Tussigon/hycodan 5mg For Dogs (Page 4)
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My dog needs this med every day for a collapsing trachia and I can't find it anywhere? Can you help?

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My dog needs if for ct trachea too but gave it to her a couple weeks ago and it upset her stomach so bad.. terrible diarrhea. I even gave it to her with food. She is a 6lb yorkie, Bad allergies, and she coughs a lot. Been giving her Tramadol and Benadryl (per our vet of course) and it keeps her nasal drip down a lot and she coughs less, Will try the tussigon again but a smaller amount to see if she can tolerate it. anyone else have problems with tummy trouble after they give it?

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We buy Tussigon at Kroger Pharmacy. Don't get the generic, it's more expensive

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I joined the savings club and it has save me a fortune on dog meds.

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you can also join the pet prescription drug plan for only $20.00 a year at Walgreens. Saves even more money on prescriptions for your pet.

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Walgreen's can special order tussigon or the generic form which is the exact same thing. I pay 30 dollars for 100 pills, for my dog' cough.

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My vet just gave me a prescription fir Tussigon (5mg) to give 1/2 tab up to 2x a day for my 14 yr old toy fox terrier. He has had a horrible cough for years now & we have tried many things(sometimes going into small seizure) but he also has an enlarged heart & respiratory problems-would this be safe to give him?

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Vienna sausage has too many mechanical parts in it for me. I won't eat that stuff and won't give it to my dogs either. How about a small amour of Canned dog food? Something by Wellness or Canidae... taste of the wild. Not junk dog food like purina... Visit dogfoodanalysis to learn more about the nasty foods out there. Very simple, tuck the pill in some dog food and your dog should eat it no problem.

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U can give a pill in a cut up vienna sausage that is what i do for my dog.

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i cut a wennie , make a slit and insert pill

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My suggestion would be to call your local pharmacy and ask if Hycodan tablets or Tussigon tablets are available by prescription. If they don't know what they are tell them it is a combination of hydrocodone 5mg and homatropine. If it is unavailable locally you might want to check your state law regarding mail order prescriptions of a controlled substance. There are many legitimate mail order pharmacies as well as veterinary pharmacies that you might be able to obtain the tablets from. It might take a little effort but I would guess you can get it somewhere. I had no trouble getting it where I live.

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ill need to see if masscahusetts allows my cockerspanial of 20 years whos almost dead :( some pain releif for a while the plain aspirin causes diarhea if vicodin did for him what it did to me constipation would be great so would mild euphoria and happiness and tylenols antidepressent properties...

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I purchased ours for my yorkie at Walgreens. Vet wrote the script for both Tussigon 5 mg tablets and also I wanted to try the straight Hydrocodone elixir. Since I've had both, we haven't needed to use it. Guess that's a good thing! :-)

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I just purchased Tussigon at Publix Pharmacy so it is available for human use at this time.

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go to your veterinarian. get a blood panel and maybe a chest film. Tussigon is available by veerinary prescription only. It is widely available through your veterinarian only.

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I need this for my dog at a reasonable price,because he takes it every day.

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My yorkie has been on tussigon for 4 weeks now after tracheal stint implant, I started with all the things you named and now I can only sneak it to him with meat, so grilled chicken breast, beef or any meat you feel comfortable giving, I only have to give a small amount and I bury the pill in it and he scarfs it down and has been doing that 3x's a day now for well over a week.

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High anxiety from the tussigon? do you think it was increasing the heart rate or just a bad reaction? Hope your furbaby is doing well soon!!!

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get it in liquid form, that is what I did, because I also have a poodle that will not take a pill.
I got it from my vet in GA

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Have you tried tucking the pill inside of an empty capsule? You can buy empty #3 or #4 capsules from a pharmacy or you can order online from www.capsuline.com I cut the capsules as small as can- the longer portion is cut big enough to hold the pill and then I cap it. Tuck it right into my dogs food and she never knows it's there

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Thanks everyone -- what a great group! Our little fur baby has had rough side effects with this medication and the vet has discontinued it for now.

With the 2x day dosing she could be totally out of it or periods of high anxiety and what looked like some kind of psychosis. Poor thing.....It "did" help her cough when I could get it down her --- and your ideas for dosing were most helpful.
Thank you again.

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