Withdrawal From Vyvanse (Page 21) (Top voted first)


My son had a terrible experience on wyvance. He has phyciatic systems to include halluciations. The doctor took him off the drup cold turkey and Ihe seems to be having withdrawal systems? Is that normal?

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Thank you for making me feel less alone in this hell hole of an addiction. How did you manage to go 80 days without it? and what were those 80 days like? 80 days of sleep? Do you remember a point during your cleanse that you actually felt like a normal person again?? In 4 years, I can't recall a time longer than 2 weeks that I was able to go without vyanse or adderall. And each time I try, I'm completely worthless and unproductive.... no motivation, no energy, no purpose. I always get more. And, I too, go through a 30 day scirpt in just a few days. I see different doctors, and spend way too much money on this damned medicine that has consumed my life and has taken away my innocence and freedom. Its funny how you can hate something SO MUCH but at the same time, never go without it. I need to do something, and i need to do it quick. Its out of control ....What was your initial step in attempting recovery ?

thanks again for your honesty and especially for giving me some hope.


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This sounds exactly like whats happening to me. Drinking coffee has helped me the most but that ultimately leads to a dependence for caffeine which becomes just as annoying. The best thing to do really is just taper yourself off the meds, little by little. When quitting cold turkey it's sure to be a long month.

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Everything will be fine buddy! You can get through the withdrawls! You will get back to your old self as soon as you stop! Remember to give thanks to Jesus for healing you!

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Praise God! So happy to hear about your success story bro! Stay strong and stay away from that crap! I've been off for a few years now and things are great! You made the right choice by leaving vyvanse behind you!

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I too was prescribed Vyvanse just recently after having been on and off of Adderall XR for 5 years. The only reason my doctor switched me is because I told him my regular dose of 20mg wasn't seeming to help as much so, instead of sticking with the drug that has been proven to work with little side effects, he switches me to 50mg Vyvanse. Horrible, horrible side effects for me!!! I was originally prescribed Adderall to help me wake up in the mornings because that was something I have always struggled with. On Vyvanse, I am so extremely groggy in the mornings and cannot wake up. I have always been a very talkative person and Adderall never changed that for me, but oh boy now on Vyvanse I just want to be left alone and my anxiety is 10x worse. I have always bit my cuticles when I get anxious, but on Vyvanse I'm making almost every one of my fingers bleed I'm biting them so much, and I don't even realize it until afterward. Also, when Vyvanse is starting to wear off, I get really mean and angry toward my kids and husband. Needless to say if my dr doesn't switch me back I'm going to someone who will listen to me instead of telling me what will and won't work when I know myself better than him!!!

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I never gave vyvanse much thought I took it everyday for the first year or so and it really helped but even then I had major problems with this medication. I can take 30mg and be almost normal but 40-50mg and beyond has caused extreme effects to me I've done meth over a dozen times molly oxy benzos and I've not done these drugs in years but they never affected me like vyvanse the only thing that ever did was super high doses of benzos, it was the opposite effect of vyvanse almost mirrored integrated into every aspect. I've been on vyvanse for about 3 years started at 30mg then backed down to 20mg now I'm at 40mg and please listen to me about this medication I have studied extensively drugs and drug interactions(synergisms) in college and I can say with certainty that this company shire I think it was is not being honest about this medications side effects they are extreme. I've spent the last 4 hours reading posts from people on this drug my last dose of it was Saturday which was my first dose of it in weeks and I can still feel the anxiety and social withdraw and it's Tuesday morning look this drug is dangerous it lasts about 12 hours on a single dose now that's efficient for a drug such as oxycodone or an anxiety med and almost every type of medication this is a good thing but not for a dex-amp this particular chemical structure is too efficient for human consumption I feel the exact same way about methamphetamine look if I was doing meth I'd rather have 40mg of vyvanse than 10.00 worth of crystal meth and I don't even like meth but it's that potent the reason for the extreme side effects of meth and vyvanse is the longevity of the duration of a single dose these drugs are not safe over a period of a couple hours take adderall and dose a couple times a day or whatever just stay away from this drug.

I sit in my bedroom now when given a choice to either interact with people or be alone. I haven't not felt depressed in a year or two. If I'm on this stuff for even a week it takes me another week just to feel like getting out of bed. I'm 6'1" I started vyvanse at 155lb when I hit 136lb I stopped I'm now back to 160lb after months off of it except for every once in a while. I can't get erections on the stuff really not without dads Viagra and I'm 24 with a lot of testosterone. I turned on my entire family in July when I was 136lbs and quit taking it, I thought they all hated me so I just quit talking to them. I've lost two relationships over vyvanse every time I took it an was around my girlfriend later that night I thought she was cheating on me and accused her of it often. I would sub-consciously look for someone trying to hurt my feelings and given the nature of the looker being the finder it seems I found a reason for my feelings to be hurt by someone daily. This stuff is great for energy and focus and so is methamphetamine, if you ever want to see just how alike they are have someone you hate try it and ask em about it I'm still getting over it.

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My 16 year old son was on Vyvanse (50 mg) during the spring semester of 2013. His grades improved significantly, he was more focused and we were all happy ... until he started to go to bed very late and keep us all up. His blood pressure increased but we couldn't get him off of Vyvanse for fear of withdrawal symptoms. He needed to finish the school year first. After the initial withdrawal symptoms subsided (sleepiness, irritability), we noticed that his inability to go to sleep remained. It is very difficult for him to go to sleep when he's supposed and difficult for him yo wake up. He is now severely anxious, irritated, angry and sometimes belligerent. He used to be a loving, caring, happy go lucky kind of guy. He has changed since he started taking Vyvanse. Most of the published research on Vyvanse cite short-term withdrawal symptoms. I wish there was long term research on Vyvanse. We will then know the real story. Anybody had similar experiences?

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Amen! Jesus is the only way!

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I am 37 years old I have A history of alcoholism and drug addiction. I have been sober over two years. I also have adult ADD I'm in school part time and work full time. ADD has caused me a lot of suffering and my LPC recommended I see a psychiatrist to get on some medication for my ADD which was causing me a lot of anxiety. I started on Strattera and had an allergic reaction, then I started on by Vyvance and worked my way up to a 60 mg per day dose. The medication started to wear off about 3 PM when I began feeling agitated irritated and extremely depressed. I would then start feeling like I "wanted more". Then my head would start spinning with racing thoughts about, was I addicted? Do I need to take more so that it will last longer throughout the day? Did this happened everyone else? Am I going crazy? I began obsessing about this medication. When my doctor did not want to increase my dose I felt like I was going to go crazy, I couldn't stop thinking about it I was so confused. I finally flushed the pills down the toilet and I decided to go back to my regular life with ADD and just to make lifestyle/workload adjustments instead. It's just not worth my sobriety, peace of mind, and my spiritual connection with my higher power. The hardest part for me was that by Vyvance did seem to work for my ADD symptoms but it also triggered an addiction response in my body, which then triggered a huge amount of guilt. If you are an addict you don't have to feel guilty you were born this way, but we need to be aware when things make us feel this way so that we can talk to someone about it and make the right choice. I have only been off by Vyvance now for 24 hours, I am irritable angry and still a little bit confused I feel sorry for those who have had terrible withdrawal symptoms I'm glad I only took this medication for less than one month. Best of luck to everyone!!

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Hey bro you will be ok! Glad that you noticed the downside of vyvanse before you really did get addicted. It is defiantly not good for former addicts of any kind. Trust in Jesus he will never put anything on you that you can't handle, so know that you can survive with ADHD just like you said! Hang in there ! \o/ praise God \o/ another person has seen the Light and it is not vyvanse !

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That's terrible that happened! Its probably withdrawal from such a high dose to nothing. Keep trying to get fluids into him and hopefully he has no obligations for a few days. Get the Meds back asap I suppose :( Good luck!

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You both need to listen to what your saying. The withdrawals only get worse and the benifits get less! You are asking for trouble if you stay on the meds.

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Hey Gordy, you can beat this with the help of Jesus ! I was addicted to vyvanse for almost 3 years and today I am clean for almost 3 years! Turn your addiction over to God and have faith that he will deliver you and that is exactly what he will do... There is nothing that he can not do! You are still young and have a lot to look forward too in life, just know that vyvanse is only a temporary fix to happiness and Jesus is the real answer.. As soon as you start to believe that your life will only get better.. Put that stuff down at the cross and walk away from it for good today!!

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My husband went on vyvanze about 2 yrs ago. He has now quit cold turkey and its crazy how different he is. I HOPE to heavens it only takes 2 weeks for withdrawal to be done. I think us wives need some sort of support group to know how to deal with THEIR withdrawal. I do pretty good for a couple of days, but then it's exhausting to have to be extra patient with him. I have 3 children and I would MUCH rather handle their bad days than my husbands :-(
Anyone willing to message on here for support? I'll update later and let you all know how we're doing

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Adderall and Vyvanse are not technically physically addictive medications, much like coke isn't physically addictive (meaning unlike opiates or benzos, your body doesn't run the risk of shutting itself down when you quit them, or even of making you sick.) They are psychologically addictive. Once someone can think clearly, accomplish basic functions, etc, it might as well be a mild physical withdrawal with how bad it feels to not be able to do that. There will drug cravings, in the sense you just want your brain to work correctly.

I'm 29 years old. I was diagnosed ADHD at ages 3, 5, 17, and 22. I took Ritalin at two different short periods in my child hood and it made me not act like the happy child I was, but it was the best medicine on the market at the time, so my parents took me off it. I did well in school, would have been slightly better but graduated with high honors, but always struggled with math, organization, and horrible handwriting (small hallmark signs). I didn't have issues until I got to college where I couldn't just hear things and learn them and repeat them. I very unluckily, and because my mother is crazy and manipulative, ended up at a non board cert. Psychiatrist who dxed me with Bipolar disorder, when my complaints were inability to sleep and inattentiveness even when I was interested in a subject. I was allergic to the class of drugs she used and she just upped the dosages...I almost died. Long story but I saw a real doctor who re dxed me with what I've had my whole life rxed Adderall xr (vyvanse was a few months or so from being on the market) . Now I felt incredible. Not high, not jittery, just like someone who could focus. I switched to Vyvanse when it came out and it was a better drug....for me. Adderall increased irritability, made me want to eat literally never, and while it helped tremendously it had some really uncomfortable side effects. Vyvanse didn't for me. I am on 70mg of Vyvanse with 30mg Adderall immediate release for the afternoon (none of these xr drugs last 10-12 hours. Don't be afraid of using a second drug in the PM because once these meds are out of your system they are out, and if you have homework or work to do after that happens, you're just screwed.)

I have friends that did much better on Adderall XR and didn't like Vyvanse, amd some they take 3 immediate release Adderall a day bc they have more control over their dosing. Immediate release Adderall is obv more addictive. Vyvanse is metabolized in the small GI tract, and is at its basically molecular level just a prodrug of adderall, meaning that it's a metabolite of the Addys, so really, the differences are in how someone's body handles the absorption method.

I taught preschool for a long time. I've seen children 8 and under on both drugs and it's never seemed to do for kids what it does for adults....it almost always seems to take away their happy kid like ness, if that makes sense. Doesnt mean it doesn't help a lot, but on the developing brain, a drug that forces a young child to focus when it's not really developmentally expected for them to be able to do so for long periods of time is going to run the risk of makING you feEl like the medicine is altogether bad. It's not. But it may be something you stop and try again later. But please don't cold turkey your kids off vyvanse, adderall or aNY of their similar counterparts. Like I said, they may not physically detox, but it feels like mental hell and they aren't going to necessarily have the mental Vocabulary to tell you what it's like. Wean them off. Please. It will make them feel so much less like crap. I also don believe in the only giving it on weekdays theory but i don't want to start an argument so I'll answer the why to that if you'd like but I don't want to just start something. Just remember to think of adhd meds to truly add people as insulin to diabetics. They don't feel okay without them.

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hi my name -andrew it is 3.19am iam 15yrs old my dose - 50mg ,i took 250mg for the past week ,i cant eat ,sleep or drink is this normal ? if i do any of those i have massive pain in my stomach my eyes are huge and my doctor took me off 9 hours ago i feel like im dieing or im just freaking out idk

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Vivanse Withdrawal - I am bracing going off Vivanse cold turkey - frankly because I ran out before my RX is refillable and I think I am just going to stop taking it. I know I am getting addicted to it because I love the stimulation and it really helps me. But I read about all of the dangers of Vivanse and I want to stop. Does anyone know of something that can help with the withdrawal fatigue? I experienced it once before and it was unbearable. Is there perhaps a temporary substitute stimulating-over-the-counter-medication or something that can help me at least get through my work day?

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I am glad to see others experiencing the same thing I did on Vyvanse. I was on 40mg, doing great and loving life. Eventually I starting thinking how silly life was (not suicidal, just feeling like a lot of people are more focused on all the wrong things). I started becoming a little depressed and anxious and took myself off the Vyvanse. It took me 3 months of vitamins, healthy eating, naps, and lying around to recover. I used to be hyper,and happy, after the Vyvanse, I went through exhaustion and loss of ability to function or focus. I could not figure simple things out. Those effects do sneak up on you. I am back on it and this time I will be smart. I will drink a lot of water, take a lot of vitamins, and eat properly-even when I don't feel like eating. You must be smart and do right by your body on this drug!

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I also don't really believe Vyvanse's lower addiction rate is as prominent as they advertise. If it's a drug, someone somewhere in this world is gonna have some adverse effects. Especially with this class of drugs. I really don't worry about getting addicted, though.

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Wow. There seems to be some very weak individuals on here. I stopped Vyvanse cold turkey. I was taking 70mg daily for over 5 months. Yes, I did sleep a lot. But I did not have any "with drawls" as some of you state. Mind over matter people.

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