Symptoms Of Methanphamine Abuse


I have a supervisor that is showing increasing signs of verbal abuse toward other employees she supervises. Her symptoms are as follows:

- lack of sleep/insomnia
- loss of patience with customers and employees
- Oversleeping and not getting to work on time
- Drinking problem, maybe, but never smell alcohol on her breath.
- Lack of personal appearance - looks haggard and has deep circles under her eyes

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Based on what you have described, it may or may not be possible that your supervisor is taking illicit drugs.

The mood swings and health deterioration can be the result of taking a number of different kinds of drugs, from marijuana to cocaine to meth, etc.

On the other hand, she could also be dealing with a health issue, emotional trauma, etc. I would say the only way to know for sure would be if your workplace conducted a mandatory drug screening on everyone.

But to answer your original question, some symptoms of methanphetamine use are:

"Physical effects
The various physical effects of methamphetamine include increased energy, change in libido, increased sweating, decrease in appetite (anorexia), insomnia, dilated pupils, tightened jaw muscles (trismus), teeth grinding (bruxism), itching, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, involuntary body movements (twitches, grimacing, lip smacking, etc), increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, vasoconstriction, dry mouth, and a difficulty in urination. Serious physical effects, which may occur from chronic use or an overdose, include, possibly fatal lung and kidney disorders, possible brain damage, lowered resistance to illnesses, liver damage, heart attack, and stroke.

Psychological effects
The psychological effects of methamphetamine include, euphoria, dysphoria, increased attention, increased alertness, excessive talking, rapid speech, irritability, nervousness, anxiety, paranoia, delusions of grandeur, panic, aggressive and sometimes violent behavior, severe depression, suicidal tendencies, hyperactivity and excitability, increased sense of well-being, and emotional lability. Occasionally excessive and/or chronic use of methamphetamine can lead to amphetamine psychosis, with side effects such as hallucinations, paranoia, delusions, and thought disorder.

Withdrawal effects
Withdrawal from methamphetamine can produce effects such as craving, exhaustion, depression, mental confusion, restlessness and insomnia, deep or disturbed sleep sometimes lasting up to 48 hours, extreme hunger, psychotic reaction, and anxiety reactions." [1]

You can read more about this drug at [1]: https:/­/­­wiki/­Methamphetamine/­

Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...

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i have a friend who cant sleep hes angry he s always haveing an attitude with every1 around him he twitches wen he dosent have them he also wont get out of bed unless it is to go get tabs some1 please help me help him

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so, in the 70's people used to take this drug called acid..... is methanphetamine something like acid? you hallucinate? and can ANYONE give me advice as to how to go about getting a loved one off ? I suspect a family member, and don't know what to do.... whenever I confront him he get angry and denies it.....

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Really sorry to hear about your family member.

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD a.k.a. Acid) is not a methamphetamine. It is classified as a hallucinogen. On the positive side, it does not ravage the body the way that methamphetamines do, however, long term use over overuse can lead to mental disorders. Another drug which is similar in classification and effects (although not as potent) is Marijuana.

Addiction to hallucinogens is generally more psychological than physiological, so quitting it can be safer than methamphetamines.

While I cannot offer specific advice as how to 'force' someone to stop taking it, they generally need to reach a point where they realize what harm it is bringing into their life and finally decide to stop on their own. Sometimes 'gentle' guidance or suggestions can help with that as long as they do not feel like their sense of self is being threatened. Even supporting them knowing that someone is there for them no matter what might be enough of a catalyst for positive change. Ideally it could also help for them to visit a counselor/therapist to try and determine why they need to use a hallucinogen to escape reality in the first place.

I hope this helps and wish you the best!

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She could be suffering from depression and/or anxiety as well... Can you talk to her about it?

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