Withdrawal Symptoms Lipitor (Page 9) (Top voted first)


How long before muscle aches and weakness subside after discontinuing Lipitor

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I take lipitor 40mg an I start tomorrow to stop taking it. My doctor said there no side effects. I am worry.

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OMG! Lizzie thanks for sharing. That has been me for the past two weeks! Two visits to the GP in that period. Have had difficulty convincing them about my severe symptoms. Worse still as I have to take Omeprazole for GERD. Tried to take myself off both and all hell broke loose. The heart palpitations is frightening and goes on for so long that my rib cage is hurting all the time. Waking up in the night with massive headaches. Muscle and joint pains now plague my life as well as muscle tremors, and the memory thing! My GP has recommended reduced dose from 20mg to 10. Now back on both. Seems like I have to take the Lipitor for the rest of my life. God help me!

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I'm glad to hear someone else besides me is allergic to aspirin! It causes inner ear pressure on me, almost unbearable! I tell doctors this and they think I'm crazy!!

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Has any 60 something male experienced the somewhat loss of libido and or the ability to climax after stopping the generic form of 20 mg Lipitor? These symptoms disappeared when I resumed the pills. My cardiologist said this was not feasible, but my urologist said it was possible. Just want to know if this has happened to anyone else? Kind of fearful of stopping it again.

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I was taking lipitor 20mg for about a year. despite my cholesterol level becoming normal very quickly my doctor wanted to double the dose. I refused.
I was already suffering from severe muscle weakness and pain, thinning hair and cognitive issues. Although being very careful about my diet I continued to gain weight and puffiness.
When on holiday where we were walking about 8 miles a day I became severely struck with horrendous pain and muscle weakness. I thought that I would have to use a wheelchair.
I stopped taking lipitor from that day. I had a week or so of bad indigestion, palpitations and tiredness.
But the pain ceased almost immediately.
It wasn't until I stopped being depressed that I realised how depressed I had been. One of the side effects of withdrawal is weight loss!! And the puffiness has gone too. I haven't felt this well for about a year. Lets hope it continues.

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I am having increased head rushes that sometimes almost cause uncontinuous.I reduced my atorvstatatin from 40 mg to 20

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I've been off Lipitor for one week now, after 17 years. In the last 5 days, extreme brain fog, joints and muscles on fire.
I stopped taking them as my GP trial led me on a combination statin drug which gave me rhabdo.

withdrawal of statins id the only thing that changed in my life in the past week.
It really hurts.

Any suggestions?

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I have cut down my lipitor from 50 to 10 mg a night. I noticed right away the symptoms are going away. I sleep better haven't the body aches and my breathing in much better.

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Did your pure hell last two weeks total cause im expirienci g this now?just trying to figure hiw long i have to live with this?i also wuit taking atorvastatin and a month later i got a bit dizzy spells few txs a day n then igot a bad migraine well its been headaches and anxiety for about 10 days now cant seem to shake that foggy feeling

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After discontinuing Lipitor I hod weakness and tingling in my legs for about 2 weeks.

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It's been about 7 weeks now since ceasing statins for me. All of the withdrawal symptoms have gone and I'm running again, and just starting strength training. It was an awful 4-5 weeks.
Haven't seen my GP yet, so not looking forward to that conversation.
The brain fog was awful, and I didn't expect the feeling that my muscles were on fire inside of my body.
I read lots and took Co-Enzyme Q10 daily and Vit C . I drank water to flush out rhabdomyolisis( if that what that was ).
Good luck.
As I lost the only good thing about statins, the anti-inflammatory effect, I put myself on enteric-coated aspirin.
Read lots of different things and become empowered.

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There must be lots of rights in your feelings, because My case was almost exactly like yours. I have been taking aspirin for years because of my heart, so that should take care of the inflammation.

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Today is day 8 off of 80mg atorevastatin. I took it since 2002. Started at 20, 40,last 5 yrs bc of cholesterol/trig. WENT to 80. I had NO symptoms until 10 months ago. I thought it was arthritis. Shoulder,arms,specifically biceps, pain then kept me awake. MD just said I can go to PT. I did research and stopped over a week ago. After day 2,I haven't woken up during night. Pain was horrible to the past few days hardly any. I'm in a trial and error approach. It did work all those yrs,my last cholesterol level was 113,trig107,ideal. Not sure if going back to small dosage or switch.

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On lipitor for 8 mo. Lots of body aches I didn't have before. Could hardly walk. Went off lipitor cold. Havent notified Dr. yet. But I researched natural substitute for lipitor and found Lewis lab brewers yeast. Just start it today. Im done w meds. Poisoning my body.

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I started taking Atorvastatin 3 months ago (May 2017), and the most noticeable side-effect I've experienced so far, was a few leg cramps during the first couple of weeks after starting the drug. I am 55 and perimenopausal, so it's hard to tell if the night sweats, insomnia and moments of depression were related to the drug or just my hormones. The perimenopause symptoms have subsided tremendously since I started taking Atorvastatin. This past weekend, I ran out of the drug, and woke up feeling somewhat achy, similar to when you have the flu. I knew I wasn't sick, so I didn't worry. I'm glad I got my refills, because my the drug is helping me more than it is hurting me. My cholesterol went from 197 to 113, in only three months of being on it. I'm more afraid of the side-effects of not being able to take it, if I don't have health insurance someday. My mom, who is a retired nurse, told me you can get blood clots if you stop taking it. Blood clots can be fatal, if not treated. I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't.

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Could not agree more! I stopped cold turkey after 16 years. All aches and muscle weakness went away within a month. I'll take my chances with cholesterol. Can't live with the pain taking it. Btw, I had no muscle pain until menopause.

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Still on a trail/error approach, 80mg and stopped for 14 days. Feeling a lot better. Next, I'm trying 40mg to see what happens after 1 month. Hopefully i can use it. If not, I will try a new med. I had almost 309 cholesterol when i was 28. I'm at 101 with 80mg. I hope 40 works, but will change.

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I've been taking Atorvastatin (Lipitor) for about 5 years for very high cholesterol. After the first year, my LDL was 50 (normal is 100), so I asked the doc if I could cut the dosage. He was adamant that I stay on the dose - that LDL needs to be as low as possible. For the last 4 months, I've had a persistent cough and told him I'd read about cough associated with Lipitor. He acted like he'd never heard of such a thing, but I insisted, so he said to quit cold turkey for 3 weeks and see if the cough goes away. It's been a week now, and I've noticed faintness and dizziness and depressed mood, so I came to this thread and - wow! Now that I've read what you guys have been through, I see that the terrible hip pain when I walk may have been caused by the drug. It was so bad that I had to stop my daily walks, but I just assumed it was arthritis. Now I don't want to go back on the drug or any other statin, but I'm also afraid not to. The doc has not told me about any side effects and seems to think the drug is great. I've read all the posts here, and it's very concerning to me the number of people who seem to be suicidal. Something is very wrong.

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Re: Tony (# 167) Expand Referenced Message

I can't believe that no one else has not had the issue that I experienced.

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Re: Dawn (# 175) Expand Referenced Message

male, I took 40mg for yrs and was upped to 80mg atorvastatin 5 yrs ago. I never knew about co Q 10. I take the large 600 mbps pill daily for statin depleting over the yrs. If after 3 months off the med, I won't go back unless the lipids go back to pre lipitor days. Just waiting for next lab. If numbers are all out of whack,I'm trying 20mg but that will be stopped IF the bicep, shoulder pain comes back. My only alternative would be another statin, small dose.

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