Prestique (Page 4) (Top voted first)


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I started Prestiq a month ago after taking Effexor for about 8 years...I love is working great! I started with Paxil about 15 years ago and it worked great, but I gained weight. I switched to Effexor and it was fine, but it was fantastic. We have tried everything else out there (to the Prosac guy - I tried Prosac and felt the same way you did on Prestiq....I am an administrator as well...take what feels right to you and don't worry about what other people tell you.) Anyway, this is the only other prescription besides Paxil and Effexor that has worked with me, and I think I am doing better on it than the other two.

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My son was prescribed Pretique at the age of 14. He is not taking it any longer, but has started with shaky hands from time to time. He is now 17 & has been off of the drug for over a year now. The doctor who prescibed the mediation said it was fairly new at that time & would be safe, but I keep seeing all the advertisements saying just the opposite. Could these two things be related?

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wow!!! I am so suprised @ the negative response for Pristiq. I've never until about 8 mos. ago ever been on any type of antidepressant and one would think that my system would go bonkers after reading the above posts but other than the sleepies for the first month, I have never felt more relaxed and, as they say a new and improved version of me.. I love it!! I didnt have anxiety at all, just sadness, worry, guilt and regrets. Now I'm feeling as normal as I can imagine normal feeling. I actually look forward to taking my little pink pill.

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This Pristique has been a nightmare, literally, for me. Getting off it even worse. I would never recommend it to anyone. I was on Celexa prior and will go back to it.

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I was taking effexor for about 5 years and felt it was not working - have been on Prestiq for about 3 months. Was on 50mg then went to 100mg. It was too much, just foggy and tired all the time. Back down to 50 mg but can't do anything. My mood is okay but do not want to leave the house or get out of my chair or even talk to anyone. Can't seem to make myself do anything - overwhelmed - just sit in the chair playing games on the computer. I don't have any drive or direction. Also have swelling in my legs and feet and my urine stinks. I'm going to see my GP. Hopefully he'll put me on something else. The withdrawl symptoms when I weaned off the effexor to the prestiq were unbelielveable - brain shimmers, shakes, sweating, chills. Hope I can find something that works again.

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Prestiq is like any other drug. It works for some, not for others. It made my brother lose alot of weight, and feel energized. Total opposite with me. After suffering with anxiety attacks, depression as others do, Zoloft worked best for me. Then after about 2 years of taking it, I felt fine, but zombied out. I realized it was time to decrease my dosage. After a visit with my doctor, he recommended Prestiq. Two weeks into a lower dose Zoloft, I started taking it. A week later I was a zombie again, sleeping at work, etc. Like I said, my brother, it did wonders for. Me, I finally got tired of the meds, took a hard look at my life and things that cause me to feel the way I did. I divorced my wife, cussed out my over bearing father at a gathering. Quit my lame job of 20 years. I live on the other side of the country now, but now its all about me. I'm living my life and as far as I'm concerned, never felt better. I still take Zoloft, but 50Mg only. I still have the occasional anxiety attack. But I've never been happier. Medications do work and are needed. I know this. But its like asking why would a person on anabuse hang out in bars? Sometimes you dont need another med, you need to rid yourself of maybe whats making your condition worse. Its been 3 years and I feel great!

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I'm really not sure what to do ,was on cymbalta for about 4 months been off it for 1 month now and went thru horrible withdrawals, at first I felt good when I stopped but now I feel I'm falling apart, its been suggested by my dr to try Prestiq but I.m worried after ready peoples experiences and the withdrawals when down the track i come off it.Any advice please

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Yes. I am OK.

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I have been taking Wellbutrin 450 mg daily for several years and was not satisfied with this , as I was still constantly depressed, I went to prestiq 50 mg and the side effects were very u npleasant, diarreah, sick feeling in stomach, confused more depressed, no energy, I quit this after one month, I am still trying to find something that will bring me around.

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I have been on Prestiq since it first came out. I have had weight gain but it could be from the Seroquel I am also on. I have dry mouth . That is all. The combination of both seem to work for me. I don't have any other side effects.Prestiq 100 mg a day and seroquel 200 mg a day. I have been on seroquel for years.

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Went to the psych doctor today. Took me off Cymbalta and start Prestigue tomorrow. It was changed because of my being meaner to husband and anxious in certain situations. Said I just wanted to feel like I just didn't are about situations. ?Afer reading some of these replys I am worrien. There seem to be more negative than positive responses.

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in the above message i meant to say "care" not "are" and "worried"

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I have been on prestiq for almost a year, after taking celexa which was no longer working for me. Best med I have ever been on. It didn't make me loose my apetite for food yet, it has been the best med i've been on and has better been able to loose weight with it.

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pristique, I was on it for several months. just wasn't working so they have now put me on cymbalta its seemm good but read about terrible side effects both on and when stoping I now wonder if some deoression on pristique is better then this not working heard withdrawl is bad . anyone switched from pristique to cymbailta if so what happened better or not help worried. thanks.

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I've recently switched to pristiq I was on effexor for several years. I feel good with no weight gain. First couple weeks were a little uncomfortable while the effexor was leaving my body. But now a days feel good and the side effects are much more milder than effexor

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I have started Prestiqu and weaning off of Paxil. I have been on Paxil a very long time and it was not working anymore. Getting off the Paxil has been tough. Some nausea and insomnia with Prestiqu. I am hoping that all will get better.

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i was prescribed pristique for hot flashes works like a dream. in saying that if i miss a day i get very dizzy. just moving my eyes around while sitting makes me feel drunk. because of this i am getting off and switching to evening primrose oil for the hot flashes.

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Has any one had good experiences on antidepressants. I mean for reasons other than situational depression. Prozac worked great for me when I had situational depression. Now that I had an accidental stroke, I can't seem to find an antidepressant that lifts me. I've been on almost all but paxil. My psychiatrist doesn't like it.

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I gained much weight on Serroquel , but I never slept better. My dr took me off Serroquel, I immediately dropped 50 pounds. I was almost too thin until, I started taking different medications.

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