Xanax And Grapefruit (Page 6)
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What happens if you mix Xanax with grapefruit?

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Xanax is highly addictive . was developed for people who had less than six month to live. Slowly get off it as you can go into convolutions. Try Rescue Remedy, or Valarian. and meditation.. Drugs are not the answer it does not get to the problem it masks it.

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Theres 1mg green oval one....and a yellow 2mg bar

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Absolutely. Meditation Music, Mantra , Massage , Mudra and Mother earth --true LOVE are the real answers.
YOGA and Indian Pranayam will help you beyond doubt.
Prayers are solutions to most of the problems.
Best Wishes

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I have had anxiety and depression for last few years. I take one .5mg xanax twice daily and it helps out a lot for when I have an anxiety attack and depending on my anxiety level I will take more or less to deal with anxiety. I also have a hard time falling asleep, I stay asleep if I fall asleep but it takes hours to finally fall asleep. I just started ambien for the sleep problem but they make me feel all weird and then keep me awake. Their supposed to make me sleep and its pissing me off. I just want to sleep fine like when I was a kid

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This is kind of off topic. But, I was thinking of starting to order my Xanax online and I wasn't sure if it is unsafe or illegal. Would you please get back to me and also let me know what website you use? Thank ya :)

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Get a second opinion. Get a third and fourth if you have to. Personally, I would suggest you talk to a holistic practitioner as they tend to be more interested in CURING your health issues whereas most doctors will only throw pills at you to mask the symptoms of them... rather than fixing the underlying problems. Xanax is not the answer, ESPECIALLY, when you don't even think you need it.

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What online pharmacy did you use? I've tried several & they always send me placebo pills (i.e. they aren't xanax at all, just sugar pills). I'd love to know the link or website you used, if you don't mind. And if they are that strong, try using a pill cutter & cutting them in half or even in fourths. Thanks & good luck!

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its zoloft

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In my opinion best anti anxiety medicine is Meditation.You may try Restyl as medicine in small doses.thanks.

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Don't buy small doses, buy the strongest and break them into the size you want, a lot cheaper overall


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I need help finding an online pharmacy that can get me the anti anxiety meds i need. I dont know who to trust. Im lokking for a low dose xanax or the generic brand alpralozam. Please if anyone knows of a web site. PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!

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I too had ordered alprazolam online and my first order form India was legit. when I spoke to a sales rep, he thought i should be ordering from inside the states. Well need less to say, I agreed. 2 Mg bars were completely bogus !! So Im waiting for myrefund and new order back from India. Keep ya posted a be careful you never know who you can trust!!

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Yes it does, but it is so little, it's nothing to speak of, so I won't. Of course it's possible it has a stronger reaction to certain people.

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I think a lot of u are confused. When they say half life it can mean how long half of the medicine is in your bloodstream and it can also mean how long the metabolites are still in your system. Metabolites are what doctoral look for in a drug screen. I know that's what Carl was getting at but, I just figured I'd simplify it for some people because it can sound complicated.

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Pharmacokinetics: Diazepam is rapidly absorbed. Oral bioavailability is approximately 100%, and close to 99% is bound in plasma. The half-life of diazepam is 43±13 hours, but ranges from 40-100 hours if the contribution from active metabolites is included. Diazepam is metabolized to nordiazepam which is an active metabolite with a half-life of 40-99 hours. while the half-life of diazepam is 20-100 hours, and that of an active metabolite of diazepam (desmethyldiazepam) is 36-200 hours. This means that half the active products of diazepam are still in the bloodstream up to 200 hours after a single dose.

Studies have shown that Xanax (alprazolam) immediate release tablets show peak concentrations of the drug in blood plasma after about one to two hours. The average "half-life" of Xanax, which means the time it takes the blood to eliminate half of the drug is 11.2 hours (with a range of 6.3 to 26.9 hours).
This chart will help on all benzo half life, and being a nurse won't mean you have all the facts. As I have been on them for 38 years. I have become somewhat of an expert: Active parent drug is in X-X while active metabolites are in [X-X] Most benzos have a parent drug, and active metabolites, while others only have active parent drug with no active metabolites. While others only metabolize into active metabolites, with no active parent drug.
Benzodiazepines, 1 Half-life (hrs), 2 [active metabolite] Approximately Equivalent Oral dosages (mg), 3 Market Aim, 4
Alprazolam ( Xanax ) 6-12 0.5 anxiolytic, 4
Bromazepam ( Lexotan ) 10-20 5-6 anxiolytic, 4
Chlordiazepoxide ( Librium ) 5-30 [36-200] 25 anxiolytic, 4
Clobazam ( Frisium ), 5 12-60 20 anxiolytic, anticonvulsants, 4
Clonazepam ( Klonopin, Rivotril ), 5 18-50 0.5 anxiolytic, anticonvulsants, 4
Clorazepate ( Tranxene ) [36-200] 15 anxiolytic, 4
Diazepam ( Valium ) 20-100 [36-200] 10 anxiolytic, 4
Estazolam ( ProSom ) 10-24 1-2 hypnotic, 4
Flunitrazepam ( Rohypnol ) 18-26 [36-200] 1 hypnotic, 4
Flurazepam ( Dalmane ) [40-250] 15-30 hypnotic, 4
Halazepam ( Paxipam ) [30-100] 20 anxiolytic, 4
Ketazolam ( Anxon ) 30-100 [36-200] 15-30 anxiolytic, 4
Loprazolam ( Dormonoct ) 6-12 1-2 hypnotic, 4
Lorazepam ( Ativan ) 10-20 1 anxiolytic, 4
Lormetazepam ( Noctamid ) 10-12 1-2 hypnotic, 4
Medazepam ( Nobrium ) 36-200 10 anxiolytic, 4
Nitrazepam ( Mogadon ) 15-38 10 hypnotic, 4
Oxazepam ( Serax, Serenid D ) 4-15 20 anxiolytic, 4
Prazepam ( Centrax ) [36-200] 10-20 anxiolytic, 4
Quazepam ( Doral ) 25-100 20 hypnotic, 4
Temazepam ( Restoril, Normison, Euhypnos ) 8-22 20 hypnotic, 4
Triazolam ( Halcion ) 2 0.5 hypnotic, 4
"Non"-benzodiazepines with similar effects 1, 6
Zaleplon (Sonata) 2 20 hypnotic, 4
Zolpidem ( Ambien, Stilnoct ) 2 20 hypnotic, 4
Zopiclone ( Zimovane, Imovane ) 5-6 15 hypnotic, 4
Eszopiclone ( Lunesta ) 6-9 3 hypnotic, 4
Hope this chart clears up any questions on half lives, has some are short and some are very long ..ex: Valium(diazapam) 1(one) 10mg is 36-100 parent drug with active metabolites [50-200] these are in hours, and a single dose.

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Want to know final outcome of discussion.
Xanax effected by grapefruit juice?yes or no?

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anyone know a good online pharmacy site for benzos that they've used before?

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im a nurse youre trippin, im looking at a rec published med book and xanax half life is 6 hours...common knowledge,, knlonopin is 18 same as valium, xanax is fast acting so is ativan , valium and klonis are long acting, you have to eat a couple grapefruits or drink100% gf juice but its a fool proof way to bump up the absorption of ANY benzo!

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Xanax half life is 18 hours, clonazepam is 50+ hours, where do you get your facts??

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The original bottle has a couple years on it. The pharmacy's just automatically put one year from the fill date.

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