Orange Round Pill With An 415 Suboxone (Thread 249545)
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Unfortunately I had a slip after 3 years of being clean. I took suboxone 8/2 sublingual strips. I recently saw the doc again & I was prescribed the tablets. My first dose will b in morning. Is there any difference in reaction time til the meds start to work? Just seeing if anyone out threre with a different opinion.
18 Replies
Re: BUPEa (# 8)
I know several people who have taken suboxone and Vicodin in the same day and never had withdrawal symptoms. Although they say the Vicodin doesn’t work very well if taken within a 48 hour period of taking suboxone.
Re: Elizabeth (# 14)
Go to the clinic on carowinds blvd.
Re: Grizzly (# 2)
Ty for encouragement my friend. I’m fighting this fight and want no part of it anymore. I’m tired of dealing with it. I need to wean off. How did u do it?
Re: Tiny tim (# 6)
I'm on the methadone clinic but I'm ready to go to jail for 20 days for driving. How many days do I need to go before taking a suboxone pill?
Is there any doctor in the fort mill area that would see me for suboxone? I have medicaid but ill pay if not so high if needed. I'm so sick of looking for them and being so sick when I can't find them. I'm trying to live right for my kids but this isn't helping a bit going without.
Re: Ben (# 12)
I'm on the same boat as the both of you are I'm prescribed oxys 10/325mg 4 times a day and morphine 30mg 2 times a day been on these meds for about 10 to 11 years and omg does it suck. In time your tolerance goes up to the point where the meds lose there effectiveness so you take more I'm so tired of it got into a clinic they gave me methadone but after 3 days of no sleep I had enough of it so they switched me to subs love them for withdrawals but be careful your trading one addiction for another and I hear sub withdrawals are one of the worse. I tried the orange strip worked great then I got these generic an 415 took me by surprise was afraid it wasn't going to work as well but it did just took a little for time to dissolve and kick in. But the main point is getting off this crap entirely I hope and wish you all nothing but the best in staying clean takecare.
Re: Tired (# 11)
Hi, I'm in the same boat on the same amount of meds. I don't know anything about the pills, but I'll look as well. Good luck, I know it's a double edged sword..
Hello. I was just told there was a pill "subs" so I got on to research & found this page. My question is this, if your pain is real but are tired of pain meds does this help or is it solely for withdrawals? I've been on my pain med for 11 years. I get 10/325 oxycodone, 150 monthly. My pain is real. I hate taking pills though. A few years ago I quit cold turkey went thru the withdrawals, went to the emergency a couple of times because of my blood pressure and other issues that you go thru. I stuck it out but I ended up back on them because I could not handle the pain. I've had 3 back surgeries, injured tailbone, broken pelvis. I have 2 titanium rods etc. (car accident, spinal cord injury) I'm used to pain. As long as its not sharp I can do what I have to do. My Dr has brought up pain pump, morphine etc but I have fought to stay at 10s. My body is tired of pills. I'd like to try to get off but I don't want pain and withdrawals. The posts I read are about side effects and withdrawals. Can you take IBU or a muscle relaxer or anything with this pill? I'd appreciate any advice! Thanks.
Re: Maxie (# 9)
Under the tongue. There are no sub tablets that you just swallow, all are sublingual. Just realized this is a few months old but am posting anyway in case this helps anyone else.
How do I take this AN 415 orange pill? Do I place this under the tongue or do I swallow this pill? I have always been on the strips and this is my first time taking these pills.
At least 48 hours
If you take it any sooner the buprenorphine will displace the currently occupied receptors and cause immediate withdrawal syndrome.
How long after taking a blocker AN 415 can one safely take a Vicodin? I have stenosis and much more, was kicked out of pain management for marijuana. Unbelievable. I can stop but only after I see a surgeon. Xanax withdrawal way tougher than Vic's. Wish I could get the blockers but I can not. Advice? How long to wait?
So in essence you used the suboxine to detox yourself from narcotic use for several days then stopped the suboxone and were successful?
I been on subs for a year now when I don't think about it im fine then I find myself getting sick and have to have them do you think it is possible to quit subs cold turkey and be able to cope with work.
Ok I short n was wanting to get off. I have the "AN 415" pill. Will this work and how long do I have to wait to take it if I recently took an opiate?
I've taken both forms in the 8mg/2mg pill and the 8mg/2mg strip and they both seem to set in at about the same time about approx 30 mins or so.
Well it's been 10 days & all is well. If your not careful this too can be very addictive. As I stated I've been down this road before. I used meds for 3 days 3 tabs a day than literally just broke the cycle of the pain meds & weened myself off of suboxen!! The mistake most people make is they end up replacing one for the other. I only used it to allow myself to go to work & no one had a clue I was fighting my demon. Anyone needs encouragement don't be scared it'll be the best decision u've ever made. Take your life back. Good luck & thank you for response.
Hi, Grizzly! How did it go?
Most people find that Subxone works very quickly to stabilize things and prevent further withdrawal symptoms.
Learn more Suboxone details here.
However, it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
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