What Exactly Does Suboxone Do? Is It Addicitive? (Page 3) (Top voted first)


i have a friend who desperately wants to get off of methadone and pain pills. will suboxone work? is it addicitive too? if someone can please help me that would be great! also is it very expensive, that's what i've heard.

268 Replies (14 Pages)

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I'm sure if you guys have subs you would be the one to know. Stop fretting babe :)

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I'm sorry do you mean the patient assistance part or am I involved in suboxone therapy? Yes to both :)

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Hey natto....I so understand your worry hun. I have a six yr old. The best thing is if you have someone to watch your child for that few days like I had my mom watch my daughter....that way it is just u and urself lol if u get what I'm saying. So you have those two days to focus on you. The nurse suggested malentonion? Not sure on spelling but it is a sleeping aid and plenty of rest. I'm not going to lie it was hell. Has subs worked for me? Yes...but I am scared even tho u wean of of them of going without when that day comes. And just change your old crowd and focus on you. Do you go to counceling hun?

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I love it when someone is trying to make a point but your ignorance with both grammar and spelling just totally ruins it. Go type all that again and at least utilize spell check and then we can decide if your argument is even relative.

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I also live in N.E. Georgia, in Clayton. A pain med center's M.D. has been prescribing Roxycodone for multiple degenerative joint injuries for a year. Of course my tolerance went up; I was totally unprepared (or naive) to the speed at which oxycodone addicted you and how fast you would need more and more. I now take 120 mg a day and 150 is starring me in the face and it is now causing all the problems an addict undergoes, I see no end and that I was naive to..

I tried to quit on my own, I hear that it only takes 3 to 4 days but I am not strong enough. I do not want to take this anymore, .I know that I will be forced to live with a lot of pain and restrictions but I don't care. What is the doctors name that you see and where is he/she located? I have to get off this roller-coaster, I want my old life back; I can't live in this world of constant dependency and worry I will run out. It is becoming too much for me to handle.

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Hello Screwed Up; I feel your pain both literally and figuratively. I'm a chronic pain sufferer and have been for the better part of 25 years. I also was put on some very strong doses of oxy for a few years and I’m not going to lie to you, it’s hard getting off this stuff. However, Suboxen is your best bet and there are literally dozens of drug addiction treatment facilities where you live that can supply you Suboxen. Don’t believe people when they tell you it takes only 3-4 days to kick because it’s not true. It sounds like you have a sufficient amount of the drug in your system and it might take a few weeks for the drug to be totally out of your physical system, but you will have to deal with the depression and lack of energy for many months to come. Again, I don’t want to scare you, but you do need to know the truth. Let me know how it works out for ya because these type of sites that you posted on really help out. Take care and good luck with your recovery.

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Well I just saw my "Pain Management" doctor and discussed using suboxin. His answer was that he didn't use Suboxin. I asked why, he litterally didn't answer. He said he just doesn't. When I asked about other doctors in his clinic (there are 4 ) he said he has no idea what the other doctors did. When I asked him what clinics or which doctors did use suboxin he ignored me even after I repeatedly asked the question. He then cut my prescription by 40%. When I told him that was too much,especially with me trying to work, he waived his hand at me, dismissively, and said..."don't worry man, you will do fine" and walked out the door.

When I gave the prescription to the pharmacist he asked me if I realized that the doctor had cut my prescription to that degree? I said yes; he then told me that could be dangerous and was very unusual. He told me to contact my doctor and ask him to handle this a different way. I called my doc at least 5 times in the past week, he has not, and probably will not, return my calls.

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How many suboxone should I take a day if I het it from a friend and not a jeavy user

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I'm not a real heavy user but I would lile to know how many soboxone I should take fromday to day of I'm not om a program and get it in other ways thays a lot cheaper for me I jist need to know jow mamy to take

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If u live with your parents I don't think u can get state assistance. The state looks at it like they are still financially responsible for you, especially if you are already covered by their insurance. If u have a problem ask for their help. I know it isn't easy , but I know they would rather have a daughter who is alive than dead addict or not.. Once you get on a program use the coupons. I have been on the films for about a month and they work very good and they r expensive. The dr s can have three people on a free program( for the price of the meds) and the program is from the makers of suboxone.Also I have found getting my script filled at the hosptals pharmacy is about 100 dolllars cheaper. Good Luck All

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I agree with this post.......the only problem that I'm now having is that I *miss* that euphoric feeling from the pain pills.....I really wish that I could feel high again....but I know it will just be that horrible cycle of getting the script and being thrilled and then after a day or two worrying that the bottle is almost empty...with Suboxone you don't have any cravings but you mentally will miss the feeling of being high- it's just inevitable IMO (in my experience anyway...right now I just took my sub dose and in a few minutes, I'll feel good for a while but then it fades quickly)...

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I just read your post and have to say congratulations on trying to stay clean. I to was a H addict and I got so sick of the lifestyle that I got on methadone. I stayed clean all the years on it only went up to 60 MG's / day. I received 1 month take home but could only afford weekly. I got sick of methadone and detoxed off. After a year started taking pills again. This time I decided to try suboxone. It HSS been a miracle drug to me. I have my life back. I work full time and have 7 yr old twins. I live in South Carolina. Luckily my ins pays all but $30 for my script. Anyways I just related to your story and wanted to say hi and give a little support for a fellow addict. Stay strong and I wish you the best for your life.

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I know I'm seriously fat from eating and never pooping! And of course I'm not high as a kite running in circles and HARDLY eating at all. We will eventually be back to our healthy physiques and off everything entirely! But for now I'll take the weight gain and constipation if it means I don't kill myself! I've just started taking some fiber (not an old lady lol) to help things. ...move along: )

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Citrucel works a lot better than other fiber supplements and doesn't have the side effects either,like other supplements do.I take methadone,which also causes weight gain but you can use a supplement called " Vitadone" which will get rid of the sugar cravings often associated with weight gain from suboxone and methadone use. It can also help with constipation.

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Hi Carrie I am currently on about 10 Oxy per morning, again at noon and another night. I'm a single mom. That's 300 mg pr day. My tolerance is shy hight. I have also take 80 mg op with all that. I'm starting to spend every penny I have and I have small kids, but cuz I'd rather not be sick. I wanna know about suoxone? I'm going to see a private Dr today. Idk what he's gonna do for me. And what happens with my insurance, will they see that I just got Perc 7.5 and this.

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I just started Suboxone and it is fantastic. I had to go to a Rehab Facility. Having no other option in with my pain meds but to go to doses that could either make me a zombie around my kids or possibly have my kids find me dead?! Going to detox and reevaluate my choices was the best idea! It's working on thepain so much better than the Oxy's every did, I am just not high all day! So I would recommend Suboxone to anyone who has a opportunity to, however they may need to get it.

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I should mention that I also take subutex, it is suboxone without the naloxone. It does make it much easier to function then being on methadone but the withdrawl is pretty bad and like methadone long lasting,but at least u can have some quality of life with suboxone, subutex versus methadone.

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Hey Stina,
If your on day 5 clean your allmost thru it.
If you really got to take some sub just take enough to take the edge off.
If you cut a strip into 8 pieces try taking one of those pieces which would be 1mg and see if that helps. if it doesn,t help in a few hrs. take another 1mg.
Take the least amount as possible. Subs are amazingly strong.
Good luck and post back and let us know how your doing.

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You are dead wrong on several accounts regarding suboxone. I know personally, through doctors, and through others who have used it, that suboxone indeed does stop opiate cravings. In fact, i think that is its best feature. You also talked about how brutal withdrawal from it is. Sure its brutal if you were taking 32 mg...thats way to much for anyone. 4mg tops will give full effect to most any addict and its a relatively low dose thats manageable if you wish to get off of it. Why doctors start people on higher doses is beyond me but my guess is its about the almighty dollar like most things anymore. Integrity seems to be an archaic term. While people use this partial agonist to get off full agonist opioids, its primary purpose has always been maintenance treatment. Once your brain is forever altered with the formation of additional receptors, it is difficult if not impossible for some to live without the receptors being occupied. This all depends on what was used, how long, dose, and in what fashion. Every single addict is altered in a diff way depending on that formula..thats why some can get off and others cannot. Personally, i may need to be on a low dose ~2mg for the rest of my life. I sure don't want to. There is nothing attractive about suboxone except for the fact that it keeps me stable in some ways , and i continually try to lower my dose in hopes of getting off someday. You are right about methadone. People can and do discontinue it, but it is a full agonist opioid so it basically continues the brain injury that occurred initially with the creation of new receptors. It is much harder to discontinue and is primarily a maintenance drug. I would recommend subs over methadone in a nanosecond. Anyone on methadone for a long period of time faces continued dose escalation to the point where the brain maxes out its ability to create new receptors. I wouldn't recommend methadone unless the person is already at that stage, because it would only serve to max them out eventually. Suboxone, as a partial agonist, does not perpetuate the damage but rather occupies the current population of receptors w/out creating new ones. This is fundamentally diff and why it remains one of the few but important breakthroughs in opiate addiction in decades. It allows the addicts brain to start to get its house in order, so to speak, without making matters worse. It is not a cure, but it halts additional damage. Only time will tell if the addict can eventually discontinue a low dose of suboxone or needs to remain on it forever, but it is the one treatment that gives hope. The primary concept in opiate addiction treatment is whether or not the patient is maxed out. Newly formed receptors never die, but can become dormant without activation. This is what every soul that wants to be clean and get their old life back desires. Only time can make them dormant, and only time off of all agonists of any type, including suboxone. Only the particular individual can make that call. They may or may not be able to live without a maintenance drug depending on extent of brain injury.

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My husband is addicted to over the counter coedine and sleeping tablets. He is also on subozone. And anti depressants. He has since opened up and he is weaning off tge sleeping and coedine tablets. I am trying my best to help him get ckean as I know he does not want to do it but is addicted

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