Withdrawal From Klonopin 1mg Daily (Page 5)


I have been on kolonopin 1 mg daily for 14 months now I am depressed and very anxious most of the time I want to get off this drug but from what i have read It should be cut down slowly and over a long peroid of time. has anyone gone through a simlar situation that may have some advise

292 Replies (15 Pages)

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I think Xanax is more addicting than clonazepam. I believe it is the most addicting than any other benzo's for anxiety. I was taking that as soon as it went generic, then I started on clonazepam in 1996 and my first was Valium. Although I have taken them all. They all are addicting over time. They usually come in 3 dosage sizes. the smallest dose, then double the smallest dose, then double of that dose. EX. small dose 1/2 mg middle dose would be 2x larger so 1mg and the largest dose would be 2x the middle dose, 2mg. Most not all are that way. Bezo's for sleep and z-drugs are in 2 sizes usually. small dose and double that dose as in 5mg and 10mg. I got off track, sorry.

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I have successfully weaned from .05mg. of Clonazepan 3x a day for the last 6 years. I started weaning in October and I can say that by the end of June I was completely over all withdrawl. You didn't say how much you are on, or how long you have been on it. My advice is to go very slowly in your weaning process. Xanax is also a benzo drug and I am not sure why he gave that to you as it is addictive too like you said. I can honestly say this was the hardest thing I have ever done was getting off clonazepan. I had no idea how addictive it was. You can have your Doctor make you up a weaning process so your body can get used to being with out the drug and you won't go into a tail spin. Good Luck!

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I have successfully weaned from .05mg. of Clonazepan 3x a day for the last 6 years. I started weaning in October and I can say that by the end of June I was completely over all withdrawl. You didn't say how much you are on, or how long you have been on it. My advice is to go very slowly in your weaning process. Xanax is also a benzo drug and I am not sure why he gave that to you as it is addictive too like you said. I can honestly say this was the hardest thing I have ever done was getting off clonazepan. I had no idea how addictive it was. You can have your Doctor make you up a weaning process so your body can get used to being with out the drug and you won't go into a tail spin. Good Luck!

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I was put on 1mg of Clonazapam daily at night along with 120mg of Cymbalta in August to 2010 after learning that my sister had stage 4 colon cancer, my mother had terminal pancreatic cancer (1 month later) and my father had non surgical bladder cancer ( 2weeks after the death of my mother 2/2/12). Without reading about withdrawal symptoms I thought I was going to die after day 17 without Cymbalta. I am continuing cold turkey withdrawal from Cymbalta but will start cutting back to .5mg Clonazapam tomorrow night as per my psychiatrist. After reading several of the posts on both this blog and the Cymbalta blog I am terrified to do both at the same time. Any body in the same situation ? I am willing to go through pain zaps, leg twitches, dizziness, etc but don't want to die. Any response would be greatly appreciated. God bless everyone who has come through whole bodied and brained at the end of this terror. I pray everyday for those of us who are stuck in chemical hell. Peace

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I am still in withdrawl. Its been two weeks going from 1 mg a day to 1 mg of valium on my own accelerated Ashton method. Wise?? Most likey not. Symptons: severe headaches, restless legs, flu like symptons, withdrawl from everyone (I am retired). What gives me relief? Heavy aerobic exercise...rowing and elliptical machine for 1 hour a day and sugar...I am only eating yogurt, fruit and sherbert. I feel terrible but have my eye on the prize...being free of this stuff.

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Please everyone, never go cold turkey! I was going through a really sad time in my life, and my doctor put me on zoloft and klonopin. It was really helping me, so after about 4 months I told her that I didn't need them anymore. She told me how to taper off of them, but I just threw them out thinking I would be fine. Boy was I wrong! I couldn't slep, and when I could sleep, I had teribble dreams. Most of the time I didn't know if I was awake or asleep. I ended up in a mental hospital! My poor kids, they didn't think that I was ever going to come home. And the doctor there said that I was bipolar, which I'm not. If I was, then I would deal with it. After I got out of that place, I went back to my shrink and told her what had happened, and she was really surprised that the Dr. had said that I was biplar, I guess they label everyone. I was just very sad after my mother died, and had a real hard time dealing with her death, and also the death of my best friend. Sorry if I put anyone to sleep, I just want you all to do what your doctor says when you feel that you are ready to stop taking anykind of medication.

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So exactly what method (doses) of reduction did you successfully use over eight months?
What kinds of symptoms did you experience over that Eight months? we have similar stories but I have heard so many horror stories that I am afraid of more seizures...neck pain, headaches, muscle pain...which I have experiences when cutting back from .05 from x3 daily down to just .05 x 2 daily, but I can't get lower without the side effects...
Pleases give us hope

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Hi Debra If you are talking to me about the 8 months of my weaning from Clonazepan I would be happy to share with you. I stopped going to my Psych. Dr. because I knew she wouldn't support me in my choice. I went to my family Dr. and he set up a schedule of a very slow taper. It took forever but I did it. Every four weeks I would go down a dose and at the end I got the chewable tablets. It is VERY important that you get the EXACT dosage while weaning. You can cut the tablet in half by the score but don't cut it in forths you won't get an exact amount. You will experience NO sleep for what seems to be forever. It WILL pass. Grab sleep when you can. You will have very long nights. I had light flashes in my eyes, ringing in my ears, flu like symptoms, back ache, neck aches, head aches, the worst was anxiety in which it is what it was prescribed for in the first place. This will go on for weeks but you WILL get over it. When I was finishing up weaning my skin burned like it was on fire. I can't even explain to you what my body went through trying to get off of this. You need a support group or a good friend to help keep you sane. I had my Church and friends praying for me. I had the support of my family. I got on this because I had something happen to me I had trouble coping with. I NEVER thought I would get addicted nor did I know it was addicting. While I was weaning I did not plan anything in my days. You need at least 6 to 8 months. Do not tell yourself you don't need it anymore. That is the worst thing you can do. Take it like you Dr. says. You need to complete the whole weaning process. I never thought I could do it but I did and you can too. I will say that it was one of the hardest things I ever did. But the great news is I did it and you are strong enough to do it too. This CAN be done. Everyone is different and reacts to drugs different. Your story might be different than mine. Please let me know how you are doing. I will be thinking about you and praying for strength for you. Hang in there and don't give in to it. You can do it!

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I know it's possible to have a seizure from cold turkey, but it's way overplayed. I will say, cold turkey can be severe at the large doses such as more than 2mg clonazepam @ tid for a year or more, it is not fun and would not even suggest it. The side effects will be very pronounced physically and mentally. I just quit #120 4 mg a month of Diluadid back in May, taking for over a year. The Dr. wanted me to taper off, I said NO, I'm just quitting, and I threw the that and the other 3 scripts at her. Narcotics make you miserable for a few weeks and you START to recover, a minor barbiturate like long acting phenobarbital a CIV or Butabital a medium acting schedule CIII, are scheduled but not at all very addicting, Fioricet. Fiorinal is a Schedule II it's amazing the formula they use as the difference is one has APAP the other Aspirin, but it comes down to % of the non barbiturates. Back on track, benzodiazipines especially such as Valium, Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin especially will take several months of inability to even go to the mailbox, or the store or work. I have done it twice, and was unsuccessful with benzo's. I have taken them for 39 years. Amphetamines, and Narcotics are easy and have talked to X junkies and said Valium was harder than heroin. That was prior to Xanax which is stronger, and the influx of Klonopin users even though it's been around for many decades. One person died from a Valium and a couple of alcohol drinks, nothing else, long time ago, went into an irreversible coma. So I should say don't drink and benzo's, it can happen, as seizure could happen, but that is way out there unless you are using a long time, more than a Dr. prescibed. Your worry should be, I need to taper off and take as long as you want, as long as you are making progress, don't push to succeed over night, if it takes a year fine, but you have to make some progress every month no matter how little it is, is OK. Do not try to succeed of getting off benzo's fast. I'm talking to the close to a year or longer, I can not speak for those at 6 months or so with honesty. Good Luck, Carl

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@So Blessed, Posted before I saw your reply.

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yes "So blessed "I mean you...thank you for your RX to a pure body once again...like you My Psych put me on this 6 yrs ago,under extreme duress in my life, which is over... but the addiction lingers....and how could I know that at the time?
I don't know that I have the same support system that you do but I do have same the desire for freedom.
I am told that benedryl (??) helps with the lack of sleep which was one of my main issues, that and seizures caused by a doctors misdiagnoses in the first place... and now they persist ...even when they were not in my life or in my family history... It makes me angry and frustrated

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Debra, You are quite welcome! I found myself in the same boat and you can't listen to ALL of the horror stories out there. Everyone is different and most people are on so much and have so many problems you can't even compare yourself to that. I have also felt your anger and frustration as how a "normal innocent person" can get hooked on something when all they wanted was a little bit of help. Concentrate only on you and do NOT get afraid of the stories you hear or anyone elses problems and what they are on. You are unique and you need to focus on you. I also exercised to make me tired. I tried the Benedryl but you have to watch that you don't depend on that too much. I would tell you to use Benedryl for a limited amount of time because the more you depend on something to help you sleep the LONGER it will take for your natural sleep to come back. It WILL come back I promise you! When you are up at night read or do puzzles to make you tired. I also googled alot of self help things. I like Beth Moore. She has alot of inspirational things to listen too. One of the things she has is called Get out of the pit! Google that. It is very helpful. Hope I was of some positive help. I will be praying for you! Let me know how you are doing!

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thank you unfortunately I have begun to use the benedryl to help me sleep since I cut back to .05 x2 nightly but it would not allow me to sleep more than four hours...without it I don't sleep at all.. I am fearful of the next reduction because that is when all of the pain begins...

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Well it has been exactly 21 days since I started this- having checked the calendar. I have had nothing for several days. Days 17, 18 and 19 were the worst, mostly painful leg craps, violent headaches and flu like symptons - not even being able to sit up. I was so tempted to go back on it. Now, the symptons have all abated a lot. The problem remains sleep. I am isolated, but my friends and family understand that I cannot afford to get upset. If I was still working, I could not do this, that is for sure. I wonder who I will be when the drug is out of me totally and I can sleep again. Walked an hour today and will go back to the gym tomorrow. For those who offered encouragement on this forum, thanks!!

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Hi Newhandle, if your still having problems sleeping, I used an over the counter sleep aid, and it really helped me. I have one question, why do you wonder what you will be like? I don't quite understand that.

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Take benadyl.. the generic to save.

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Benedryl doesn't work worth a darn! Everyone I know says all it does is make it worse, and it also can cause restless legs, it did for me

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benedryl is somewhat helpful to keep from having to increase your dosages but also addicting and I noticed after using 50 mg nightly for 6 months and then stopped I had withdrawals from that too

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so so many of us accidental junkies are going through the same night and day horrors...so far after looking for four years I have only heard of one person to wean off naturally "SO BLESSED" but it took her six months and she had a wonderful support system, my best fellow sufferer

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