Starting Suboxone From Morphine (Top voted first)


Can't seem to find any recent discussions on this subject here? It's ocrober 1 st 20014. That's why you may see that I have a question and Answer session going on with my self LOL! As much as I would have liked to have some current feedback I'm hoping this could help someone else. Well wishes to all good luck and I will try to keep posting here as I go. I believe I will be alerted if anybody replys

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Here I go again another reply to myself. I promise I'm not crazy, I just want to share as much as I can in case anybody ever reads this down the road. I'm doing pretty well I intend on using this suboxone for the least amount of time possible and so far other than this profuse sweating and mild headache it's still going ok the first 24 hrs I took 8 mg I only took 6 mg the second day and it's been past the 24 hr mark and I just feel the same. Trying to decide if I should take the 4mg. I plan on taking next before bed it's coming up on close to 30 hrs. Strangely I start getting hot flashes and sweat right after the dose, then in about an hr I feel much better but after about 10 hrs the sweating starts up,again, and gets intense right when it's time to take the next dose. In other words the withdrawl symptoms are the same as the symptoms I get when I take the dose. It actually gets worse and then peaks when I take it for close to an hr and then I feel ok for most of the day. Oh well at least I have a diary of my journey off this morphine on to suboxone and hopefully off suvoxone as quick as I can I'm done with all this crap! Been changing my lifestyle and learning to manage my fibromyalgia pain in other ways it's been a long road from years on norco then fentynal to OXY to morphine to now this suboxone experience. Over the past 3 years I have titrated, lost 50 pds, got off anti deppresants and feel happy for the first time in 16 years. And I did it all on my own! My doctors didn't even know I was doing it I just stopped being so desperate at refill time since they always just give you enough until your apt. Pretty soon I would just tell them I wanted less, and then littlle by little less and less boy was it fun to be the one finally in control, imagine telling your doctor you want less rather than more, it made them start to respect me and listen and trust me. It's late and I'm tired. Enough for now. I will give update again tomorrow it's been 32 hrs I took the 4mg while I typed the hot feeling was getting bad. After I took it my headache was pretty bad for about twenty min, it's going away now. Goodnight and good luck to anybody else out there suffering tonight Hugs and peace.

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Hi Omgmomma again with some good news that may help someone else someday. I'm basically answering my own question because nobody else did, in fact it seems there is not much activity for 2014 here. Now I speak from my own experience after no body got back to me I decided that when it came to the"COW" method of determining how severe your withdrawl is I definitely was ready to take the suboxone even though it had only been 10 hrs. Please keep in mind everyone is different but as my question stated common sense told me that since I had been taking only 15 mg of morphine sulfate for weeks after Years and years of being on Thousands of mg after a constant taper for years and in constant steady withdrawl while taking just the 15 per day,my prediction that because I was in pretty bad withdrawl after 10 hrs, I was going to go for it. So I started with just 2 mg suboxone and ran a warm bath while I waited the anxiety started to ebb within minuets and i felt a slight tingling everywhere after about 15 min I stopped feeling so restless and was able to get into the tub and I felt relaxed but a bit dizzy by the time I got out of the tub and went to ly down I did feel a headache but it wasn't too horrible compared to what I was going through and I heard it could be a side affect. My restlessness was still there but not as bad and it had been an hr, no PWD! So I took 2 more mg that made a total of 4mg. Hello headache again! Verifying I was one of those who would have that side affect. Long story short I did not go in to full blown bad withdrawl. That 4 mg lasted 12 hrs before I began to feel some symptoms strangely though they were symptoms that I never had from morphine w.d's but more like the ones they say come with the precipitated w.d only mild which were LEG CRAMPS, NAUSEA,Sweating profusly, and the return of hot flashes that I have had completely under control for a year now on natural progesterone I'm using it more often Which is totally fine to do. ( I'm in menopause) I want to clarify however these symptoms although bothersome are completely manageable and a fair trade off. It is going on 48 hrs now and I have not taken any morphine and I have been able to stay at this same cycle of 4 mg every twelve hrs so 8 mg lasting 24 hrs. The above mentioned symptoms continue but are mild they just intensify when it's coming up on the 12 hr point then take the 4 (strip under tongue)by the way) my goal now is to taper off this sub as quickly as possible and if anybody replies I will keep you posted. Now I need to find out if my symptoms are from the morphine leaving my body, or if I'm taking too little, or too much of the sub. I can't figure it out because everybody says that the Suboxone should just take all of that away. I'm thinking the entire process is just affecting my hormones because I'm in menopause already anyway as every symptom im having are things I experienced before my menopause symptoms were under control. I'm going to only take 4 mg per day now and see how it goes.

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I'm curious if the switch from say, morphine sulfate, to suboxone has to do with how long since your last dose as opposed to how long I have been in withdrawl because on such low dose? Example.. Been Titrating for a year from 1800mg a month to 600mg per mo and got all the way down to 15 mg per day this entire week been in withdrawl even when taking 15mg all week, in fact been in mild withdrawl for months but this weeks been bad. Today took my 15 10 hrs ago. I want to start my suboxone so badly, the withdrawl feels as bad as in the past when I ran out for 24 hrs. I.e. Chills sweat hot flashes, diarrhea, restless legs, crying anxiety ,clenching jaw shakes etc. I have more than 10 of the 15.'s left but I just want to start the suboxone. If I do, and it throws me into pwd worse case I could take the 15 and then know I need to wait longer. Anybody ? Thank you

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It's so funny but I found your post just a few days after you started it and I really want to thank you for starting it because Im about to start using subs to do a taper off morphine as well, and have had a hard time finding any info. I am using anywhere from 120mgs to 180mgs a day of morphine but im IV'ing it. I have a few questions before I start my taper and I was hoping someone could help me out. If I taper off the morphine to about 60mgs a day before I start the subs will I be less likely to feel any withdrawal? Also, how long after my last dose of morphine should I wait to take the first dose of sub? I guess Im just nervous and want some reassurance lol. Any info you provide will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!

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Hi kiko
I'm so sorry, I just saw this today and it's tuesday. I know that everybody is different but as you can see in my posts, I actually tested A theroy that it might be good enough to be in an uncomfortable state of withdrawal for a longer period of time rather than going 24 full hours with nothing and then taking the Suboxone. I know most people will say that you need to be off completely for at least 12 some say 24 and some for some reason say 48 hours but if you look at all of my posts, if you follow my diary and journal , this worked for me I got down to 15 mg of morphine per day and I stayed on that for a couple of days and was very uncomfortable but I could still sleep for 3 or 4 hours at a time. I also did not let myself get to the restless leg kicking part of with drawl that seems to be what makes you not be able to sleep. I kept telling myself yes you feel bad but at least you can sleep and rest a little that really motivated me to stay at that 15 mg, The most important thing is that you are having almost every symptom of withdrawal before you start the Suboxone. If you cannot find my diary journal that I posted, let me know and I will copy and paste them and send them to you. I only used the Suboxone for three days and it was a very small amount. It's all there in my posts. I believe I have them in in a few different places.

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Subs are the best thing that hapenned to me! I was taking over 100 mg of OxyContin a day and I was working to support my addiction! I had no social life anymore and spent all of my free time chasing the drug on the streets so I wouldn't get sick. I have been on subs for 3 years now and tapered down to 2 mg a day. I actually quit taking subs for 2 years, but the pills are everywhere and I started taking a few on the weekend, then a few more during the week and so on. I relapsed and went right back to subs. I will take them for the rest of my life if I need to! I do have weak moments and take a pill here and there (that's how I know I will have to stay on subs for the rest of my life) and I usually wait 24 hrs. I have taken them 12 hrs after a sub too and didn't get sick. However, I have been strong and stuck to my sub regiment. I'm finally over the insomnia and anxiety problem which eas probably the hardest thing. Since I started pills with a legit problem (after surgery for a shattered patella) I still have days with pain and those are the days where it's hard to resist taking a pill. Best of luck to you and if you are committed you will be your old self eventually! And god it feels great to have a LIFE!!! Talk to me anytime you need support!

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Hi Kiko and OMGMomma! I have not had problems with morphine but opiate are opiates in the broadest term. And addiction is addiction! I never knew how much time I spent running around looking to find pills till I quit and started suboxone! Thanks to medical research I have a life again and I'm glad you guys will as well! More power to you!!

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Thanks guys! i'll let you know how it goes!

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Any updates out there from Kiko? Lots have dropped off after being in the middle of a taper and I'm curious how everybody is doing.

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