Razadyne ER
Active Ingredient(s): GalantamineFDA Approved: * December 22, 2004
Pharm Company: * JANSSEN
Category: Alzheimers / Dementia
Galantamine[3] is used for the treatment of cognitive decline in mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease and various other memory impairments.[4][5] It is an alkaloid that has been isolated from the bulbs and flowers of Galanthus nivalis (Common snowdrop), Galanthus caucasicus (Caucasian snowdrop), Galanthus woronowii (Voronov's snowdrop), and some other members of the family Amaryllidaceae, such as Narcissus (daffodil), Leucojum aestivum (snowflak... [wikipedia]
* May have multiple approval dates, manufacturers, or labelers.1 Discussion
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