Xanax And Grapefruit (Page 3) (Top voted first)


What happens if you mix Xanax with grapefruit?

151 Replies (8 Pages)

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I don't want to try to tell u that you're wrong, so please don't take what i say this way. Yes xanax makes you feel much more of a "high" than klonopin b ut they are definitely not prescribed for it! In fact most doctors would rather prescribe klonopin because they know it doesn't make u feel as good therefore theyu feel safer about giving you that - rather than giving you xanax which they know makes u feel better and can be sold easier than klonopin. Both are prescribed for anxiety and seizures, ect., but never would a doctor prescribe either for depression. However, most ppl who have anxiety suffer from bi[polar disorder (which i have) and I do get klonopin but if my doc knew Iused them recreationally she'd put a real quick stop to that lol.

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anyone know a good online pharmacy site for benzos that they've used before?

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Pharmacokinetics: Diazepam is rapidly absorbed. Oral bioavailability is approximately 100%, and close to 99% is bound in plasma. The half-life of diazepam is 43±13 hours, but ranges from 40-100 hours if the contribution from active metabolites is included. Diazepam is metabolized to nordiazepam which is an active metabolite with a half-life of 40-99 hours. while the half-life of diazepam is 20-100 hours, and that of an active metabolite of diazepam (desmethyldiazepam) is 36-200 hours. This means that half the active products of diazepam are still in the bloodstream up to 200 hours after a single dose.

Studies have shown that Xanax (alprazolam) immediate release tablets show peak concentrations of the drug in blood plasma after about one to two hours. The average "half-life" of Xanax, which means the time it takes the blood to eliminate half of the drug is 11.2 hours (with a range of 6.3 to 26.9 hours).
This chart will help on all benzo half life, and being a nurse won't mean you have all the facts. As I have been on them for 38 years. I have become somewhat of an expert: Active parent drug is in X-X while active metabolites are in [X-X] Most benzos have a parent drug, and active metabolites, while others only have active parent drug with no active metabolites. While others only metabolize into active metabolites, with no active parent drug.
Benzodiazepines, 1 Half-life (hrs), 2 [active metabolite] Approximately Equivalent Oral dosages (mg), 3 Market Aim, 4
Alprazolam ( Xanax ) 6-12 0.5 anxiolytic, 4
Bromazepam ( Lexotan ) 10-20 5-6 anxiolytic, 4
Chlordiazepoxide ( Librium ) 5-30 [36-200] 25 anxiolytic, 4
Clobazam ( Frisium ), 5 12-60 20 anxiolytic, anticonvulsants, 4
Clonazepam ( Klonopin, Rivotril ), 5 18-50 0.5 anxiolytic, anticonvulsants, 4
Clorazepate ( Tranxene ) [36-200] 15 anxiolytic, 4
Diazepam ( Valium ) 20-100 [36-200] 10 anxiolytic, 4
Estazolam ( ProSom ) 10-24 1-2 hypnotic, 4
Flunitrazepam ( Rohypnol ) 18-26 [36-200] 1 hypnotic, 4
Flurazepam ( Dalmane ) [40-250] 15-30 hypnotic, 4
Halazepam ( Paxipam ) [30-100] 20 anxiolytic, 4
Ketazolam ( Anxon ) 30-100 [36-200] 15-30 anxiolytic, 4
Loprazolam ( Dormonoct ) 6-12 1-2 hypnotic, 4
Lorazepam ( Ativan ) 10-20 1 anxiolytic, 4
Lormetazepam ( Noctamid ) 10-12 1-2 hypnotic, 4
Medazepam ( Nobrium ) 36-200 10 anxiolytic, 4
Nitrazepam ( Mogadon ) 15-38 10 hypnotic, 4
Oxazepam ( Serax, Serenid D ) 4-15 20 anxiolytic, 4
Prazepam ( Centrax ) [36-200] 10-20 anxiolytic, 4
Quazepam ( Doral ) 25-100 20 hypnotic, 4
Temazepam ( Restoril, Normison, Euhypnos ) 8-22 20 hypnotic, 4
Triazolam ( Halcion ) 2 0.5 hypnotic, 4
"Non"-benzodiazepines with similar effects 1, 6
Zaleplon (Sonata) 2 20 hypnotic, 4
Zolpidem ( Ambien, Stilnoct ) 2 20 hypnotic, 4
Zopiclone ( Zimovane, Imovane ) 5-6 15 hypnotic, 4
Eszopiclone ( Lunesta ) 6-9 3 hypnotic, 4
Hope this chart clears up any questions on half lives, has some are short and some are very long ..ex: Valium(diazapam) 1(one) 10mg is 36-100 parent drug with active metabolites [50-200] these are in hours, and a single dose.

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I think a lot of u are confused. When they say half life it can mean how long half of the medicine is in your bloodstream and it can also mean how long the metabolites are still in your system. Metabolites are what doctoral look for in a drug screen. I know that's what Carl was getting at but, I just figured I'd simplify it for some people because it can sound complicated.

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Yes it does, but it is so little, it's nothing to speak of, so I won't. Of course it's possible it has a stronger reaction to certain people.

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Don't buy small doses, buy the strongest and break them into the size you want, a lot cheaper overall


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In my opinion best anti anxiety medicine is Meditation.You may try Restyl as medicine in small doses.thanks.

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its zoloft

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What online pharmacy did you use? I've tried several & they always send me placebo pills (i.e. they aren't xanax at all, just sugar pills). I'd love to know the link or website you used, if you don't mind. And if they are that strong, try using a pill cutter & cutting them in half or even in fourths. Thanks & good luck!

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I have had anxiety and depression for last few years. I take one .5mg xanax twice daily and it helps out a lot for when I have an anxiety attack and depending on my anxiety level I will take more or less to deal with anxiety. I also have a hard time falling asleep, I stay asleep if I fall asleep but it takes hours to finally fall asleep. I just started ambien for the sleep problem but they make me feel all weird and then keep me awake. Their supposed to make me sleep and its pissing me off. I just want to sleep fine like when I was a kid

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Absolutely. Meditation Music, Mantra , Massage , Mudra and Mother earth --true LOVE are the real answers.
YOGA and Indian Pranayam will help you beyond doubt.
Prayers are solutions to most of the problems.
Best Wishes

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Theres 1mg green oval one....and a yellow 2mg bar

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you have to stay awake to feel these effects

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When you write with CAPSLOCK on, it is as though you are yelling. Please stop. thank. you.

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I hope you were able to get off of those insidious drugs. Xanax is a horrifying drug, which has an increased chance for tachycardia, racing heart, etc.

You dr. Should be reviewed. Get a second opinion (I am not a Dr. But a victim of that awful drug.

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@Streetrx #53 You had a couple remarks wrong, not all, so I thought I would make it all right. First you kept saying FAD. I think you meant FDA. that took me awhile for some reason. The reason the brand names are more is they have exclusive rights for 17 only years and the time spent developing the drug they make nothing, they loose money,BUT the real reason is they can rip you off, Lipitor made something like 35 billion dollars before it went generic the other month and they can still sell generics. Upjohn had the first generics out on Xanax, they looked exactly the same, just instead of Upjohn on one side, it had Greenstone, a pharmaceutical company owned by Upjohn. There are foreign companys here that make meds in the USA. Teva is an Ireland Company as an example, which I "heard" bought Barr. Sometimes the generic is slightly stronger than the brand. The difference is they have a percentage they have to fall in of active ingredient and the binders (filler holding) the pill together or coloring and shape can be different. Taking 12mg is a lot of Xanax to take daily, obviously you just getting high and 24 will not make you any higher after a month or 2. Then no mattewr how many you take won't do a thing, but take aniety away, and if you have been daily for a year or 3, you will feel like crap and you will for months, a seizure is possible, have fun .

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Yes, it is generic Xanax known as Alprazolam. Probably the 0.5 MG ones.

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to number 7 i also have searched for a website to order xanaz i tried phamracy4allof us they ripped me off for 550.00 would love to find a site thst can deliver this product.

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They are out there, if your not in a rush, deal with ones that have been, ones you been over and over, always go through the process of ordering until time to use your credit card. Try again when your ready, stop before credit card info, the next day or so, go a head and order. If you want, first send a contact email asking some question, not if they are legit, don't use if you don't get a reply back. If you can afford it order the most available as long as it's cheapest mg per mg. Example. #200 1 mg $300.00,,, #100 2 mg at $300.00, same price per mg, remember if you buy the largest amount in the strongest strength, break them in half if you need and make sure it's cheaper per mg which I have away seen and you will save $30.00 or so on shipping also, as they usually have the free shipping also. Never had a problem. I use to get 40% extra free from Costa Rica using WU, and Pakistan. Costa Rica site was excellent with A LOT in their category. This was several years ago, packaging was excellent. That specific site does not exist anymore. Ones from a couple of years ago in India, and Pakistan are still around for benzo's and such, that were not a rip off. If it's TOO cheap, alarm should go off.

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The fac t that u say xanax is for depression is bull... kolonopin AND xanax are for anxiety, and some people will anxiety experience depression vise versa but if you really want to know the diff xanax is fa st action, for a anxiety attack, that is why you can taste it when you take it. It dissolves and gets to work almost immediately. Kolonopin is also for anxiety, but more for preventing it. It is not fast acting nor does it work immediately. That's from a person who suffers from anxiety and has been on its all!!!

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