What Not To Say During Suboxone Appt (Page 3)
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My boyfriend has battled with heroin addiction for at least 2 years now. He was prescribed to before, but couldn't afford the maintenance program and ended up banging heroin again. He went back to his doctor to get a script for suboxone again last week, and the doctor wouldn't prescribe it to him. I found another dr who can prescribe suboxone nearby, and want to make sure he gets a script because he will die if he doesn't quit using. Does anyone know any reasons why a dr wouldn't prescribe suboxone? Thanks.

228 Replies (12 Pages)

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The dr is right. For your boyfriend to recover, he MUST put his recovery FIRST in his life. Being sober is the most imporatant thing for an addict. Plus a suboxone is not just a pill to take and everyone gets sober. The medication is just part of it. Your boyfriend must go to a 12 step meeting everyday for 90 days. get a sponsor and get counseling. Please advise your boyfriend to go to rehab. if he doesnt want to go then he doesnt want to quit. also he should be the one to help himself not you. Plus your boyfriend should not be alone watching the baby during addiction not that he will hurt the baby but it is just not safe. I have almost 3yrs clean off heroin. I am willing to help you with advice if i am able keep posting and i will be in touch. I really hope he goes to treatment. if he does go everything will work out for you with a sitter its more important he gets help. If he continues to use he is not only jeopordizing future with your baby but your relationship with you. If he doesnt get help weather you want to or not you may have to move on with your life with out him. Whats more important to you, the baby or your boyfriend. I know it is not fair,however,please do whats best for the child! plz keep in touch.

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My boyfriend and I have a 9 month old daughter. He wants his life back. He's not just on h. Its a bunch of stuff. But he can't go to rehab I work and he watches the baby. The doctor rd him rehab or nothing. We live in Vermont and trying to find another doctor

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Alice?? What ended up happening? Your story is so similar to mine right now I need help! Please pray for me I hope you found your way out of this horrible place

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Just be honest with the dr. Sub drs. usually will help people being honest. Plz also go to aa na and get a sponsor and plz stay away from EVERYONE that uses. If you live with addicts GET out or u will relapse.I will pray for u

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I'm going to lafrantera Thursday I need to know what to say to make sure I get on suboxine if not I will die using heroin please help me

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If your meds are helping you stay on them. xanas helps with pain NEVER trust a dr

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Please help me I've had 30 surgeries went off pain meds been on xanax for years I've been in and out of crazy houses ssd wants me on my xanax it wasn't one of my problems pain still is I get so scared out flip have to take xanax I'm scared I'm going to go back down road please help me I've got 3 new grandparents

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Hey I hope you are still clean! I been off heroin 3 years i stay away from all addicts if u fail keep fighting

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They will find weed in his system,however,he MUST be honest and explain to dr that he will get off weed! He should tell dr before urine test and be honest! HONESTY goes along way to a dr,

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My brother has been taking Percocet, oxy's, Vicodin,and other pills. He went to a clinic and was prescribed suboxone. He gave them to my mom to keep off him so that he didn't abuse them. He claims he wants to get clean. I went to his House three days after he started taking the suboxone and he had been smoking weed!! He had taken his suboxone like prescribed.he is scheduled to go back to the clinic on wed. If they check his urine will he be able to get another prescription of the suboxone?

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Suboxone is the much better choice methadone is just a cheaper buzz. Try coming off the done odds r u will kill ursef or atleast wanna die.....stick to suboxone take for a week and then u be good. Don't get hooked or it was all for nothing

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It is for opioid dependence methadone is for kicking herion even though methadone has only destroyed my life and now i seek saboxone treatment dah this should be easy to get and afford.

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I cannot believe the doctor turned him away..I know with my doctor if you relapse of fail a drug test, they want to see you 3 times a month rather than once..which becomes costly! However, it is what they have to do. They have guidelines to follow. I do not know of any reason why they would not prescribe it to him, but you need to be with him, and explain to the dr. That he will die if he does not get treated! You should have no issue! Good luck!

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I don't know if you will receive this as its been so long since you posted it. I am an Army veteran and was deployed to Iraq twice for a total of 2 1/2 years. I lost 23 friends and have so many other brothers in arms who are battling the aftermath of war. I feel for them and all the other vets of past wars who are still suffering and of course the ones who are still currently fighting. I am also saddened by your story because I have relatives who have gone through severe sexual abuse similar to yours. You are in my prayers. I almost killed a man who sexually abused my niece when she was only 7 and carried on for 2 years. I am looking for help in any way. I have been addicted to heroin and for the first time checked myself in to the va hospital. I am here at the hospital as I type this and am so scared. I wish God hears my prayers so I can have the strength to quit and take care of my wife and kids. You can email me at {edited for privacy} if you would like. I have to go. God Bless you and I hope you are still ok to this day.

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I've been on every drugs for ab 6 years. I want to quit but can't I have a sub appt next week. Don't know what to say to them an don't know with I will get in for subs. I hope..just don't know what to say?

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Hang in there? Are you kidding, I feel like there isn't a doctor who gives a s*** about me wanting to get sober, ive been trying to get in to a suboxone dr. for over six goddamn months and not one doc has come through with prescribing me it. I got discouraged for a few months on trying to get sober, specifically because I have never found it to be so hard to get on the suboxone as I have been on it two other times throughout my 11 year addiction. Was sober for three years, relapsed this whole year here in 2015, thought it would only be for three or four months max, but nope its been 12 months exactly which is why im just pissed off now! Suboxone.com ha what a joke, I called every single doctor in Wisconsin and was very repetitive and there was always some bulls*** excuse. Now Im not knocking the suboxone, Im knocking all the doctors that are on that site, because if you have state insurance, they don't want you, they want cash paying customers, cant tell me Reckit-Benikiser isn't kicking pay outs to these doctors. The suboxone works great, but putting a small limit on how many ppl they can prescribe is bulls***. If we are in a heroin epidemic, which we are, why wouldn't there be more psychiatrists taking the 8 hour course and they would be making ten fold in money, we need at least 10 times the amount of suboxone doctors that are out there right now, this is f***in bulls***, jumping through hoops for months, just because I want to get sober and still don't have what I need to get sober.... yes im a pissed off individual and this is why I get discouraged... oh if you really want to get sober you will find a way to get prescribed the suboxone, oookay that's a false statement as I have tried so hard, so much time put into calling docs, still with no avail.. like I said bulls***.

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Don't lie and say you get pain med's or barbituates. Mist good Dr's (including mine runs a Casper the same day you see the Dr.

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there are many free insuarances for the program! However most drs are $200 for visit which is usually once a month and if you take 2 per day and pay cash around $8 per sub! thats around $20 per day for EVERYTHING! More importantly please go to aa meetings and stay away from yor using friends!

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I just began taking subs as an alternative to percs for pain and im so much happier and more positive. What an incredible medicine. How much does joining the program cost monthly?

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who killed your love? the subs? so sad! my boyfriend died to heroin

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