Sub For Pain (Top voted first)


I am addicted to opiates for pain. I abuse the oxy that I get. Would Sub or Methatdone be better for me with regards to pain? My husband has a history with drugs and has been on Methadone. He thinks Methadone is the way to go.

6 Replies

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Hi Sheri,
I guess I am way too late but will throw in my two cents anyway. Im recovering from an opiate prob (percs) and am on a sub program. I found a good doctor, checked his background on the net, and am lucky. Things are going well.. Ok, I can answer with confidence that Suboxone is NOT a choice for you. Subs are used to fight an opiate addiction, not to treat pain. It was not designed for pain management, but Methadone is. I have read its especially used for end of life pain management. It has a long half-life and therefore is easier for people to overdose themselves, so be careful. I would say Methadone is what you most likely will need. Find a good doc

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This is incorrect. Suboxone is used for pain management as well as opiate addiction. Before giving advice know your facts!!

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I am a herion addict and I am on subs right now and it is working for me very well. I used to shoot alot of herion a day and i was on Methadone for 2 years and i just got addicted to that, that is a bad drug also. I went through terrible withdrawls but it was alot better with taking subs. They help you alot better than Methadone would. Take my advice. Thanks i hope everything works out.

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Methadone is the worst thing ever to kick . I was on meth fo a good seven years at 75 milligrams a day. I went down slowly to ten a day the started shooting h for a week. Now i am on a suboxone program and am as happy and pain freee as ever. Methodone is bad

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I'm way late on my response, but here's my advice; STAY AWAY FROM METHADONE! the reason you're in pain, is because your an addict and addicted to opiates. Methadone has worse withdrwal pains the heroin. I take suboxone and it changed my life! I'be taken it for almost 2 years, and watched many good friends take methadone, and suboxone works way better. It doesn't kill pain for broken arms and etc..., but it kills the pain from withdrwal. so if your worried about pain besides withdrwal pain, look into vicodin or Ultram. Just don't use methadone, you will regret it for the rest of your life! My Girlfriend is on Methadone and it makes her lazy and she can never get off it. Methadone settles in your boan marrow and takes weeks to detox from. STAY AWAY FROM METHADONE!!! whatever you do, stay away from the done. suboxon is way better! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!

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I would say that if pain is an issue, methadone would be best, to begin with. I had a pain issue, and went from doing pain meds to heroin, back and forth. I finally sought some help, started at the methadone clinic, which can help get your life back, as well as help with the pain. Suboxone is a great drug, but will not help with your pain. The downside is meth can be difficult to get off of. Taper yourself very slowly, follow the advice from your clinic nurses and you should be fine. If you get the point where your pain is managable, I did, about 2 years after starting on methadone, then I would go to suboxone. At about 10 mg a day on meth, I switched to suboxone, was on that for about 6 months and have been clean and sober since, about 6 years now. Best thing I EVER did.

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