I had my panicking and anxiety under control...Til my momma got sick with inertial lung disease she was on a ventilator twice she came off she was a fighter...I took care of her til her last breathe she passed august12,2014 from sepsis...My anxiety and panicking got worse so the doctor put me on ... it qualitest or vintage pharms.... ## I can't find a listing for this, do you know what country it was obtained in? ## A says that it's the 1mg Alprazolam from Qualitest... ## Yep, that is correct, I was finally able to find a listing to confirm this, it's a generic for Xanax. ## the pill is very tiny sky blue with a V on one side, and I am pretty sure the numbers on the other side read 2101 ## Hi Concerned Mom - the pill which you are describing (blue pill V 2101) has been identifed in a as Amitriptyline 10 mg, whch is an antidepressant / anti-anxiety. You can read more about this drug at: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... ## robin egg blue 2089 with v at the bottom middle on back side scored down the mid...
i was taking 0.5mg of xanax now doctor has given me xanax 1mg .is this stronger or is it less then 0.5mg ## 1mg is stronger than 0.5mg, the 0.5mg is only half of an mg, so he has upped your dose to a full milligram dosage. You may experience more side effects, such as: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability. Read more: Are there any comments or questions? ## Hmm, .5 half milligram versus 1 milligram, yeah, here we go, usually when you take the full 1 mg it's like taking 2 .5 mg's , so it's safe to say the full 1 mg is stronger. ## Taking a full 1 mg Xanax is nothing like taking 2.5 mg Xanax, nothing. ## You are wrong, sorry, but it is exactly like it. It is the same. 1mg = two .5mgs. (.5mg is 1/2 of 1mg), therefore .5mg x 2 = 1mg. And 1mg is stronger than .5mg. You ow...
Blue oval 2089 V on one side & scored on the other ## That is correct, I was able to finally confirm this ID, this tablet contains 1mg of Alprazolam, a generic for Xanax. This is a Benzodiazepine, commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability. More on the medication here: ## yellow round pill, alprazolam by Asimax - Forte brand, 1 mg ## Hi, I was on holiday leave in Thailand, couldn't sleep, the chemist gave ten tablets of alprazolam 1MG to help me sleep, I took during two week holiday. it was nightmare, nausea loss of appetite, came to jordon went to see the ENT specialist but they found nothing wrong. I did realize it was alprazolam and I did not mention it, till last Saturday I could not sl...
Found these when I was cleaning my daughter's room and I can't find any information on what they are. ## If they are light blue and football shaped they are 1mg alprazolam tablets ## Hello Kimbo, As Juan pointed out earlier I was able to match the imprint y 2 0 with an alprazolam tablet. This medication is orally ingested and most commonly used to treat anxiety disorders. Here is some additional information regarding the specific brand of this medication. (NDC 65862-678) Active Ingredients: alprazolam 1mg Inactive Ingredients: Silicon Dioxide Starch, Corn Docusate Sodium Sodium Benzoate Lactose Monohydrate Magnesium Stearate Cellulose, Microcrystalline Fd&c Blue No. 2 Manufacturer: Aurobindo Pharma Limited Shape: Oval Color Blue Size: 9mm I hope this information helps. Pleas...
What is an oval blue pill with a Y on one side and 20 on the other side? What is this pill used for? ## Hi Pam, An oval blue pill marked with Y 20 is reportedly identified as Alprazolam 1mg; the generic for Xanax used for treating anxiety. NDC: 65862-678 Labeler: Aurobindo Pharmaceuticals Size: 9mm Inactive Ingredients: -Silicon Dioxide -Starch, Corn -Docusate Sodium -Sodium Benzoate -Lactose Monohydrate -Magnesium Stearate -Cellulose, Microcrystalline -Fd&c Blue No. 2 Hope this helps! ## I have a blue oval pill with 20 on one side v on other ## How can I get more? It’s very hard to get from my doctor. I have had anxiety and adhd all my life. It makes it difficult to live day to day. ## U have to go through a lot of testing because people use them recreationally & overdose...
Xanax comes in all shapes and sizes ## Did you have a question about a shape. or a size, or a color, or was that a statement? ## Hello, Derrick! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Qualitest Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 1mg of Alprazolam, the active ingredient in Xanax. The FDA classifies this medication as a benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. It carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with? Eddy!! How are you?
Light blue oblong pill- blank on one side & L050 on the oppisit side. Is this a generic viagra? ## Hi Julie, Based on my research, that oval blue pill marked L050, is reported to be over-the-counter Ibuprofen PM, containing 38mgs of Diphenhydramine + 200mgs of Ibuprofen; for the treatment of insomnia and pain. I believe the generic viagra pills you're thinking of are actually diamond shaped... However, for verification you can always look up the pill's National Drug Code of 00113-0050. I hope this helps!
This is a generic form of Truvada. It contains Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (300MG) and Emtricitabine (200mg) and is manufactured by Mylan Laboratories in India. This pill is used as Prep - a once a day pill for those at risk of contracting HIV, or for those already diagnosed with HIV, to reduce the viral count of HIV in the system ## I would like to ask i found blue pills M117 I'm my girlfriend bag hidden what are they for? I also found brown oval pills GAL WHAT are they for Am I safe from HIV ## Hi Zakes, If you know or suspect that your partner has HIV based on these pills that were found, it seems to me like your best bet would be for the two of you to go in for testing or at least a closer evaluation. But before that, I would probably encourage you to sit down with your partne...
It is oblong and bright blue with 2089 V on it. ## It is supposed to be a xanax, but I can not find any pictures of it. It is the brightest blue. ## I finally found an ID on this and that is correct, it contains 1mg of Alprazolam, a generic for Xanax. This is a Benxodiazepine, commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, irritability and headache. You can read more on it here: ## I am on alprazolam 1 mg tab. It is Bright Bright Blue and oval shaped. The ones That i've always got were light blue. Are they the same just a different color? that is what my pharm. Told me.So is it the same ones as the light Blue that i have taken over a year ## Yes. The bright blue speckled pill with the numbers 2089 and the little v symbol un...
This pill is an oval blue pill with PDK on one side of it and 30 30 on the other it's mainly all blue but little red dots are noticeable on the entire pill what is this? ## Hi John, I haven't found an exact match to your pill, but I did come across a capsule with a similar marking. It is blue on one side and clear on the other, imprinted with PDK 10-1362. This particular pill happens to be a 200mg Caffeine tablet. I'm thinking even though the imprint doesn't exactly match up, they may still be manufactured by the same company. PDK Labs, Inc. manufactures and distributes a variety of over-the-counter pharmaceutical products and vitamins. Perhaps this could give you an indication of what your pill might be. Although it may be worth while to just contact them directly for v...
Ha66The pills is small and is in a football..or oval it is blue and on one side it has 2085 has a v ## Is it possible that the pill actually says "2089" as opposed to "2085"? A blue oval pill marked V 2089 is identified as Alprazolam (1 mg); also known as Xanax. Alprazolam is primarily used to treat moderate to severe anxiety disorders (e.g., social anxiety disorder) and panic attacks, and is used as an adjunctive treatment for anxiety associated with moderate depression. Learn More: Alprazolam Details I hope this helps!
The pill is oblong really deep speckled blue with only partial numbers 89 on one side ## Hello, Lisa! How are you? How big is it? There is a speckled blue, oval tablet with the marking 2089 over V on it that contains 1mg of Alprazolam, which is the active ingredient in Xanax. It is a benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.
I found a blue oblong pill with s 26 on one side. It's about the size of a Tylenol. Any ideas? ## Since there's talk about this being an over the counter tablet, the most likely match is a generic form of Tylenol PM called Assured Headache PM: Containing Acetaminophen 500 mg (pain reliever) and Diphenhydramine 38 mg (sleep aid). (NDC 68210-0020) It's described as a blue, oval-shaped tablet with imprint S26. Inactive Ingredients: - Silicon Dioxide - FD&C Blue No. 1 - FD&C Blue No. 2 - Hypromelloses - Magnesium Stearate -Cellulose, Microcrystalline -Polyethylene Glycol, Unspecified -Povidones - Starch, Corn - Stearic Acid -Titanium Dioxide ## Does the location where you found it offer any clues as to what it may be? Is there any chance that the "s" could actual...