Withdrawal From Klonopin 1mg Daily (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have been on kolonopin 1 mg daily for 14 months now I am depressed and very anxious most of the time I want to get off this drug but from what i have read It should be cut down slowly and over a long peroid of time. has anyone gone through a simlar situation that may have some advise

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well weaning is so difficult, I am now at 3/4 of one half mg...the insomnia is brutal the neck pain and migraines are devastating... bowel issues out of control mood swings... I am cutting back again today down to .25mg for a month...this is so painful in so many ways... I so look forward to being free and clear of this horrible medicine...even with the fear of seizures...which is why I am going so slowly...Pray for me xox to my fellow accidental addicts may you be free soon too...

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Well last night I reduced down to .25mg (half of one half a mg) and I also took 5 mg of Melatonin(a natural sleep aide and drank one cup of sleepytime tea...
I slept ~waking off and on until 8:30 am!!! and better still~ I had a dream for the first time in ten years!!!!! That is amazing...I used to log my dreams before I was put on Clonazepam in 2003, then my dreams were gone! I know that it is early and the withdrawal symptoms will come but I am thrilled to know my mind is coming back...A massager helps the pain in the neck and shoulders which will plague me for a few days but I had a dream!!!

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Thanks Charlie. To switch, and I don't know why I am doing this after almost dying during an Alprazolam to Ativan switch, do I need to taper off the Xanax while switching to the Klonopin?. I told the Doctor I have plenty of Xanax on hand (3000 MG) so he said I could always switch back if they are not working.

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Yes Benzo WD can kill you...the most common form is suicide. Grand Mal seizures and the conditions you are in during that seizure, IE : Driving... This is not a game....I am not a druggie...I do smoke pot and back in the 80s I snorted cocaine...but I haven't used street drugs other than prescription meds for nearly twenty years. However I have been on this poison for nine years and My DOCTORS do NOT support quitting So I stopped seeing the doctors..The tapering is brutal but CT is guaranteed to be far far worse...
I am in day three of a reduction from 3/4 of a half MG down to .25 MG... It is brutal but so far no seizures...I have extreme weight loss from weaning down from 2 MG over a year...and I am still only at one half of a Half MG (.25 MG), diarrhea, severe migraines, stiff neck shoulders and body pain...anxiety, insomnia tears, gum and tooth pain, burning eyes.
Fear of failing makes me stay with this weaning , even though I have no medicinal support or even a doctor supervising... I have read everything I can find on Clonazepam and there is only ONE OPTION...WEAN VERY SLOWLY AND SUFFER THE PAIN OF ADDICTION. I pray I do not have the years of mental distress and hallucinations because I suspect that is why people commit suicide...

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Update...It's Aug 2nd, I have reduced to 0.150 mg from .25 mgs @ night only...I also take 10 mg of Melatonin which augments my abilities to FALL asleep and Stay asleep for up to 6 hours (heaven). Even such a slight reduction caused painful WD's for about 8-9 days...Sweating, insomnia, stiff neck and shoulders, diarrhea, itching, hot flashes, and Nasty lingering toothaches and jaw pain. ... (Weaning is harder if you have problem dental work, geez :-(... The toothaches have lessened , still need dental work but not until I am off these meds, or the Antibiotics will conflict with the clonazepam... I reduce to 0.125 this week and because of travels I must hold at 0.125mgs for at least 4-6 weeks until life stabilizes and then I jump off 100%.
My goal is to be clean and Withdrawal free by Thanksgiving 2013. WISH ME LUCK PLEASE :-) YOUR SUPPORT IS ALL I HAVE.

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Took the meds for about 3.5 years. Dr set up the wean schedule but after reading all this it scares me and think its maybe too fast. The cold turkey is because I had no idea how bad this stuff was. I am now back on the crap and he has me on the three stages below for 21 days each. I know know the WDs can kill, after looking at these. Today is second day of weans and the "bugs" wean. I don't think I ever took more than 1 mg a day, if I did it was rare.

Should I still be concerned?

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Yes, but there are Doctors and Pharmacies in most Countries, and they take Cash, and charge much less than here. The effects of going Cold Turkey can stay with you for months if not years. My new Doctor told me Klonipin was safer than Xanax at withdrawal?

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I agree with Eddy There is no reason to allow yourself to suffer when you can PAY CASH and start at 0.50 MG after being off and suffering your bodies will accept the smaller dosage... Stay on 0.50 MG for three months then begin reducing by one QTR of the tablet at a time holding for three weeks each reduction... then 12 weeks after the reduction process you are home free!!!..you are free... I have just REDUCED to LESS than 0.100MG which is MY LAST REDUCTION BEFORE I QUIT ENTIRELY... I stay here until OCT 21st then I STOP... THE DANGER PERIOD IS FROM 4-14TH DAY AFTER STOPPING ALL MEDICATION... PRAY THAT I HAVE REDUCED ENOUGH THAT I CAN FINALLY BE FREE... WISH ME LUCK,,,MY LUCK IS YOURS IF IT WORKS XOXO DEBRA

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My husband has been on Klonopin for 13 years. He started off on a low dosage but over time (he has panic attacks) it was increased to 2mg twice a day. Going to a new Psychiatrist who is a very good doctor explained exactly what Klonopin does to your system over a long period of time. #1 this pill can mask problems in your body. (In 2008 my husband had a quadruple by-pass, never any pain leading up to his surgery, he was 43 at the time). #2 Natural opioid's that our body needs disappear. Endorphin's which we get when we exercise (natural feel good) disappear also. High blood pressure, diabetic symptoms also disappear. This is just some of the stuff that taking this medicine too long can do. It is a very good medicine but not for long term use. Find a good Psychiatrist who can help you get on the proper medicine you need. Google if you need answers, there is much information we can find.

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Everyone who is trying to get off Klonopin should be getting on some other type of medicine whether its for depression, anxiety or another type of problem they may have. Not something that is considered a narcotic. Unfortunately you need to see a Psychiatrist to find out what you need. If you are doing the long route, slowly decreasing Klonopin, do it SLOW. My husband is taking a new medicine for his anxiety and will either detox from Klonopin in a hospital or do it slowly over time but at least he is getting help for his anxiety issue.

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I was on Clonazepan for 7 years and it was hell to get off of but I did it! One of the wore experiences of my life! With that in mind tapernvery slow! I can not stress that more, even if it takes a year to come off. Your body especially your brain needs to adjust very very slow! Find a support system or a prayer partner to help you especially with your sleepless nights. There is nothing,not even Melatonin or other natural drugs that can even help with that because nothing can go up or compare to what that drug does to your body. As I was going through withdrawl I almost wished I would have went to a rehab it was so bad. Nobody warned me about this so I didn't know what to expect. I would taper down and hold it for at least 4 weeks until you arre stable then cut again. It is very important that you get a very accurate dosage while tapering. Cutting the pill in half using thenline on the pill is fine but you need to ask the Dr when you need to cut it in fours for the accurate dosage! If you are a working woman this is going to be hard to do if you have a job. I don't mean to scare you but this is a very hard thing to do, one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life! Prayers going up for you!

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Thank you for your support, especially about tapering by .125 rather than 1/4. I've set up a schedule and will be reducing dosage by .125 every 4 week so that I take it very very slowly. What I don't want to do is go so fast that I end up having to increase the dosage and then be taking a step backwards. Thanks again for your support!

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To bUTTERFLYLADY, Hello, I know you are very concerned about being on a drug that is so addictive. I am a chronic pain patient and have been on many different types of Narcotics. My Dr. changed me from Xanax to Valium without any tapering what so ever but I did just fine. My Pain Dr. got shut down about 3 months after that so I had to find me another Dr. very quickly. I have been on different types of medications for about 18 years myself. I am on a variety of very addictive medications and I worry all the time about what would happen should this Dr. leave and I couldn't find another Dr. I finally just came to the conclusion that if that should ever happen then I would have to go tot he ER and tell them what happened. When my other Pain Dr. got shut down and I was without my medications for about 7 days I had no other choice but to go to the ER, they also treated me like the lowest person on this earth. So judgemental, when I can't help that I was in a accident that has messed me up leaving me on disability. The ER didn't help me so I had no other choice but to use Marijuana for the time I was off my medications. Thank God I did have people help me with my Valium or I would have more then likely went into a seizure.. The other medications would have left me with withdrawals from out of this world and I refused to go through them when it wasn't my fault that he got shut down. I couldn't believe how the Marijuana helped me so much. I wish this State (Alabama) would legalize Marijuana. People may say that Marijuana is habit forming and you have withdrawals from it but I know for a fact that I had no problem quitting the Marijuana when I finally got into another Dr. As far as your concern about what it may do to your body for being on it for so long, I sometimes think about that also but I know without the Valium I would be a nut case literally and I have to take it, so I just remind myself that since I happen to live in a State that prefers medications that can leave a person in withdrawals (that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy) and that are VERY ADDICTIVE that I just have to take them until I can afford to move to a State that cares for there people and knows that Marijuana is a plant that helps with chronic pain, anxiety, and many different health issues. Hope this helps...

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SLOW REDUCTION is critical to successfully kicking this demon drug... I was on it for six years then it took another year to wean completely. I did it by Excruciatingly Slow Reductions- first reducing the number of doses per day... and holding for 5-6 wks until you get to only at night....holding 5-6 wks or more before reducing again.
Additionally reducing by No More than .125 mg each time to AVOID the max withdraws... there will be some but not extreme if you pace yourself....
When I got down to one milligram at night only...I added melatonin 10 mg at night to help me fall asleep.
Once I got down to .50 mgs nightly I added Z-QUIL. ( or 25 mgs Benadryl, it's the same thing) in order to sleep... our worst enemy.
It took much longer to reduce from 1 quarter mgs down to Zero... When you are ready to do stop it all, BE CAREFUL..
.You must not live alone during this time because of the real possibility of Extreme Withdrawal Symptoms!
Especially if you reduce Too Fast. ..


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I have taken 1mg nightly for years. I need to stay on it for now. This cold snowy weather does not help.

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Re: jennifer (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

i have only been on clonapin 1mg at night for 3 months, i tried to taper down, by cutting down 1/4 of a tablet for a week, 1st night could not even sleep, insomia was crazy, can anyone help me come off this, not getting much doctor help and the medicine is giving me an issue that i need to come off of but can not. I cannot believe i was not told how addictive this drug was before being put on it. and i dont usually take a dose for 24hrs inbetween.....help

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Re: jennifer (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I was doing zanex for about a year and weened off it rather quickly , only five days and then after that I just had cold sweats and felt like I had the flue for a couple weeks but that's about it . What I tell everyone coming off an addictive drug is to exercise . It really helps a lot and makes you feel better and back to normal a lot faster than sitting around feeling sorry for yourself and experiencing every little withdrawal symptom . So you might give that a try after speaking with your doctor first , of course! Good luck , you will succeed if you really give it your best shot . Oh and don't ask the doctor about what kind of withdrawal symptoms you might experience cuz when I do , I seem to contract every one of them , lol . Best of luck to you !

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I also have been on 1MG of Klonopin for about a year,and am trying to taper off by a .25 of a pill every two weeks. I'm taking 3/4 of a MG now and feel pretty bad. It will be one week tomorrow at this level . I hope I level out so next week I can make another adjustment . Its funny if I drink alot of water it helps to take away this feeling that is like a partial withdrwal. I also take Seroquel and sleep very well. I do hope Im able to come off of this and live a life this is no fun. I hope to hear from those who know much more than I do about this. When I get to .5 mg I belive I will taper by only 1/8 every two weeks and see if that makes lit any better.

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My doctor prescribed 1mg klonopin to help with IC. I took it a few times but did not like the mental feeling at all but it helped with pain. I then tried breaking the 1mg tablet into 10 (TEN) pieces and taking that tiny 1/10 mg and it helped without any brain fog. So now I've been taking this tiny 1/10 th mg piece of klonopin for about four months and am worried about stopping. I have five 1mg tablets left which is like fifty doses - should I taper those every other day and if no problem just stop.

I am hoping that the tiny slither of the pill I have been taking is not enough to cause dependence. My doctor says I can just stop, he does not think that the amount I have been taking is enough for the body to get hooked, He chuckles when I show him the bottle of tabs chopped into little 1/10th bits.

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