What Happens When You Withdrawl From Xanax (Page 3) (Top voted first)


My friend has been taking xanax for the past two months he's been taking the 2Mg bars he would eat about 10 bars a day because of his anxiety he stoped taking them for couple of weeks and now he is not remebering anything he has been passing out and saying he had a conversation with somebody and never even talked to that person. like we'll be sitting in a room and he will think the phone is ringing but it isnt. and he said he had a conversation with me one day and i never even talked to him that day. I'm trying to find out if this could be from the xanax because its making me very worried.

118 Replies (6 Pages)

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Um, its your house too? If you truly have these symptoms then you need to take medicine. You wife has no business telling you what you can take. Does she know about your problems and that you are on SSI. You are probably able for food stamps and other programs as well!

This medicine, is it prescribed by a Doctor or are you getting it off the street?

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hey there! my brother has been addicted to xanax for 8 years he's had one episode during the first 6 years... he is currently cutting the dosage slowly although he is currently at 1mg per day and is experiencing paranoia this instance thinking either cops or gangsters following him.... im not sure as a younger sibling how to deal with this situation... what do i do? so far im reassuring him that nobody is following him but its not working any input would be great thankyou!

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First thing, you are trained nor expected to make a decision regarding your brother and Xanax. You need to have him see an M.D.? Xanax can make you hallucinate while withdrawal. Its like a slow death! Let us know how it works out but this can be very serious!

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3 days later he has been taken to hospital who knows what other medications there going to put him on, f***en corrupt pharmaceutical industry

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Went cold turkey on 6 60mg oxy, and 6 perks a day, but I cannot get off the Xanax , been on all the meds for ten years, desperate to get off Xanax, what can I do?? I tried to quit but keptt getting the s*** zapped outta me , jus couldn't do it taki ng 5 mg a day please help,anyone????

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Of course I understand I need them just to walk to the.laundry room..its awful I take ten to fourteen mgs a day and thats a little bit than im used to...scared to be without and today is the day

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Help! I want to get off xanex, I have 4 pills left! Scared! Can I do it on my own? Ian also a diabetic.

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I had my first seizure at 24 I was driving I was taking quite a few 2mg but stopped em for a week n that's when I had my first seizure
so i chilled. Out to 1 mg but I tk a few so that doesn' count well I had a second seizure I'm done w that drug I can't drive I have to depend on pl this has changed my life completely I start nursing I'm a few days since I've stopped the xaxax entirely will I always have them will I always be on depakote

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Unless you have to see a specialist go with the primary doctor if he or she will provide your meds. It sounds like your specialist is a horrible M.D., and yes you could have died. 8 mg a day is about 4 times the death threshold. Withdrawal from as little as 2 mg can get you very sick or cause death. glad you got your meds!

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I need to talk to you, im feeling exactly same way, they are making this stupid rule of taking it off the market here very soon and tapering evryone off it as of people who have abused it, now evryone has to go off it we all have to go through withdrawels soon and nothing will work better and its going to feel like s***, we didnt get it in a bottle shop or off the street ! we were given it by shrinks or GPs and put our trust in them for our condition to be treated we didnt ask to be put on this but they left us on it for so long and now they decide to pull the pin if it was so bad why were we put on it in the first place! its a horror drug known to doctors it may as well be H! yet they are the ones who prescribed we didnt ask for it or get it illegally, others who abuse it have casued this drug to be withdrwan and frowned on by the whole medical profession, now we with mental problems are beeing treated like druggies instead of genuine people just needing help for a condition of anxiety !

evryone you go to frowns on you instead of helping you, i feel neglected and pissed off at medical profession they are hipocrits, there are more problems with alcholcol and ciggies etc and drugs off the street, and noone told us of this horror drug for the last 20 years, my quality of life has not been any good as of beeing neglected by doctors or left on a drug they now wip away form you after this long with it beeing so highly addcitive this should have been NEVER GIVEN IN THE FIRST PLACE if it was such a bad drug !!! it has helped me somewhat and i dont abuse it but it has never really fixed me and its just a bandaid fix.

i think that we deserve some kind of compensation for this as after 20 years it aint too easy to come off if they now decide to pull the pin, if we get sick now whose fault is that really ?? surely not ours as we didnt get this off the street by some drug dealer! if anyone feels same pleas lets chat, and yes your right its becasue of abusers we get treated the same when we have had it for genuine condition hardly fair !! and hardly fair to be frowned on and treated the same away as some druggy off the street when we have just gone to doctor for mental issues in the first place and asked them to help us not ruin our lives by negelct or putting us on drug that is too hard to come off!!!

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You give a great description of the withdrawal symptoms, but your not as positive as you should be. Nobody has said, and I'm sure it varies, as to how long the peak symptoms last when you stop cold turkey. I've stopped five days ago and can bear witness to the paranoid side effects. It seems that you could stay with major withdrawal symptoms for as long as two months. I've been at the three mg pace for 4 years, script for anxiety, and it is very hard to break. Bless you all.

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Gizzy, it was the 2nd week that almost caused death. While I could have written a book as each day of withdrawal was different, and although I made it to an ER on week 2, it was almost too late!

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Eddy, glad your ok. I was asking these questions about Xanax mainly. My problem was pain meds as well. I was on pain meds for over a year because of severe back pain, all the way up to MS 120 mg XR. I had back successful back surgery in July, so I've tried to come off that level of pain med. the Drs are not always the smartest kids on the block and in some cases they are legal dealers, lol. It's been 12 days off pain meds and a week off Xanax. Went to Dr yesterday and he said my biggest problem were the pain meds, not Xanax, that was screwing me up with bad withdrawals. However, he prescribed .5 Lorazepam and 30mg Temazepam because I have not slept for 12 days. I had to up their dose a little, sorry Doc but I finally got some sleep. I think pain meds are far worse than Xanax, but you do have to take some patient responsibility and try and take control of you. They would hand me more pain meds and I would give it back. I'm doing better now, have the runs still, but I'm going to make it. My anxiety level remains high still, hopefully sleep will help, but it remains to be seen how I'll be when I run out of the afore mentioned script. God Bless all of you.

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Believe it or not, the benzodiazepine will always triumph Pain meds when it comes to withdrawal. Your Doctor does not seem to fully grasp this problem?

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Some people do what they have to do to stay in a mood you feel with 3 a day, that's great that that is all you need, but people who "Have" to take a very large dose to feel as you do with 3, not all are junkies! Different folks, Different strokes! Don't bash people you have no idea of their situation, their may not be a better alternative or they already tried all the different meds for this.

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"Pissed off" what country are you from? I've never heard of any news that Xanax was going to be removed from the market, your Doc may have said that, but that's their way of being sneaky about things that they want to wean you off, they say something like that so you can't argue or explain your situation, it's their way of stopping people to please not wean them off.. Good luck

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So your saying benzodiazepines are worse than opiates when it comes to withdrawals. Idk, I'm no Dr. Maybe it's best to stay on Xanax for the rest of ones life? Not taking away from a particular medical condition but, you have to try and take control of your situation as best you can. Trust me, there is more to ones situation than meets the eye or than one cares to discuss. Good luck to you all. If I let my Dr take complete control I'd be a Zombie.

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i agree totally ! and read my post before this one,maybe we can chat sometime, but we shouldnt beat up on eachother though here as we are all victims to this drug we didnt buy it on the street we put our trust in doctors, they let us down they dont help really ive been thinking eeven though u and i just take our dose as prescribed for a condition diagnosed, and we dont abuse it and genuinly need it. that there should have been more help to us than just a bandaid fix, we have been let down by doctors we are victims even those that abuse it as they have been neglected too, its the damm drug that if its so bad like so horrible then why were we left on it for so long ?? and why didnt we get sent to counselling and treated properly in the first place instead of beeing put on some horror so called drug, no doctor warned us of any dangers like coming off etc, further more more harm is done by boozers ! yet thast still not restricted !! we here should support one another , but i like your message and i agree im angry and dont know how to feel about this whole drama with them wanting to ban it like its some street drug, we dont all abuse it !! so that not fair i agree

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my oppinion is defiantly relevant as im from australia and that is the new rule here, look it up on google, it is beeing called now scheduel 8 poisen. alprazolam, the doc here have to be granted a permit now to prescribe and the rules are that the patient has to come off it. this rules is for evryone not just me. and i was told they want to ban it because of people who have abused it and they say its dangerous drug, howver for 20 years they leave you on it saying its fine to be on it and now they pull the pin even people who dont abuse it have to go off it here they are pulling the pin on evryone and phasing it out, im surprised it isnt in your country but it might be soon the same rule. theres info on the net, about it, i was stating that it isnt fair as of people who have abused it instead of people genuinely needing it who dont abuse it, no ihavnt been in withdrawels yet as i dont have to start until april this year then i will be going through it, but im angry about the rule its 4 evryone not just 4 me. this rule started this year from feb 2014 and is a rule for all not just me. it will be a dangerous rule as it will be too hard for people to come off it and they should have done it ages ago if it was such a bad drug insetad of leaving you on it for so long, some people may get desperate and get it off the streets when it becomes phased out here, which is dangerous therfor stupid rule. and u may find it becomes world wide soon

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Hi I am 19 & been taking Xanax 2 mg 3 times a day for 8 months it's prescribed to me because I have panic disorder but I tried so many times without taking this medication & it some how makes me feel different & crazy with out taking it but I don't like the thought of being on this medication for to long , it sounds like I'm having withdrawals is it any way I can get off Xanax please help if can ?

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