Empirin w/Codeine
Active Ingredient(s): Aspirin, ASA + CodeineCategory: Pain Relief
Co-codaprin (BAN) is a non-proprietary name used to denote a compound analgesic, a combination of codeine phosphate with aspirin. Co-codaprin tablets are used for mild to moderate pain. Preparations Canada AC&C is a preparation of aspirin, codeine phosphate and caffeine in tablet form. The caffeine is intended to counteract drowsiness which may be caused by the codeine. AC&C is available in different formulations containing varying amounts of codeine. Formulations containing 8mg ... [wikipedia]
2 DiscussionsPopular Topics
Where can I get empirin 4 w codeine these days? Do they still make these pills, which i find better than the tylenol #4....
Pill is from Mexico round white pill RGM on one side and A025 on the other side. I got it from a pharmacy in Mexico and ...
inprint on it are 54 783 ## Yes, this is generic acetaminophen with codeine #3. It has 325mg acetaminophen and 30mg. cod...
little white tablrt t ## Can anyone tell me if Codeine Phosphate 30 mg tablets will relieve the pain that a percocet 10/...
Empirin was a product of Burroughs Wellcome & Co. An effective over-the-counter pain reliever. It was a mixture (com...
Codeine Pill Descriptions ## It has 2410 V imprinted on the pill ## Hello. I researched this one and came up with cariso...
can you tell me how many of these tablets would result in an overdose? ## There is really no definitive answer to such a...
Acetaminophen and codeine phosphate 300 mg / 30mg. compared to 30 mg of roxys. how do they compare in strength? thanks #...
thick white round pill blank on one side it has a gg on top and numbers below 225 ## GG 225 is Promethazine 25 mg, which...
Is this still available? It works! ## Empirin compound was the only pain reliever in my home when I was young (60+ years...