Withdrawal Symptoms Lipitor (Page 8)
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How long before muscle aches and weakness subside after discontinuing Lipitor

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Still suffering from lower back pain! 6 weeks off Lipitor!

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I agree with you 100% I did my own research and took myself off of these horrible statin drugs. They were slowly sucking the life right out of me. Big money maker for the pharmaceutical companies. Bad news for anyone who is prescribed them.

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Stopped Lipitor May 1st. Still have pain in lower back and hips and occasional leg/foot cramps. Feels like strength has returned.

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I also read the "grain brain" and want "off" of lipitor. Additionally, I have memory loss. I have been taking it about 10 years. So this week I went off cold turkey and I have some side effects. I have whole body muscle aches, nausea and anxiety. I hope it does not last long. I stopped eating basically all carbs and drastically limited sugars,so I do not anticipate too much change in blood tests. I am a little afraid about these side effects.

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If you will live long enough to see your GP! Also you may pee your pants instead of your GP when you shall get diagnosed and see the results of your cholesterol.

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I too had horrific side effects from this poisonous drug! If you read below under kte you will see what has happened. Also, now I have a clogged cystic duct to my gallbladder because of what the Lipitor did to the cholesterol process. I can hardly eat anything, No pain pills, Diazepam, Probaxin or Aleve are helping at all anymore. I didn't sleep at all last night and woke up to extreme muscle weakness in legs. Been on COQ10 to help recover Surgeon said she has seen at least a dozen people this year with these issues. I have lost 15 pounds and have bed ridden for almost 6 weeks. Surgery is not scheduled till May 22nd and I don't think I'm going to make it. May have to go to the ER today. I have never been this sick in my life. My whole digestive system is screwed up. I am so weak all over my body. Severe muscle spasms daily. I want to sue this drug company for ruining my life for the last 3 months. I've been off it since March 11th. Was on for 4 months Don't ever take this drug!!!!! I will be filing a complaint and joining the civil suit against Lipitor if and when I recover.

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I'm cold turkey off Lipitor since May 1st. Haven't had any withdrawal symptoms but also my muscle weakness and pain has not subsided. I called the drug company, and registered an "adverse reaction" complaint. They said I had muscle malysia (can't spell it) from the Lipitor. They also told me people report various time lines for the side effects to go away and said to give it 2 months. I would suggest that anyone with adverse side effects make a formal complaint with Phizer (spelling wrong). It's important to document side effects for other people who will be taking this drug.

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I was taken off statin in october 2013 after complaining off arm ache.It was the worst thing i have ever done in my life.I had been on statins for over 10 years.2 days later all hell broke loose.I was waking up after a sleep in the morning after starting at 5 30am with my first job and i saw monsters in the lounge.getting upset and crying was another problem.my doctor has told me that i am having bad panic attacks.i started taking amitriptyline.which seemed to slow things down.I weened myself off the tablets.As i am typing this message i have had to come home from work after having 11 panic attacks.Up to this day my doctor thinks that taking me stright off statins is not the problem.

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I've been on 10mg of Lipitor about 8 months. Ever so slowly, I began getting muscle pain around my hips and muscle weakness. The weakness is so bad I couldn't fully hold in the handle at a gas pump to put gas in my car! The tiredness, aches and weakness scare me and yesterday I stopped Lipitor completely. I want my strength back and pain gone. I'm so mad. Am I going to be restored or are the muscle problems for good?

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I was on Lipitor for many years. My blood sugar has been rising until I am now pre diabetic. My doctor suggested going off Lipitor for 3 months and then test glucose level to see if the med was the cause. I took one pill every other day instead of daily for a week. Last one yesterday. Did not experience bad mood so far. On the contrary, I seem to feel more up beat. However, I have been experiencing an increase in muscle spasms in foot and leg. I don't know if withdrawal is the reason.

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I had been taking first 10mg then 5mg Lipitor for 5 plus years. Three weeks ago I stopped. Since then I am feeling better and better. I have more energy, more positive outlook, am getting on with life. The heavy feeling has gone, pins and needles virtually gone, greatly reduced. I had put all this down to getting older but these things are so subtle and come on very gradually over the years. No bad or uncomfortable effects at all. Best wishes and yes, yes to Anyone out there thinking of stopping. Kath

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Well unfortunately when you have a severe allergic reaction to a statin you can't keep putting it it in your system. You're not able to wean yourself off of it. Cold turkey withdrawal is your only option at that point.
Lucky for you that you could do it that way.

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When I discontinued it, I began by taking 1 dose alternating with 1/2 dose every other day for a week. The second week I took 1/2 dose every day. Week three I took 1/2 dose every other day, week four every three days. By then I was feeling better. If you experience a lot of gas, take Gas-X with it...that helped me.

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Try removing all use of caffeine and theobromine, I.E. chocolate, from your diet. I have found this very effective at reducing torsade a form of arrhythmia. Also do not eat cashews which contain adipostatin A which is chemically and symptomatically similar to sotalol. The two chemicals are often confused because both are referred to as cardol. It took over six months to return to a normal mental and emotional state after quitting lovastatin. I suspect that stopping caffeine aided in this also.

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I had a severe allergic reaction to Lipitor. I didn't know I was even having it until it must of reached a toxic level in my body. Signs and symptoms NOT to ignore. A significant increase in your blood pressure due to increase in blood sugars that lipitor creates. My heart was so loud that I could actually hear it. Intense abdominal pain that felt like a UTI but was negative. Severe nausea and lack of appetite. Itching, gaining belly fat, very winded, feeling like my whole body had a bad case of the flu. It is going on 3 weeks since I had to do a cold turkey withdrawal. Chronic fatigue was also a symptom and horrible muscle pain in my knees and ankles. The only part that hasn't totally come back to normal is my ability to urinate like before. It still feels uncomfortable and aches. I'm hoping that this goes away and the drug hasn't created any permanent damage to my bladder or uretha. It was a horrifying experience as I've never been allergic to any prescription drugs in life. The doctors and drug companies need to disclose what to look for regarding "intense allergic reactions" and not base their findings on their silly clinical trials. I literally thought I was gonna die.

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theb same thing has happened in our house with the spouse being on 20 mg Lipitor. He has had 90-100 days use. His legs and muscles ache and he ended up in ER with AFIB> going to see heart doctor tomorrow and he will tell him he wants off the drug. He would rather die from the original condition as to die from pain and be a halh wit!

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I am going thru pure hell trying to get off this drug. I took it for 3 months and severe side effects. I have been off it one week and still wake up feeling nauseated. How long does it take to get over this? Please anyone answer!

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I have been on 40 mg of APO Atorvastatin for 14 years. My problem has been that I have been over-weight. I had a BMI of 34 till about two years ago (24 kg over-weight). Eating bad, eating too much and lack of exercise were doing havoc with my cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Over the last 12 months I have reduced my my weight by 18 kg. Despite the change in my eating and exercise regime my doctor keeps prescribing the same tablets. My new year resolution in 2014 has been that I will wean myself off atorvastatin. It is almost one month now since I stopped taking the tableys. No major dramas except for a little dizziness each day after my morning run. I do not intend to tell my doctor. So he will keep subscribing, but I will monitor my six-monthly blood test results.

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I have been off generic Lipitor for about one month after taking 10gr daily for about three months. By cutting them in half for two weeks, then taking half every other day, I did not have a lot of withdrawal problems. The itching, joint pain, bloating, diarrhea, and gas finally have gone away. Also I am sleeping better. One lingering problem is the stuffy nose and phlem in back of throat. It had been causing a cough which is a bit better now. I have not been back to share all of this ... yet. When I do, I'll also share a written account of these side effects, how I weaned myself off generic Lipitor, and the result. I did begin CoQ10 as a precaution. Thanks so much for all of you who shared your trials - it really helped me!

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Sorry correct the number of years to read 15 instead of 25

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