What Happens When You Withdrawl From Xanax (Page 5) (Top voted first)


My friend has been taking xanax for the past two months he's been taking the 2Mg bars he would eat about 10 bars a day because of his anxiety he stoped taking them for couple of weeks and now he is not remebering anything he has been passing out and saying he had a conversation with somebody and never even talked to that person. like we'll be sitting in a room and he will think the phone is ringing but it isnt. and he said he had a conversation with me one day and i never even talked to him that day. I'm trying to find out if this could be from the xanax because its making me very worried.

118 Replies (6 Pages)

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Yes sir.. you said it. Ive had heart surgery when i was born and was told wouldnt make it to my adulesence, so we are in the same boat. It caused PTSD and ive been on .5mg for seven years only changing once. Screw crackhead druggys. Some of us need this help.

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Was taken off of xanax ,18 years cold turkey only ,55 been in a nursing home memory came back back on them but feel weird

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I understand what ur saying but as any drug its easy to become addicted I take them for a mental condition as well but at one point in my life I found myself abusing them as well u r right it shouldn't be ruined for ppl like ourselves that need them but its easy to take more than needed u don't know what's going on in others lives so please try not to be so harsh to others

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Very sad thread. 5 years ago this week I spent an entire week in our local hospital after withdrawing cold turkey and almost dying. While I never took some of the insane amounts posted here, I learned how dangerous Xanax actually was, perhaps the most dangerous drug to detox from. If you are not prescribed Xanax, DON'T take them. If you are prescribed Xanax take them as directed. If you are taking large doses, (anything over 3 mg a day) be honest with yourself that one day your prescriber will move on and you could face these withdrawal horrors. If you must take Xanax, try to have some spare medication available as this stuff according to our Australian friend is a class 8 poison in any Country!

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I have been taking Xanax at about 12 mgs to 20 mgs a day for over 10 yrs and had many seizures..I'm scared to have another seizure right now because the last one I had,I didn't think I was going to make it out alive..My question is,how many mgs a day do I need to not have a seizure now? I need an answer ASAP,LIKE NOW! PLEASE HELP....THE EMERGENCY ROOM WONT HELP ME AND NEITHER WILL ANY REHAB OR DETOX UNIT...

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Hi, I was on 20 mg a day also and eventually after 10 years got myself off. I'm here to tell you that you can be free again! You need to get into a detox and be under medical care. It's the only way to safely do it . It's a difficult journey but so worth it to have your life back!

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I've been on xanax for about 4 to 5 years abusing them taking any were from 3 to 7or 8 MG a day sometimes more sometimes none till my withdrwls get the best of me and I'll try and find more cuz like I said I abuse the 75 mgs my doc gives me and now it's been 7 days I stop cold turkey but still feel like cap anxious dry heaving I'm eating okay no much sleep wat do yall think I should do please

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If it gets real bad go to the ER, but its a matter of time before you have a Stroke or Heart attack. Cut down your use, do NOT abuse them, and seek help to get off of them.

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Sounds like you're running out of you're running out of rx early. Which means YOU physically dependent on it. No doctor should be prescribing such a large dose. Looks like you're a drug addict.

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Mrs or Mr On Meds....your ridiculous post shows you take xanex.I dont take yhem at all or abuse any drugs..but I do have a heart.You are a complete ignoramous.

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Benzodiazepines are the devil!!! It's not only unethical but barbaric for any doctor to prescribe them long term.

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I was taking xanaxs for over 18 years. I am 55 and in a nursing home. I went a year of not taking any I was told I have wks but I think I went thew withdraws my memory came back when I started them again..loss the ability to talk right. I am slowly coming back to.myself. I get no help from nursing home. I need help

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why are you running out I am tried of people in glass houses throwing stones if you get a prescription you should not run out unless you are abusing it.

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Yea I am in a nursing home at 55 I took xanax for 18 years 0.05. They took me off cold turkey and diagnosis me with wks. Treated me with libruim which has been hell. I am back on xanax which memory has come back

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Finally a genuine person who is 100% real in not blaming anyone. Thank you for you being a person who is real not Denali & being fake hiding like your an absent individual who is not a brain washed sheep like the rest of these individuals in this world who are acting like there gods gift to the world. Thank you so very much for being you and no I'm not perfect at all, I have plenty of flaws when it comes to me choosing to take the stuff I choose to not get out of my life 100%. It's very frustrating.... Because I know I'm a strong minded individual yet I'm being a individual who is totally wilting. But this here is not about me. It's about someone being real, something that 99% of people who live a life that's phony & fake don't do. I really want to say thank you.....

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I have been taking 0.5 mg xanax Three times a day for over 40 years now and they have always helped me deal with my anxiety. I have always took them right and followed the rules and laws. My doctor wrote them out for years and she got in trouble about 6 years ago for giving us all a 1/2 dose of the flu shot and had to re give it in Tennessee to all her patients and her husband who is hired under her .. his patient's ..We never knew when we all were called back in there to get the second dose. until it came out in are paper and I was told before it came out because my daughter worked for the paper .. I never held it against her.. because I figured maybe she thought by it being so hard to get and so many dying from it .. maybe a 1/2 a dose was better then nothing.. So she went in front of the medical board and was fined $10,000.000 dollars and 5 year prob. and community service .. About over a little a year ago she stopped her clinic from writing out my nerve pills or pain killers for anyone and told me she was going to get my pm doctor to write them out and he did until next month then no more .. I remained with her .. Ones would ask me why .. when she was so greedy .. Hated change . And because she was from India. She would hug me .. and she was nice . Even though I seen all the urine cups in the sink with names on them when I went in for a bladder infection .. Last month I made them take my blood pressure this time because I asked my thyroid Dr if the little breathing thing they put on your finger tells your blood pressure and he said no . So last month I made them take my blood pressure and not guess at like they did the month before .. Then this guy was sitting in her waiting room and she and me and the secretary's were standing behind the door from the waiting room and she said .. look at him ....... he is a drug addict.. I just looked.. and she said they know I don't write out anything .. I thought to my self ..She hasn't even seen this guy yet .. and yet she is judging him.. when she helped make ones like him for years ! That got to me .. I could of left that day with my file in hand and they would have never missed it .. Shows how much the heppa law is protected .. I should have did it ..I just get a fentanyl 25mg patch from my pain doctor and he was writing out my nerve pills .. now I have to find a doctor for them. I will not be put on those antidepressants .. They make one more crazier .. I had bad reactions to vicodin and morphine can never take them and hydrocodone. And demerol they have me in my iv at the hospital when I woke up after my operation I had Dec .. I had a bad reaction to it and made them stop it! I thought to my self now I'm going to have to ask a doctor for my nerve pills and look like a drug addict and I hate that .. for I could Handel my pain and anxiety I had for years .. It is so unfair. If a doctor won't write them out for next month I will have to stop them because if I go to the pain doctor I can't have them in my system and I have not always went to a pain clinic only in the last five years so it will either stop both and go home and end it all ! You do everything right for years ! You try every antidepressant they had and you felt more crazy . Then they put you on a pill that you finally feel normal and can stand at a machine and deal with the pain .. at work and the people you work around .. Then your put on nasids and for years you eat them for the pain to .. it caused ulcers and stomach burns .. you have a doctor calling you at home saying stop them you could hemorrhage from your stomach from your diagnostic results ! So the doctor who was in trouble don't write them out ..and my Dr from the pain clinic did for her for a little over a year and gave me my last prescription for next month and after that I don't know..I told the pain doctors nurse what have I done ? Did I do anything wrong and she said no. What doctor am I going to find because all these drug addicts has made it a bad drug for someone like me who always followed the rules and took it right and it worked for me for years ! It's so unfair ! I told my daughter that before I will withdraw from it because I don't know what it can do.. and I don't take much pain med but a patch! I won't suffer and go back to the antidepressants that make you feel crazy ! I would end it all!I won't be labeled begging doctors for it and make me feel like a drug addict ! When I always remained with doctors for years ! I won't feel less like that ! I will not be labeled when I have always filled the rules! Never been in troubled in my life.. I'm going on 62 and I feel like what will I do ! I have lost all faith in doctors ! You can never trust no one! I made a appointment with a new doctor Tuesday for my primary doctor. I filled out the papers and added my 6 month drug store paper with it with all my medicine and the patch and nexium and blood pressure med and xanax 0.5 mg three times a day and senior 6mg take one at night .. But my nerve pills are not due to be refilled till next month .. I won't beg for them ! I won't make them make me feel like my doctor was calling that boy who was sitting in her waiting room before she even seen him and calling him a drug addict ! And yet she still seen him because of his insurance ! Her of all people to judge someone she never seen ! Her husband didn't get in trouble with the flu shot was because it is like he is hired in by her and she owns the clinic! So he was lucky ! People called her greedy and she lost a lot of patients ! I never looked at her that way until last month when she was having me stand behind the door with her calling that guy waiting in her waiting room .. look s......... He is a drug addict .. and I thought before I ever would have a any doctor think that of me .. I would end it all ! Say a prayer for me when next month comes around .. I won't degrade my self by begging for something that always helped me..

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If you were fined Ten MILLION dollars you would hate your patients as well. Did she ever pay it?

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If you feel knowledgeable about xanax and not addicted why would you "run out on the weekends"? Here you are talking down to everyone else's post that you're sick of hearing. You must be abusing them yourself or you wouldn't "run out".

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I took xanax 0.05 for 18 years I was taking off on it cold turkey. I lost my memory and did not even recognize my two sons. I reinstated them memory is back. I was off of them a year it's awful and can't walk like I did or talk right. I have a under active thyroid. Mucous is running down my throat they did sinus surgery. Has a MRI and did not have a stroke but have fluid where they did surgery
Now I'm am dizzy from all the drainage. O need help.

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Listen, I was taking Xanax and dilaudid for 8 yrs straight, I was up to 10 mg a day of Xanax , I could not stop on my own, I was afraid to admit I had a problem, but I finally got the nerve up to tell my wife. She was pissed at first but she realized that I was reaching out , but she made one big mistake, she took all my pills and made me quit cold turkey which I knew was a mistake but I did it anyway and I suffered for it . Not only did I suffer but I had a seizure in front of my 2 young boys, after the seizure my family doctor put me back on Xanax , and used a tapering method to get me off, it's been a year now that I'm off the Xanax and I feel great,but I couldn't have done it without someone watching over me, you must tell someone that you love to help you!!! That's a must, that was the turning point to my recovery,be strong, that miserable feeling will leave , but be strong, you can do it!!!!

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