Qutipin Sr 100
UpdatedI am taking qutipin sr 100 amd clonil 50 for anxity, OCD treatment. Pl advise its side effect
4 Replies
i am taking tab trazine S 2mg bd, tab qutipin SR 100 single dose ,tab ativan Z single dose,pl tell me which type of disease i suffered.give me detail about that disease.
Arvind, Quitipin SR contains the active ingredient Quetiapine, which is an atypical antipsychotic that's commonly used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Learn more Quetiapine details here.
Its common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, weight changes and constipation.
Clonil contains the active ingredient Clomipramine, it is a tricyclic antidepressant and its side effects may include nausea, fatigue, dry mouth and postural hypotension.
Learn more Clomipramine details here.
amb, I can't tell you what your diagnosis was and why they were prescribed, you'd have to see your prescriber to get that information from them.
These types of medications have different medical uses, there is no one fits all diagnosis to give, just because someone is taking them.
The Ativan you're on is a Benzodiazepine that's commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders.
Learn more Ativan details here.
The Trazine-S contains Trifluoperazine, which is another atypical antipsychotic with uses similar to the Quetiapine.
Learn more Trifluoperazine details here.
Can you call and ask why they were prescribed for you?
I am taking qutipin sr100,asprito10,and serita25 from last 10 years. Nhow can I will overcome the doses please adwise and what kind of disease I am suffering from, please tell Sir.
i am using ativan 2 mg 5 times a day....and having isuees with fatig and gastric problems....so how can i over come it and i want to stop it ..plz advise me about ativen 2mg....i also have joint pains after using ativan 2mg
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