Percocet Blue Pill Alv 196
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Does it have less Tylenol than other brands and are they just as strong as other brands?
Took 4 blue tablets over 3 days and broke out in Hives so I will not get my prescription filled if that's all they have
Re: Red (# 17)
Yes, it’s not the same
Re: Cynthia (# 6)
Amen to that sister I agree with you wholeheartedly good job
Re: Jp (# 5)
The GOV wants people who take this pill that improve our lives to suffer because of all the people who died and did not take these pills responsibly. They DONT care about the TONS of DRUGS coming across the southern border and killing Americans.
Re: Cynthia (# 6)
i agree with what your saying. Winter months are the worst for me too. I just take my medicine by mouth and glass of water. If they are insufflating them, they are abusing them, not for actual pain. Which is making doctors less likely to prescribe for those that really need. I had a back surgery and two broken shoulders and left leg nerve pain. It bothers me that folks go see a doctor who gets pain medication just to sell them out on the street. There is a problem and the ones who actually take their medicine get punished for what others do with their medicine.
Re: Dave (# 11)
You are completely wrong. Drs are scared to death to prescribe opioids on a regular basis.They may prescribe 10 or 15, but for people like me, after having 7 operations, I can't get any unless I pay a Dr. $250 cash a month, plus a drug screen, plus the cost of the medication. All I take now is ibuprofen, which will eventually eat my liver away.
Re: Very tired (# 54)
I hope you weren't responding to my rambling statement. I did not intend to condemn anyone for any reason. I am just afraid there are voices in charge ion this country who have a finger on the trigger and are eager to remove all pain mds from everyone. Of course I am addicted. I tried to cut my meds out but I will probably need the small dose I am on now for the rest of my life. My beloved physician retired 5 years ago and I thought my life was over. Other doctors would not accept me as a patient because of the dose of meds that I was on at the time. I had the last medication he had prescribed and I stretched it out as far as it would go. Luckily, I found the pain and surgery doctors in the large facility of which I am now a patient. I had to have x-rays, ct scans, and mri s to support my need for medication. I actually got to see these tests and read the reports that accompanied the new testing. It scared me to really see what was wrong with my back and to understand how bad it actually was. I had the surgery and they did a beautiful job. I can move more now than I had been able for at least the last 10 years. I have been blessed. I will never be 30 or 40 or 50 years old again. I have finally accepted the fact that I am going to have to learn to live with what I am able to do and what I won't ever be able to do again if I am going to live my best life ongoing. I used to walk up to 7 miles a day; depending on daylight savings and the weather. I am toddling around a bit now and if I could just diminish my suddenly severe dizzy spells, I would get back to my walking habit. I have a really cool walker that my cousin gave me. It is a dark red with black details. I'm sure he chose the colors so there wouldn't be any fighting about whether it is an "Alabama" color or a "Georgia" color. (I am the Alabama fan.) Maybe I can figure out how to navigate "the hill" in my part of town with my new ride! Any suggestions for approaching this goal safely would be appreciated.
And, for anyone in a similar situation as the one I was in with my medication, you have to see what you have and determine the smallest amount that will help you just enough to make it through the day. There are always situations that will wear you out physically and/or emotionally and do not beat yourself up if you decide to take another pill before bed. I am not a physician or a nurse. But, I have experienced the fear of how terrible the future would be without medication. I got very close and I don't want to go there. I was down to one dose a day. I nibbled on it when the pain was too much. I was taking 1 10mg tablet a day. I had been on 50 mgs a day, including zohydro. My medication now is reasonable. But it was a long haul. Don't lose faith. And God bless those who are not able to stop and protect themselves from the outcomes associated with acquiring drugs on the street. This brings me to my last question about statements issued about "how many lives are lost each day due to drug abuse. This statement or similar ones are issued almost always in the report about "drugs." Included in the group are people who buy drugs on the street and then die from overdose. And, why not focus on the drugs coming across the border? These are the drugs that I believe are doing the real harm. The powerful need to "man up" and take on that tiger instead of grandma and grandpa or aunt, etc., who are living in assisted living or nursing facilities and have no access to anything if their doctor tells them that he cannot justify their use of their medication. These are the people who I really worry about. And I truly ache for their situations.
I have severe back injuries. I had surgery Christmas eve that instantly stopped the harsh, sharp pain that traveled up and down the right side of my body. I noticed immediately that I was pain free for the first time in months. I asked the nurse to disconnect the self-administered morphine drip bag. She wouldn't. I got on the phone and a friend showed up and I went home. The nurses were angry. I had a shower earlier that morning and the aide who helped me get into the shower had another call so she had to leave me. I had no dry towel or washcloth. I had to sit on the little tile box that is handy for shaving. She didn't come back. I was freezing cold and finally started calling out for help. A few nurses rushed in. The aide had gone to lunch. One of the nurses asked me why I didn't use the little hand towel to dry off. I pointed out that it was soapy and dirty. I had used it because that was all I had to scrub with. Later on when I realized that the doctor said yes, I could go as soon as my ride arrived. I made a call to the central desk and asked if my phone charger had been found; and gave instructions to call me if found A saw a nurse lurking around the outside of the room door. The atmosphere changed. I let the nurses know that I was approved to leave and I needed my medicine and discharge instructions. They took hours. It was terrible. I finally wheeled down the hall and found my nurse handing out meds. She had skipped my room. She refused to give me my medication until she finished with her rounds (three more halls of patients.) My friend came. I went to the main desk and nurse headquarters on my floor and told a nurse that I was leaving and I would appreciate it if the druggist would round up my meds and give me a call so I could come pick them up.
At any rate, this is the second medical facility in which the nurses acted like they were breaking the law by giving out prescribed pain meds. Also, since the nurse didn't want to stop and give me pain medication, she wouldn't give me any meds until she was finished with other patients. A man next door to me packed his stuff and checked himself out because he wasn't getting his medication on time. And, although I had a regular scheduled that I followed at home, it didn't matter. I learned the hard way to take a small supply of meds that I would need and hide them in my things. These include thyroid meds, Diabetes II medicine and testing kit, and blood pressure medication. So, I would have to wait until she got to me to use the testing kit and take the medicine. Of course, my food was always cold after the hour long wait for her to decide to bring me my medication. The actual root of these behaviors was the new attitude that everyone has adopted concerning pain medication. My doctor trusts me enough to make adult decisions about myself and pain medication. I am 65+ and a retired Special Education teacher. I understand that the war on drugs is important. Drugs are killing people. However, many geriatric patients are being abused by the medical field. Medications are being taken away across the board. The patient has to demonstrate an actual need for the medicine by having new tests. Of course insurance coverage for these additional tests are slim. I cannot believe that I retired and came home to avoid the pain of traveling with my students any time they needed to leave the classroom; to realize that the President had declared war on all older citizens who have chronic pain and need more that just aspirin or Tylenol to have any decent quality of life.
I am fortunate in that I had a few very good years at a "failing" school and I probably could have worked around the clock if I had requested it. Any time outside of our normal schedule spent instructing students earned me time and 1/2! I saved my extra pay. My husband had died in 1999 and I had no saved money at that time. I was fortunate enough to find enough families who didn't mind me coming in and cleaning their homes around 5pm. It helped me make the house payments. So, I saved all of the extra. It's almost gone now, but it was nice to be able to ask for needed procedures without having to see if my deductible was met. I am fearing the onset of Medicare. And, I fear the chance that this country will make pain medications illegal. No one that has chronic pain is supporting these measures. I wouldn't sell my meds no matter what. I keep the months supply at my bank and only get what I need every week because I I experienced theft of my purse in a grocery store. I had just picked up all refills I needed. The person who took my purse must have been watching me. I will quit now. I have a lot to say.
Re: Loz (# 8)
Sorry would strongly disagree. Addiction is the choice disease is not. Anyone one of of us that have a disease would say lets just try this sickness out for awhile. We have know or seen others with different sicknesses that we would not want to have. Addicts have seen and know what will happen if they use but choose to try anyways. I have family members that are addicts. Have again choose to use even after yrs of help. So you may want to research before you come down on someone that has a sickness and did not choose to have it.
Re: Ramrod (# 50)
I feel bad for you Ramrod. Just the gout alone in enough to bring a brave man to tears and I am speaking of my father. He was a tough man that never complained and went about his day no matter the pain. Until he got gout that is, I saw tears in his eyes just if a sheet brushed his big toe!! Have you tried alopurinol? Not spelled right I'm sure but it helped my dad and others. Also, Dr's never told him not to eat organ meats like heart, liver, gizzards. They are killers on gout. Now on the back pain. There is a new device called a stimulator that is implanted into your back and it has a control box that allows you to block the pain. It is a simple out patient surgery and they actually do a trial run to make sure it is something you sincerely want. A pain specialist does the surgery. I am getting ready to have it at age 65. I have several herniated discs and bulging discs plus siatica. Check this out and good luck dear with your medical problems
Re: Blew (# 12)
It really does!! A good caring Dr will watch you as you walk into the room without you even realizing he is watching. He will notice if you favor one side of your body to the other. He will watch you sit down, and notice if you are sitting straight or squirming in your seat because of pain. A good dr. will assess your condition and pain by your actions because they speak the truth!! There are also little tells such as a higher blood pressure shows you are in pain. The look in your eyes tells him your body hurts. You can try to pull one over and try to pretend you are in pain but a TRUE CARING PAIN DR can tell before you open your mouth. Too bad there aren't more of these caring Dr's around that actually pay attention. Most Dr's come into the room after you have already been seated there so you know they are not really paying attention to you or your body language!!
Re: Cynthia (# 6)
I agree 100% with you. When you're in real pain you don't really check if there's gel or anything else you take it like prescribed and hope to God it alleviates some of the pain !!
Everybody who says a person is weak minded for taking pain meds are *****s. Try having 6 herniated disc in ur back n neck, surgically repaired knees and ankle that's arthritic, and gout! Bet u couldnt do 1 day WITH pain meds! This is how i wake up daily! If i ever go to sleep! Oh, and i have hypertention now, why? PAIN CAUSES UR BLOOD PRESSURE TO SPIKE!
Re: Sarina (# 47)
I agree the pain is till there and it makes me very nauseous not like the other percocets these pills are very different
Re: Jp (# 5)
I took them after my surgery, I have taken percocet many times before but this pill the ALY 196 makes me violently ill, I never had that happen before with percocet. I still have them in my medicine cabinet I tried 3 times to take 1 and the same result...just stomach upset very bad and thats just taking 1 pill..I wonder if anyone else experienced this? The doctor changed the brand and no stomach upset at all
Re: Red (# 17)
Hi i started the blue alv 196 and get no relief like i did with the other percocets they are not the same and i believe that...
I have back problems have 5mg Percocet and 10mg norco how many norco equals to one Percocet
Can u fake the blue alv 196 cause a lot of fake pills are going around!!!
Re: Loz (# 8)
It's not a disease. It's weak minded people who abuse drugs. And ******s like you who think it's a disease.
Re: Maie (# 4)
Same with me. Making me sweat, does not take my pain away. I sweat like crazy. Dont like the feeling. Just want my pain from shoulder surgery to be tolerated.
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