Prestiq 50 Mg (Page 3)
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the dr changed my med from effexor to this prestiq.can you tell me anything about it

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I have had severe chronic depression for many years. You name the drug...I've been on it. They seem to help for a few months and then I go into a meltdown I have always thought there is nothing more I can do. I even had shock therapy. There has been several issues in my life that I feel has made my depression worse, but also I do believe it is genetic. A few months back when I was feeling good, I had a docs appt. I saw that he had Pristiq samples. He asked if I wanted to try it, but I declined due to the fact I was feeling good and did'nt want fixed what was'nt broken. So here I am a few months later and as I said...I am in a slump. Those of you who suffer from this horrid disease knows what it feels like so I don't need to get into that. I am currently on 60mgs.Prozac and 300 Wellabutrin. I feel so alone that I am miserable. I am missing out on so much in my life. Would like soome input on this med verses other depression meds. Thank you

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Nonee - My doctor mentioned something about that too. I am actually a Chronic Pain Patient also and deal with Neuropathy and I have noticed it has helped somewhat with that pain also. But, I also am on Topamox and Ultram for my pain.

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Dr. prescribed PRESIQ for muscle pain and nerve pain, now I read it's primarily an anti-depressant?! Has anyone else been given this drug as a pain med?

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I have been on Prestig 50 mgs for the past two months. At first, I didn't think it was helping at all and making me more short with people, but now I love it. I used to sleep 18 hours at a time and always be super depressed. I have had no side effects except maybe the first couple of weeks the dry mouth, but not anymore. Now, after choosing to stay on it, I would suggest it to anyone and I have. I have been happy, outgoing and funny like I used to be. People are so happy to see the old me back and thank God so I am I. I couldn't feel better. My counselor can't believe the change in me. I am just so glad I didn't give up on this medicine after every other medicine they have tried on me. Prestig has worked the best.

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I have been prescribed Prestiq for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and was wondering if anyone one else takes it for that reason? If so has it helped at all? I have been reading others posts about fatigue being a side effect and cant see how that would help CFS.

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Prestiq does give U a dry mouth (so chew gum). makes U slightly nauseous (that goes away in 2 to 3 days), makes U a bit fatigued (also goes away in 2 to 3 days). Those are my results in fist 2 week taking Prestiq. Now I feel fine.
Remember every person is different ,no one drug fits all.

My only complaint is the outrageous cost of this Prestiq. Its a rip-off. Drug Companies are legalized bandits. In the Electronics Industry INTEL has to invest $ 1 to $2 billion each time they develop a new CHIP . But within 12 to 18 months the price of that chip falls dramatically .

This never happens with drugs and the Drug Companies. As they are protected by a copywright (license), which allows them to rip-off the public

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I am considered taking prestiq. I was alarmed at some of the side effects that were mentioned. I had a condition with unbearable panic attacks with a very lowly perspective with a comparative thought disorder. ie comparing myself to everyone(like everybody was doing better than me. My obcessive compulsive disorder was exacerbated through the roof. I also got a larger amount of internal dialogues and narrations in my head. (I have bipolar (possibly schozaffective type. I also sped up the onset of my bipolar and obcessive compulsive by using large amounts of hallucinogenic drugs (mainly LSD and marijuana) when I was younger. I am taking 2400mg of lithium carbonate, 100 mg Thorazine(just got off). I now take stelazine. I also have narcolepsy and take provigil and adderall for it. I still have depression but the panic attacks have stopped. My Dr. gave me 0.5 xanax 2x daily. It nearly silenced my internal dialogue and stopped my panic attacks, but I am afraid that after they discontinue the xanax, i will go right back. I am really hypersensitive to chemicals and drugs(more than I ever was). So I want to be careful. Any input on this complicated scenario would be delightful. It would even be great if someone replied to my email at jdoerr66 at yahoo. Also, if you are interested in hearing some of my very therapeutic music compositions (i am studying music therapy). They are posted at­430153928

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Does pretiq cause gynecomastia? I have been taking it for a couple of months and noticed my nipples are getting sensitive & larger.

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I was wondering about the sleeping also. I was going to talk to the doctor about it. My depression was bad and I was sleeping all the time before and now I still am slleeping alot (not as much as before, but close). I have seen a chance in me once I am up. I am up, outgoing and funny like before but when I am down, I am down for the count. I am just thinking maybe I just need it raised. I am on 50 mgs. I do feel a difference in me though. I have been speaking up for myself alot more lately and I am not as passive. My counselor couldn't believe I was me at my last appointment. But, she was not the one who put me on my meds, that was my psychiatrist and I haven't talk to her yet.

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I was given Prestiq for nerve pain. I took it for about 3 months and about ba week ago I stopped taking it because I was having low cramping, blurred vision, was always tired, and I mean REAL tired. Napping as much as my family would let me. NOW... I feel like I am stressed out for everything and I cannot sleep if you paid me. My heart is racing and I feel stresses like I have never been in my life! This has got to be the pristiq. Anyone know if this is true? If so will it go away soon? I don't even want to tell my dr I stopped it, unless withdrawels might harm me. He will give me something else. But shouldn't he had told me something when he gave it to me? Shoot, the pharmacy didn't even give me any info on it. I can deal with it if I just knew it might end soon. Any help out there is appreciated.

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I was prescribed Prestiq back in November, and I felt great, lost some weight (I think possibley that was b/c I felt like doing more things and became more active) and had NO side effects what-so-ever. Its Janurary now and my samples ran out, and I have no prescription coverage. I havent taken my pill in about 2 weeks, and I cant say i have felt the fore-warned withdrawl, but I do feel a little less happy, though not nearly what i was before prestiq. I think this is a good drug, although everyone is different.

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I have taken pristiq for 5 days. I have been taking Celexa for years and before that I took every antidepressant out there. My Celexa hasn't been working well for a year or so, but I have been too afraid to try anything else. I have had so many reactions to other drugs. I finally got to the point where I had no choice but to change my medication. My doctor gave me the Pristiq. I am getting better every day. I am shocked to be honest. I never expected it to work. I still have relapses, but over all my mood is changing. I'm having less panic attacks and I'm feeling more positve about life. As all drugs affect people differently, you wont know unless you try. I know it's scary to take a chance on new medicine because it might make your depression worse, but just think how good you'll feel if it makes you better. I have never felt an antidepressant work so quickly and I am very grateful to my doctor. He has given me a second chance at happiness.

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I just want to say that every person deals with medications differently and you should try it for yourself and see how it works for you. I switched from Effexor 150mg to Prestiq 100mg. and I like Prestiq much better. I am sleeping much better and I have no side effects at all. I had been on Effexor for 5 years and just switched a few weeks ago.

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Now I have been on this Prestiq since 12/15/08 and just last week the girls at work said they want the old me back, that they don't like they don't like how I have been lately. (short with them..mean..) I really didn't like to hear that at all. I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should stay on it a little longer and see if it starts to work or not. I don't notice any change, I am still really depressed and all I do is stay in and sleep whenever I am not working. I don't even bother to get out of my pj's (Even the whole day after Christmas). The only side effects I am having is the blurred vision and my eyes burn and are watery. After reading SThrash, I really want to give it a chance.

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I've been on Pristiq now since Oct. and it has worked incredible well for me. I really do not have any side effects. I am energetic, clear-headed and I'm actually doing things around the house etc. It is really great for me. I was on Wellbutrin, but became really, really paranoid. Pristiq is similar to Wellbutrin. My sugar cravings have decreased and I have lost about 10 lbs since I started this medication. I would encourage everyone to just keep on trying medications don't give up, I think I've tried just about every medication out there.

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I just got off the phone with my psychiatrist after being on Wellbutrin 300 mg for the past few months. I have been dealing with Major Depression since 1987. She has tried everything with me from Lexapro, Celexa, Zoloft, etc... Wellbutrin used to work years ago, but it just doesn't do it anymore. After reading all these comments, I am afraid to try Prestiq, but something has to work, so I guess I am having no choice. I am 42 and I need to be a much happier person. If I have some side affects with happiness, than it is better than being miserable like I have been. I normally am a very happy and outgoing person and I miss it.

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I started taking Prestiq about a month ago and took my last dose four days ago. I decided to stop because my pre-Lexapro PMS was as bad as it have ever been. I didn't think about withdrawl symptoms, but now I feel dizzy, weak-kneed, and can only stop crying when I sleep. But when I sleep I have the weirdest dreams. I have a call into my doctor, but was wondering if anyone here had a similar problem. How do you get through the withdrawal?

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do you think it is alright to take prestiq after being on paxil for a few years?

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I have been on Prestiq 50mg for about 5 months due to high anxiety and depression. In a previous message someone asked about sweating. I have experienced sweating as well but I found out later that it was due to hyperthyroidism. The anxiety/fatigue/depression/sweating/not sleeping at night etc can be signs of thyroid problems so I would suggest that you don't just write them off as side effects of the drug Prestiq and go in for a full fledge physical. Prestiq has worked wonderful for me when it comes to the anxiety and depression.

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Ive been on Prestiq for about 2mo or more and have been having a lot of low abdominal cramping, has anyone else had this side effect:?

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