Opana 40mg Vs Oxycontin Op 80mg (Page 16)
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my Dr prescribed Opana 40mg as alternative to Oxy 80 mg 2 twice a day which I would insufflate - I didn't tell him this of course. he claimed them to be just as good if not stronger can any one share about opana 40mg

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I feel compelled to post this. So you want to die "high". How very sad. You are missing something deep in your soul and that is a relationship with Jesus Christ. Oh, I'll get hammered for this, that's O.K. We all have pain and problems, but a personal relationship with Christ will give you a peace that is beyond measure. There is a wonderful freedom in confessing your sins, coming before our Lord with a broken and contrite heart. In that you will find peace, grace and salvation and joy.

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{removed for policy reasons}

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yes opana is a form of morphine! look it up!!

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ron k; I find it hard to beleive that you are currently taking 900 Mgs. of Oxy for 15 years,+ 10 Mgs.of Oxycodone. Your internal organs would literally be Shot. I live in Canada & have been taking Oxycocet 5/325s since 2006. I have a Severely Detereriated Disc at the L-5-S-1 That's the last Disc,Before the Tailbone.I take 2 tabs every 6 hours.The maximum daily dosage for Acetaminaphin is 4000 Mgs per day 1000/Mgs At a time.If you are actually taking what you say you are,You had better start planning your Funeral. Here in Canada we are still taking the same O Cs,Which are the same as when I started taking them.The pills are not a Problem for me,It's the People I know that are interested,Willing to pay Big Bucks.I just tell them,Go see your Doctor!!!Seriously Ron,You Need Help!!! I have no problem with the drug,But I know,Your Liver Will soon be shot,along with your Kidneys, & Most likely A Perforated Ulcer.I see 4 Different Doc's I see on a Regular basis.I have talked to all four & thats the Facts Man,Just The Facts.Good Luck ron,You are going to need it. Oh & just one last bit of Info,Oxy has not been on the Market for anywhere near 15 years.

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You might try approaches other than medication, such as accupuncture or a really, really, really good physical therapist. Or a different doctor, one who actually cares.
It just doesn't sound like the one you are seeing sees YOU.

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How can u guys say u have been on OXICONTIN since 2002, or 2004 ? They became available on the market in 2005 ! And the OPANA 40 mg is not ANYWHERE near as good for pain reducement as the original 80 mg OXICONTIN !

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Dr. Abraham,
Thank you for putting up accurate information on this site. You have helped to educate me and I appreciate that. You are quite right in that people should try to research data before getting mad or upset, calling people names or insulting them. This site has the potential to be very helpful and educational. There will always be those who pass on info about how to defeat safety measures or the best way to abuse the medications, no way to really stop that. Overall I do hope everyone tries to be civil, ask good questions and give accuarate answers.
Finally I will add this, Purdue has a safety measure for OxyContin. Frankly it is pointless; other than to improve their image, by being reactive to those who do misuse OxyContin. The fact is there are other meds. that can and are abused, making their safety measure (Remoxy, epoxy, resin, glue, goo or whatever they put in them) a moot procedure for the most part. Please, take your meds. as you are supposed to and for the sake of other peoples lives, never sell or give an opiate to anyone else (some are not opiate tolerant); you stand a very good chance of sending them to a E.R. or worse and early grave! Be good, be kind, be safe!

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Why do you think they put Naloxone in Suboxone? Just for fun??? Sometimes people's ignorance amazes me!

When you are prescribed Suboxone, there are two, different "medications"; Buprenophrine (which can ONLY be absorbed under the tongue and is ALSO a partial agonist). The rest of the medication, which is ingested, is Naloxone, which is marketed under various trademarks including Narcan, Nalone, and Narcanti, and has sometimes been mistakenly called "naltrexate." It is not to be confused with naltrexone, an opioid receptor antagonist with qualitatively different effects. Naloxone is a μ-opioid receptor competitive antagonist, and its rapid blockade of those receptors.

I am not certain where you are getting your information, but Suboxone has Naloxone (2 MG) in it and is absorbed through swallowing it, rather than under the tongue. Something what I really hate is, seriously bad/untruthful information and idiots that do not take the time to do any research, calling other people names.

I guess I should expect uneducated, high people on this site, that do not know how to research any medication and how it is absorbed in the human body. Maybe you have confused your medication with Subutex, or Butrans, as neither of those have Naloxone. Either way, you should do your homework. Maybe even meet with the Pharmaceutical Rep!

By the way, I went to a UC school (California). Where did you get your education, or information? Did you make it through High School? Obviously, you have a computer, so prior to making yourself look like an extreme idiot, you really need to check yourself.

I'm happy to debate you on this matter any time you'd like. First, you need to check your facts and tell me why Naloxone is included in Suboxone, if it is never absorbed by the body? It is bad enough to be simply ignorant, but to also have no logic, I think you have fried too many brain cells.

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The noloxone in soboxone isn't bioavailable when taken as prescribed doc! It's when the sub is injected that the full antagonist works.

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I too am on Oxy 40mg er twice a day, and they worked great for my pain. See, I had my colon removed because of Ulcerative colitus but the colitus is attacking my liver (gonna need a transplant soon) and has destroyed my joints, caused vericosities to form throughout my digestive system, and scaring of my stomach. I had to fight my insurence co. just to get those, but before I was on Opana 20mg twice daily and they just didn't work. So, my Dr. switched me to the oxy and everything was great! I had no side effects, all my pain was nearly in check, but then they added the Remoxy and I just can't keep them down! I end up throwing them up almost as soon as I swallow them, making me fall short every month, or just stop taking them until I absolutly need them. That's not why I'm taking them! The reason I take an ER is so I don't have to take 10 pills a day on top of my other meds! I know I'm throwing them-up because I see the little orange blobs floating in the toliet, so I take another,and throw that one up too! The pain is horrible and made worse from all the throwing-up, but what else can I do? The reason I know the oxy is one of the reasons I get very ill is because I was in the hospital for six days and they put me on oxy 40mg without the Remoxy for four of the days and I did just fine, however, they must have ranout of the old Oxys because they started giving me the Remoxy ones on the 5th and 6th day, and those made my stomach HURT and I almost threw-up several times. I'm going to my NP tomorrow and try to get the op 40's since they seem to be my only choice, because my insurance won't cover the Fentanyl Patches and regular morphine make me sick. I'm just so tired of dealing with Drs. and want something so I can be an active part of my daughter's life with as little pain as posible!
P.S. Does Remoxy make anyone else throw-up almost as soon as they are taken?

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dr switched from meth to opana er 30 never happier excellent for pain and mood long lasting 10 to 14 hours depending on how phyical i am that day. took couple days to adjust . little nausa ichy

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I have been on oxcy for 15yrs and as my body got use to the dose had to increase the dose. I now am taking 360mg in the AM 180 afternoon and 360pm. with the new formulation I found if I add just one 10mg of methodone as a kicker it works perfect for me. I don't reccommend anyone doing this without chating with you doc first. As we all handle meds differently each person needs to work with their doctor to get the right combination. It took me four years to get the right combination and I don't get sick from it. Good luck to all with RSD as I have. Be careful

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Dr Abraham, I am currently being prescribed Suboxone Film and then 1 and 1/2 hrs later I take 20mg Opana. I did not believe this would work and I have been disabled and battling severe pain for over ten years. This combination actually works and I don't understand how. Can you help explain this?

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a 40mg opana pill put my 20 year old son to sleep and he never woke up. please be careful out there. he was taking it for recreation, he was healthy and not in any pain. i am so devestated and confused. they said if he obviously had no tolerance for opiates. how devestating

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To Twankies: Both Suboxone AND Subutex are labeled to assist with Narcotic addiction. You are correct, in that, Subutex does not have the Naloxone, but is rarely prescribed.

Something many Americans do not yet know is, a new medication is being marketed as Butrans in the U.S.A. by Purdue Pharma and indicated for the management of moderate to severe chronic pain in patients requiring a continuous, around-the-clock opioid analgesic for an extended period of time.

This has been used in Europe for many years, but just approved in the USA. In fact, it is the number one prescribed medication in Europe. The number one prescribed medication in the USA is Vicodin (Hydrocodone). Maybe we will see a shift in Americans being treated with Butrans as it becomes more popular.

If you would like more information about Butrans, go to Purdue Pharma's website and look at the product. Physicians do not need to be "Specially Certified" to prescribe Butrans, as they do now, with Suboxone and Subutex. I have worked in Europe for many years and seen the success of this medication. It is not called Butrans in Europe; it has different names in each European country.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Oh, for that NASTY poster, calling people with drug addiction names, belong in the 1800's, when science did not know anything about drug addiction and how people's lives are affected. The most interesting story I have heard of late, is how Switzerland, a very conservative country, is dealing with their Heroin-addicts.

Switzerland's Government is paying for Heroin clinics, where people can walk in off the street and get Pharmaceutical grade Heroin, clean needles and a SAFE PLACE to shoot up. Maybe America needs to do more Public Health studies on how other, developed countries are dealing with their addiction issues.

That terrible poster just shows how uneducated and egocentric he/she is. There is a really special place for people like them (I hope) when the time comes.

Good luck everybody!

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to catsscratched...the opanas are actually better for your pain compared to hydrocodone it is much more potent because it contains oxycontin and morphine hints it medical nam(oxymorphone) i would recomend asking for th instant release opanas instead of the 40mg extended release ones, but the IR opanas only come in 5mg ones and 10mg ones and maybe 15mg ones to but you will have to take more at once to equal the 40mg dose you take now obviously, and to answer your question about sniffing them do not tell your doctor that because it is concidered abuse and you will get kicked off but no you are not signing a death warrant from sniffing them it just makes the effects stronger but does not last as long so you will be fine if you sniff them though dont worry about it.

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this si to Dr.Abraham.. I wanted to comment on the few paragraphs you wrote about the concern of suboxone and that person taking it with narcotics for a pain breaker...i do agree that is very uncommon abd if that person is doing it the suboxone should put that person into aoutomatin withdraw and severely bad to...BUT this person may be getting subutex and calling it suboxone since it is the same thing and they might not know that but the subutex a form of suboxone does not have the blocker in it and nothing that can cause withdraw when takin like suboxone does and they probably got it confused.

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Opana or (oxymorphone) is a more potent drug than oxycontin..it has oxycontin and a strong morphine in it..It comes in 30mg ER, 40mg ER, 5MG IR, and I belive 10 and 15mg IR's as well. it is a newer drug that has been out around five years now but recently has really shown up way more or almost perscribed all the time in replacement for oxycontin..hope that helped a little.

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to Marie....i would recommend trying to go to opanas or geting the 15 or 30mg Ir oxycontin they still have those but you will just have to take more at one time.

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