Taking Half Metoprolol 25mg (Top voted first)


I have been having palpitations every day suddenly for the past 3 weeks. My doctor put me on .5mg of xanax assuming it was anxiety. I decided to stop takimg the xanax after reading about how addictive it can be and my doctor started me on a beta blocker(metoprolol 25mg) to stop my palpitations amd trips to the ER until he figures out what the cause is since all of my blood work has come back perfectly fine. He told me to take half of the 25mg pill once a day as i need it. Its working for me so far but its only been a couple days. Is it ok to stop taking this medicine if i dont need it anymore since i am only taking half of the 25mg pill once a day? Ive read plenty about having to wing yourself off of this medicine but im guessing i dont have to do any winging since i am already at the lowest dose possible on top of only taking half of the lowest dose possible. Wouldnt that mean that i am basically already ready to stop taking it as soon as the palpitations stop? I dont see how i could go down on the dosage any more than what im already taking. Just want to know that it is safe for me to stop taking it. By the way, I am a 23 years old male.

3 Replies

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Hello MarqSr,

I'm terribly sorry to hear that you are having these palpitations, it sounds terrifying.

I want to start by telling you that unless it is an emergency or you are having a terrible reaction to a medication, it is not a good idea to stop administering or administer medication in a different way than instructed. If the medication is working for you, I would suggest that you continue taking it until you are able to discuss your desire to stop taking it with your doctor. The reason for this is similar to why you should always finish taking your antibiotics. Sometimes the symptoms of a problem disappear before the actual problem that causes them does.

For example, if you had a virus that was giving you flu like symptoms (coughing, sore throat, runny nose, fever etc.) and you were prescribed antibiotics to fight the virus spreading throughout your body. As the medication starts to work and kills off the majority of the virus you will begin to feel better which can be tempting to stop taking the medication as you feel you are on the mend. The problem is that by not finishing the antibiotics your body still contains live strains of the virus and now you are contagious with no symptoms and could fall ill once again or worse spread the virus to someone else.

Similarly, if your body is reacting properly to the beta blockers it is likely that feel better but the problem has not been resolved. It is possible that once you stop taking the medication you will begin having palpitations once again. There may be an underlying issue that needs to be resolved and this medication will allow you to avoid medical complications until it is resolved.

In conclusion, please consult your doctor before you make any changes in your medication administration. I hope this information helped.

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for the advice. I actually stopped taking them while waiting on a reply and everytbing is great. No palpitations anymore. I believe my condition was due to stress in which case I shouldnt have been perscribed a Beta Blocker to begin with but ill blame that om my new PCP. I feel better tham ever now and am not on any medication. I have found alternative ways to cope with my stress when I do feel stress and I have begun to exercise and take better care of my all around health which has help with the anxiety i feel from the palpitations. Exercising has gotten me use to feeling my heart rate speed up thus eliminating my anxiety from worrying i was having a heart attack and also it has helped me learn to calm myself down once it gets to that point. I actually dont feel i ever needed to be on anything.

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Re: Kevin (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Also im not sure if you caught it in my first message but, I had only taken half of one 25mg pill once a day for 2 days. So i basically took 1 pill over two days. I had never taken them before that so my body hadnt even gotten adapted to the medicine yet for it to affect me if i didnt take it any more after that. At least that what a nurse at my mom's job said.

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