Anxit 0 5 Tab

26 Topics Found

Dear Sir Whether intake of 50 tablets 0.25 mg of Anxit lead to death. If so within how many time it will take ## How much intake of 0.25 mg of anxit may lead to death and within how much time ## Anxit is listed as containing the active ingredient Flupentixol, which is an antipsychotic that is used to treat various mental health issues. And that would surely be too high of an amount to take, at once and could put someone's life in danger, but there is really no way to say with any certainty, whether or not it will result in death and, if it does, how soon death may occur. The effects it will have can vary from person to person, depending on their tolerance to the medication, their overall health and other factors. Some people might just get severely ill, while others may go into shoc...

11 REPLIES Filed under Antipsychotic

I am taking one Tablet a day since 3/4 years.Presently I am feeling sleepy all the day time.What should I do to be more active.I am 63 years old retired person. ## With referance to your mail i want to inform you that i used to feel sleepy for for full day time after taking a pill of anxit 0.5 S R in evening after location is Meerut City,UttarPradesh,India.It is rainy season here,humiditry remains sometimes upto 70% and temp.veries from 25 to 36.But it is not the matter of season this remains for the full year. ## Have you consulted your doctor? Anxit contains the active ingredient Alprazolam, which is a Benzodiazepine commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. And you should consult your doctor, because it is known that people of your age range are often more sensi...

3 REPLIES Filed under Alprazolam

Hi if i take anxit 0.5 mg 1 tablet in night how long i can sleep. ## This medication contains the active ingredient Alprazolam, which is a benzodiazepine that is most commonly used to anxiety, and nervous disorders. The NIH warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as dizziness, headache, drowsiness, irritability, and nausea. As to how long you can sleep, that can vary from person to person, so there is no definitive answer that anyone can give you! Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Filed under Alprazolam

My wife has completed five months of pregnancy and she is fit and fine but she hasn't been able to sleep at night for the past few days.... So will u tell me if she can use anxit .5 for two or three days regularly at night? Is it harmful?.... Kindly reply to me soon. ## Hello, Anuj! How are you and your wife? No, the U.S. FDA advises against the use of this medication during pregnancy, especially since it can be habit forming, so the baby could be born addicted. When pregnant, it is always best that a woman not take anything that has not been prescribed by her doctor for the safety and health of both her and the baby. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I am 4 months pregnant and I drink apetito tables is it bad


I am suffering from Breathing problem, my doctor prescribe to take above medicine (1/2 per day). ## D-Montus contains the active ingredients Doxofylline and Montelukast, it is used to treat respiratory disorders, such as Asthma and allergy symptoms. Anxit is listed as containing Alprazolam, it is a Benzodiazepine that is used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, irritability and headache. Learn more: Are there any other comments or questions? ## Thanks for the details ## please Any Side effects health if i taken 30 day for tension or nervous disorders ## My Wife has been prescribed for D Montus tablets. Please advice how long this medicine should continue to get relief.

4 REPLIES Filed under Montelukast

My son wants to take anxit 0.25. How many can he take in a day? How does it interfere with alcohol ? ## The initial dose for alprazolam is 0.25 mg three times a day for anxiety, panic disorder and depression. Consult your doctor for a dosage for your specific condition. ## He should not take Alprazolam, unless his doctor has prescribed it for him. The NIH warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability. Alcohol can increase the risk of side effects, so they should not combined. Is there anything else I can help with?

2 REPLIES Filed under Alprazolam

If I take 2 tablets of Anxit 0.25 in coffee. Can any side effect happened? ## Are you meaning to ask if it would be dangerous? Yes, there is a slight possibility, because you are basically combining two substances that have the opposite effects in the body. The Anxit, which contains the active ingredient Alprazolam, works similarly to a sedative and if the coffee is regular that contains caffeine, then it is a stimulant, which means there is a risk of your body going into shock and not knowing how to react to them both at the same time. Thus, it's usually safer to not combine them. Are there any other questions? You can learn more Anxit details here.

1 REPLY Filed under Alprazolam

My sister took Tab. Anxit 0.25mg dose 12 tabs at a time, after half an hr stomach wash done. Her behaviour is like slurred speech, irritability, full of drowsiness. How many days it takes to become normal. What will be the side effects may affect her? Can we give water atleast

I'm Ayan .... Age 23 ... If I take anxit 0.5 2 tablets in a day .. Will it give me any kind of side effect like as death ???? Or not?? ## Hello, Ayan! How are you? No, that low of a dosage isn't likely to be fatal, unless your sensitive to such a medication, or allergic to it. Thus, you should only take it as prescribed by your doctor. The U.S. FDA warns that it carries that risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with? ## My apologies, that should've been you're. And, along with treating insomnia, this medication can also be used to treat anxiety, nervous disorders and seizures that have been resistant to other treatments. ## if we take anxit 0.25 more its lead to d...

4 REPLIES Filed under Nausea & Vomiting

Will Anxit help in normalizing blood pressure levels (reduce BP)? If yes please tell me what the recommended dosage is and whether it should be taken before or after food? My age is 55 yrs. ## I am claustrophobic especially in flights will anxit.25 help me ## I m francina.and 27 years old. I m taking anxit 0.2 5 mg i had severe head tightness.and sleepless ness

2 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

white bar m b4 on one side and othe rside it has 10 three times ## the pill is i guess for anxity, and white oblong, one side of the pill, it says m b4 and other side it says 10/10/10 it is like u can break it 2 or 3 ways. ## yes , that is what i was told but i'm not sure ## It sounds like the pill in question is BuSpar, (Buspirone), and it IS an anti-anxiety drug. (Prescription Only, of course). ## Pill Image Scroll down to see your pill. JR is correct, this is Buspirone, the generic for Buspar, this is a 30mgs tablet. The reason for the funny division on the back of it, is so you can divide the dose easier if needed.

4 REPLIES Filed under BuSpar

my mum took more dn 30 tablets so she has been admitted to hospital.. dad is nt gvng me any information bot mum.. so cn I know bot anxit tablet ## Hi Dee, Sorry to hear about what happened with your mom. I realize this was posted back in the end of May, so I hope things have started to settle down by now with regards to how she's doing. You're asking if anxiety could lead to death? Yes, I suppose if it was completely uncontrollable, the stress involved with the anxiety could lead to chemical imbalances that lower your immune system response, mood, behavior, increased blood pressure, insomnia, etc; eventually triggering other risk factors that are considered to be more dangerous or potentially life threatening if left untreated. Do you know if your mom was able to get to the hosp...

3 REPLIES Filed under Anxiety

Is a 15mg dose of anxit tablet dangerous? Anxit is a sleeping pill.. ## Depends on the person and his body functioning system. This med is usually prescribed for anxiety and panic attack relief. And is a temporary med to be taken with other therapy. although deaths are reported at higher doses but in very few individuals it is unlikely, but probable. although taking such a high dose will lead to permanent brain damage... organ failure..hosts of internal organ problems and can definitely lead to coma. if you are troubled in any way and are under severe depression(i have been through it too)..ther are many other ways of handling this. stop dwelling on ur negative minimal exercises at home...expose urself to the outside world little by little...i assure you u will not have su...

3 REPLIES Filed under Sleep Aid

I heard that recently Anxit 0.5 mg ( manufacturer - Micro Labs Ltd ) has been banned. Is this true? My father (85 years old) suffering from partial Alzheimer's disease and paralysis and Anxiety disorders was prescribed Anxit. But now this news in the Newspapers has got me worried. Please clarify if this a safe drug or has been banned in India ## Is usage of Valium 5 mg for sleep risky? Mt father (85 year old) had problems sleeping and a friendly doctor suggested we give him Valium 5 mg for sleeplessness. No formal Prescription was given but this tablet is occasionally available from some Pharmacists over the counter. I wish to check on the safety of this medicine. Regards Vinod

1 REPLY Filed under Alzheimers / Dementia

My Mother(age 83) taking faliz s 10 since it was Jollywell..Now after approximate 8 years regular taking tablets she started symtoms of anxity this monthe...can I increase dose to feliz s-20 ? ## Hello, Shailesh! How is your mother doing? Have you consulted her doctor about increasing the dosage? This medication contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, which is an SSRI antidepressant that can also help with anxiety, but it shouldn't be used, unless directed by her physician. Learn more Feliz S details here. Does she have any other medical conditions? Is she on any other medications?

1 REPLY Filed under Escitalopram

I am taking qutipin sr 100 amd clonil 50 for anxity, OCD treatment. Pl advise its side effect ## i am taking tab trazine S 2mg bd, tab qutipin SR 100 single dose ,tab ativan Z single dose,pl tell me which type of disease i suffered.give me detail about that disease. ## Arvind, Quitipin SR contains the active ingredient Quetiapine, which is an atypical antipsychotic that's commonly used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Learn more Quetiapine details here. Its common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, weight changes and constipation. Clonil contains the active ingredient Clomipramine, it is a tricyclic antidepressant and its side effects may include nausea, fatigue, dry mouth and postural hypotension. Learn more Clomipramine details here. amb, I can't tel...

4 REPLIES Filed under Ativan

foot ball shaped, white with blue dots, r 159, pill ## This is generic phentermine 37.5mg. It is generic for the brand name Ionamin. It is typically used as a weight loss pill. It can be addictive and has quite a few side effects. It can raise your blood pressure significantly, cause headaches, lots of sweating, insomnia. ## THIS PILL HAS DISTROYED MY LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!! IM NOW SKITSOACTIVE.. I HAVE ANXITY THAT NEVER GOS AWAY AND A SLEEPING DISORDER THAT CAUSES BYBOLAR SO IM CRAZY EGZOSTED AND FAT I GAINED ALL THE WAIT RITE BACK AND NOW I FEEL HUNGRY ALL THE TIME AM=ND HAVE NO MATAPALIZUM ALL THANKS TO A WHITE AND BLUE TABLET. BECAUSE I COULDNT JUST EAT HEALTHY I WAS LAZZY AND WAS LOOKING FOR A MERICAL ## yes i have a pill that says xanax on one side and 2 on back its shaped like a rectan...

6 REPLIES Filed under Phentermine

I was taking bupropion MPI 3332, round white tablet(Generic Welbutrin 30xl), I changed pharmacies and recieved this white oblong caplet with M B9 printed on one side. I felt alot of anxity start to build over the next few days and the one cigarette I had finally worked down to(ultra light 72 [the teeny shot ones]), was now back up to half pack or more and full on regular light 100's! I thought nothing of it other than a breif passing moment while in the pharmacy and that was that. Well now hindsight 20/20 I think these are crap and switch backed to my old pharmacy and doing much better. ## Hi T Beau, Sorry to hear about your experience with that other generic you switched over to. From what I understand, there could've been a lot less of the actual active ingredients in that par...

1 REPLY Filed under Bupropion

whatarethesideeffectsofthisdrug ## @Poppajn12, Based on my research side effects of Metoprolol can include: dizziness or lightheadedness tiredness depression nausea dry mouth stomach pain vomiting gas or bloating heartburn constipation rash or itching cold hands and feet runny nose shortness of breath wheezing swelling of the hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs unusual weight gain fainting rapid, pounding, or irregular heartbeat Referenced from: You can also learn more about this drug on the page for Metoprolol Details I hope this info helps! ## I am taking Metoprolol 25mg per day for 7 years, now i am faceing sideeffect like,bloating,flatulencce,anxity,depression, is there any alternative medicine to replace metoprolol tab ?

2 REPLIES Filed under Metoprolol

i took 0.5mg anxit pills day ago if i give my blood test traces can be found or not . how many days it can be found in human system my age is 16yrs

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