Percocet And Panic
UpdatedI have been a regular taker of Percocet for recreation. I know, not a great idea, but I have a question. Apparently, I took much more than normal, with quite a bit of alcohol a couple of nights ago. I woke up the next morning with recurrent panic attacks. I had noticed that I had attacks on occassion if I was not careful about how much I took, but they lasted a minute or two and then left. Since my last dose (about 48 hours), I have been experiencing attack after attack ... I am assuming that I may be in withdraw or experiencing a side effect, but as the hours go by, I am not so sure. I see that it takes up to three days to get it out of my system (previous post). I have been a regular user, but not all of the time. If I have them, I take them, otherwise, I have always been fine. Obviously, I am not planning on taking them again. Any ideas ?
Actually, how long it takes to get it all out of your system varies according to how long and how much you have been taking.
The longer you have been using it and the more of it you have been using, will mean the longer it will take for all of it to clear from your body system and the longer you will experience withdrawal symptoms.
I'm am scared that this is not completely withdraw related, since I started having the attacks prior to stopping. I have read other incidents of this, but I am unsure what to do next. If the worst is over, I will just leave it alone and suffer through it, if it is more serious, I will seek some type of help. Maybe, I am just looking for re-assurance that others have had the same issues. I don't think that I was using much more than would be prescribed, and my use was not consistant (over a few weeks, then nothing for a few weeks). I always took them with alcohol, and drinking now does offset the symptoms (although I have not been drinking enough to feel the effects, becasue I am afraid of losing more control). Has anyone experienced any of this ?
Unfortunately, I was involved in a motor vehicle accident that was nearly fatal to all. I went through stages of pain management proceedures. Percocet occupied one of the levels I passed through on my journey. While I did indeed suffer severe panic attacks which lessened in severity as time passed until they were labeled mild anxiety attacks, the attacks were never the result of the percocet. I was not consuming alcohol during this period, but, I was maintainin a very extensive amount of prescription medications throughout my hospital stay. If drug interaction would not cause percocet to induce panic, then, i am forced to assume alcohol consumption would not either. If I were you, I would take the time necessary out of my day to check with a GP. If the doctor does not find any reason for the attacks that relate to the percocet, then you will have accomplished what you set out to find out. I wish I could tell you an exact reason for panic attacks and/or anxiety attacks. I have had many since the accident, but, as of yet, never when I was either speaking of the accident or even thinking about it. Percocet is a narcotic and therefore should not be consumed along withj alcohol.
Well it has been 5 days since the last time that I tool any Percocet. With the exception on a few very mild anxiety periods, that were substantially shorter than the panic attacks that I was having, I am nearly symptom free. I NEVER want to experience that again. I am posting this follow up to let others know, in the event that somneone else is having the same issues. In my case, the symptoms went away as it left my system. I am wondering if it is an allergy. I have very breif attacks (a minute or two) after taking it in the past, accompanied by heart palps and itchy face. Who knows, but this one is out of my medicine cabinet from now on. Thanks to everyone who responded.
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Hi Mike, just wanted to say congrats. on getting off the percocets. I have been taking them for over a year now, consistently due to back pain and many surgeries. Now that I want to get off I can't. The panic/anxiety attacks are overwhelming. I don't mind the sickness part but cannot deal with the anxiety. My heart feels like it is going to jump right out of my chest, therefore I still continue to take them. Just wondering anyone have any advice on anything that might help with these attacks while getting thru these withdrawl symptoms?
Percoet is a deadly drug to use w/any alcohol. I am now widowed because my 38 year old husband was taking percoet for chronic back pain. I awoke in the am to find my husband dead on the couch. The coroner said he didn't take the medicine wrong, but each pill is intensified by 10 when taken w/alcohol. Panic attacks are really not what you experiencing, this is part of the withdrawals from the pill. Please think twice before doing this as a recreational drug. If you must take the medication/don't drink and vice-versa. Itake 3 10/325 percocets daily for chronic pain. Have done so for quite a while. I found out that I do not take them at the same time daily, I don't let my body know when I will be taking it. It works great for me, somedays I can take only 1 and do just fine, but I refuse to let any medicine rule my life. Again your mind is stronger than anything in your body, use it to your advantage. I tell my body when it gets pain relief, and this is why I think I don't ever go through withdrawals. Good luck, I hope you are serious about stopping this.
As far as you panic attacks are concerned, you have no reason to feel this is out of the ordinary while using percocet. A lot of people have anxiety issues and when you are not drinking or taking a narcotic you body is physically able to fight these feelings off. Once you have taken a significant amount of a narcotic for a reasonable amount of time, you body puts up a wall, that even a paniac attack cant get through. So the next day when you arent continuing the same does of the narcotic your body is weak so you are feeling every single pania attack. I had really bad paniac attack a year ago. I went to see a counselor to get control of them. It took me getting on an antidepressant to control them. But about for months ago I was controling them on my own I stopped the medication. I got a really bad infection a few months ago and was hospitilized for 3 days and had surgery. They day I left the hospital I had mini panic attacks just like you and the couns. explained that your body puts up a wall while your on them and when you come off you body is in shock. I hope this helps you gotta find what works for you..The best thing I can suggest studying psycholgy excercise in the am and it will set the mood for the day. I almost gurantee if you do this 3 times a week ur paniac attacks will be under control..
This forum was comforting to me, as I've been in the throes of Percocet withdrawal after a hip replacement. The letter offering reassurance that indeed it will stop is music to my ears. When you are feeling anxious and your face is itching, with tingling down your body, you think it will last forever. I was only on Percocet for four weeks, but even with this relatively short time period, the effects of withdrawal are quite strong. I'm soon to be on day two of no Percocet and am waiting patiently for it to get out of my system and get my natural endorphins pumping again. God bless to all who suffer through this.
I have been on Percocet for a few weeks for a back injury. I have no abused them or taken and alochol with them. I did notice that the uphoric feeling i used to have was gone which I figured was my bodies way of getting used to it. Bu the last 24-48 hours have been a disaster. I have been having crazy anxiety attacks. I am freaking out, crying all the time. I just wish this would stop. I have 2 very young children and I need to play with them but all I want to do is be in bed and sleep. I stopped taking the pills yesterday. When will the end ??????
The panic lasted for about 5 days. I kept hoping that I would wake up and it would be gone. It was not.
The only positive is that I learned that the panic was in my head. I was not having a heart attack, or a stroke, and it would all end in time.
I have taken percs following a recent surgery, and it fine for a few days, then it was hell for another.''
I just cant take them. You will be ok, too. It is just a matter of waiting it out.
I took the prescribed amount of 5mg/325mg Percocet for six days following surgery on my arm (1-2 tabs 4-6 hours apart per day). On the seventh day I only took two during the day and that night I did not sleep and finally went to bed at 3:00 am the next morning. At 4:00 am I woke up from a nightmare and was having a horrible panic attack, with pounding heart beat and extremely elevated blood pressure. I was fearful that some "evil spirit" was tormenting me and I feared death. I am a recovering alcoholic with 17 years of sobriety and this has been my first experience with pain medication. I went to the hospital and got a single dose of Klonopin for the anxiety and .5mg ativan (PRN) every 12 hours. It has taken most of the day for the anxiety to go down and I can still sense some of it. Thanks to the previous posts regarding how long it takes for the panic attacks to go away. I simply have allow the chemicals to leave my system. Thankfully the pain has lessened to the point where no pain medication is needed. I don't wish that experience on anyone and to those who are still struggling with the situation I hope and pray that you get through and regain your freedom.
Hi there, your story is almost identical to mine. I just had a baby 9 days ago, via c-section and was on percocet for af days, I had panic attacks after a wierd dream and I thought I was going to be attacked by an evil spirit or something, or die. I had a panic attack while on it, on day 5 and another on day 7. I have been having anxiety, shakes and nervousness all day long. My dr refuses to acknowledge that it could be the percocet, because she feels that it should be out of my system by now and is yet to consider I might be going through withdrawals maybe? So how long before you felt completely normal. I need to know that this problem is not permanent. By the way, I saw a hospital assigned counselor who says I do not have post partum depression, neither do I have postpartum blues, nor do I have and anxiety disorder etc. Please I NEED to hear from you ASAP, as the panic and anxiety is making me nervous to care for my new born baby.
I began Percocet 5-325 after coming home from spinal surgery 7/9/12. That night I had the worst nightmare (& the 1st one I've had in years). Slowly the next day I began having problems getting a deep breath & progressively problems breathing became worse over the next 3 days. Ended up in the ER, where every test was normal. Oxygen level was @ 99% & blood oxy. normal. I left there with dx of Hyperventilation Syndrome. They gave me morphine for my spinal pain & right before I left, 1 mg. of Ativan IV. I did note that if I took Soma Cpd 350mg, it helped me relax a little to breathe. Saw my PCP next day & came home with script for Ativan to use with Soma @ different times of the day as well as 15 mg pill of oral Morphine which I'm only trying to take once a day. I didn't take Percocet more than 2-3 days & and will never take it again!! I'm feeling so much better now!
Hi Suel. I have the same problem as you. I have been on Percocet for 9 months and have tried coming off also. My anxiety and panick attacks are so severe and last days. They build up over a 3 day period. By the 3rd day, I want to jump off a bridge. The anxiety is so overwhelming. I feel like I am coming out of my skin. I went off twice for a period of a couple weeks and absolutely could not stand it. I can't hold still for nothing. I just want to scream and cry at the same time. I had no idea this could happen. I take these for back pain due to a herniated disc. I would rather live with the pain than the anxiety and panic attacks. I have been on Paxil for years for a social phobia and thought this was no longer working. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I wish I knew how long the withdrawal would last for. Both times that I went off were for 2 weeks and the symptoms never lessened. You would think it would subside a little, but it never did. I take up to 4 pills at 5/325mg a day. I never get anxiety or panick attacks while taking Percocet. I would never wish this upon anyone. Good luck to you. Lynnette
I only took Percocet x about 3 days. Took Oxycontin for
another 2 days, with same breathing problems. Next day stopped all pain meds, but kept taking Ativan & Soma as needed. As long as I don't take anything for pain, I don't have much problem. I need a pain med as some of the pins are slipping out of place in my back, because of soft bones. Having to lie down a lot, even @ work. Just wish I understood why this is happening. I think the further along you get not taking any pain meds, the better it will get.....hopefully!
I have been feeling crazy lately. I take 2-3 10/650 percocet a day. When it starts to wear off I feel like im having a heart attack. It has been 2 days since my last perc and I feel dizzy, like i'm gonna pass out, short of breath, and like my vision is closing in. Is this normal? I've read all about withdrawl symptoms but when you experience these things no amount of posts seems to be helping me feel better about what I'm going through. In the last 5 months I have been to the ER twice feeling like i was having a heart attack. Everything checked out normal. I have to force myself to eat in the morning and I feel like i'm going to throw up when I put food in my mouth. I had a two hour job interview last week and in the middle of it I started having what i believe was a panic attack. My stomach started burning and I got real dizzy, my hands got cold and clammy and i felt like my muscles in my hands were going stiff. I had to stop talking in the middle of a sentence because I afraid I was a going to pass out. I've never felt like this and I have to start a new job this week and I'm terrified. I am so scared that there is something seriously wrong with me. I feel like i'm gonna pass out all the time. I am a smoker and smoking seems to make it worse. i'll have a decent day and feel ok then go out and smoke and i feel like i'm gonna die for a good hour after. I also notice that when I don't get enough sleep I feel horrible all day like im gonna faint. I never used to feel like this. It's all been since I started taking percocet. I have really bad arthritis in my lower back and the pain is sometimes unbearable. At this point i'm wondering if the trade off is worth it.
i am experiencing the same thing got a vasectomy done took percocet for a week and a half and i haven't taken it in 2 days because i had a panic attack 30mins after taking 1 pill i never went over the recomended amout and this stuff is horrible just want it to end its been 2 days since i took the 1 pill and have had reaccurring attacks it is an allergic reaction i talked to my doc im curious to know when will this end
Hey sometimes i feel the exact same way dizzy heart pounding hands numb body cold. You have to quit and put your faith in the lord.. Believe me I was the last one who would ever say this but there are prayers against anxiety and panic sometimes they work and sometimesits only mildly comforting but you have to have Faith, and it really helps to talk to people so they can comfort you
I was in a car accident 4 1/2 years ago and was placed on Percocet 10/650 mgs. I continued using them as prescribed until Sept. 6th 2013 when I had some sort of extreme panic attack or something like that which made me feel like I was choking, being electrocuted and body going numb all at the same time. I really thought I was dead. Anyhow, I stopped the medication completely. Went through 2 weeks of detox and currently on my 24th day of being totally clean the problem now; I feel like I've got something stuck in my throat and sometimes it's hard for me to swallow and eat as I tend to go into an anxiety or panic attack. I'm not sure what to do or how long this will last but has anyone else ever had this symptom? Please tell all. I'm wishing to go back in time and refuse these damn pills... I would have been better off in pain!
Most Recent Replies:
I'm you, I did the same thing and now suffer from extreme anxiety and I don't know why, I go out and my blood pressure goes though the roof, I can feel my heart pounding, I get back home and I'm calm, anything can trigger it...I'm now on blood pessure pills and going through heart testing..I have been off them for two weeks..What happen?? And will it ever go away??
Percocet causes me to have a panic attack as soon as I am in an upright position. If I take a Percocet and remain in bed or laying down during the duration of the medication, I will not have a panic attack. I have already tested it myself and I am researching why that happens. I do not believe the panic attacks are a withdrawal symptom because they only happened while on the medication. There is something called postural hypotension which can be confused with panic attacks and it basically happens sometimes when people stand up too fast causing a lack of blood flow to the brain. Maybe the Percocet somehow makes that process super slow so when I am on the medication, even if I stand up at a normal pace, the lack of blood flow to my brain is extensive.
Hi this is my first time taking Percocet I'm taking it for migraine and I took it bout a hour ago and I feel like I'm Gona pass out it got to the point where I had to rush in bed and lay down . Is this normal ?
I hurt my back in Feb 2014. I was put on percocet 10/325 x 4 day. I don't actually take that much because the pain level changes throughout the day. However, I've also gone a couple days without, and had no reactions at all. I DO also take Wellbutrin & Zoloft (no I"m not crazy LOL just was treated for deep depression due to the life change of the back injury, anyway...) So perhaps that is why? I've also had a series of shots et al, but both orthopedic surgeon and neurosurgeon have taken a "don't have surgery until you can't stand it' attitude, because much is degenerative and they doubt it will help, probably make matters worse. Anyway.... they prescribed the above + Ambien, Xanax and well I can't remember - good thing I'm not into drugs huh! I try to never take any. My xanax was filled July 2016 and the bottle is almost full. I DO take the Ambien, and have since it came on the market. Otherwise I just don't sleep.. and I mean for days, not hours LOL. So that's my two cents worth.
I have been going thru hell trying to get off the perks and I really want to stop but wen I don't take a perk (30)mg by the way I start experiancing the worst panick attacks ever makes me want to jump off a bridge but as soon as I take one it goes completely away me its pissing me off please someone out there help me to better understand wat I am going thru
I agree Arnold. I broke my ankle in 3 places and had surgery on it. They gave me 5/325 Percocet for the pain. I was taking 2 every 4 hours round the clock. I then experienced the worst panic/anxiety attacks which I had never experienced in life and it wasn't because I was in extreme pain. The only think that helped me through it was putting on worship/soaking music and prayer. I lessened the dosage and intervals that I was taking Percocet and the attacks stopped. I was amazed when I found d this blog and saw all the people that have had similar events. My family doctor gave me xanax for the panic, but it had little effect. The only remedy was to lessen the dosage and frequency. I know my body and realized there was nothing external causing the panic/anxiety and that it was being caused by the percocet. I hope anyone seeing this can find relief the same way I did.
i found that talking to someone works huge for me during a anxiety attack. i am taking 10mg Oxycodone 4 x a day for years. I think I was missing a dose or because I was taking 20mg when I awoke started the anxiety attack ball rolling for me. had to go to emergency room and they gave me ativan which worked greatly. I have found like someone said here praying helps me. I gave up drinking 17 years ago and I am carefull when it comes to addiction. My PM thinks I abusing them. . . that's another story. I want to change to time release. he suggested morphine, oh no.
Hi I have been on Percocet for about 5 years and I never had a problem till this year at first I didn't know what was causing me to have arm pain, feel like I am about to die. I guess a panic attack. I still waiting to here my GP tell me that is what is haapening. I thought it might be from the Percocet and ask my doctor to change my . He said no to wait till I are a cardiologists. Well I stopped taking it myself and just deal with the pain. I don't have any attacks. I tried to take one 1/2 of a 5mg and two hours later I felt a mild attack.
It is the percocet! I had to take them for pain and after a week of taking them as prescribed, Boom! I have been crying off and on. So agitated and angry. I am staying away from my family because I don't want to say something I know I don't mean. I hate this. My cat meowed because she was hungry and I jumped and started shaking and now I am outside till this wears off. Trying to keep my mind occupied and off of me. I feel like I could punch a hole through the wall then start crying because of it.
may i add that i did have a sip of alcohol at least 30mins before i took it. if that helps at all i just need amswers thankyou again
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