Opana 40mg Vs Oxycontin Op 80mg (Page 17)
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my Dr prescribed Opana 40mg as alternative to Oxy 80 mg 2 twice a day which I would insufflate - I didn't tell him this of course. he claimed them to be just as good if not stronger can any one share about opana 40mg

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to alaway4u...no there is not a 40mg IR opana out there a 5mg IR and 10mg IR that i know of possibly a 15mg one to

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to chronic pain girl...thank you so much for your compasion towards humans with addiction problems!! i myself wrote her as welland expressed my feelings and let her know that is very hurtfull and selfish...you seem very well rounded and a caring person so thank you for standing up for someone like me who does have a problem, i believe she used the term "lower than dirt junkies" and also said to go do heroin since you will anyways and that hurt very badly and i wish that person could understand what it is like to have this addiction...i beat myself up enough and to hear someone talk like that and to know that she basically wishes drug addicts would die is so painfull...what she said sounds like something hitler would say. but thank you so much for caring and i wish you the best of luck with your injuries and i will say a prayer...You will pull through this you just keep trying and keep thinking positive like you are you are a good hearted person and god will reward you for that..best wishes and GOOD LUCK and god bless you.

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this is to the voice of reality! You should be ashamed of yourself talking about any human being like that regardless of thier problems. That is a very cruel and hurtfull thing to say about someone with a problem!! You have pain problems so should everyone call you a disfuctioning cripple thats good for nothing?? Those people need help and if you are so concerned maybe you should voulenteer at a clinic or something to maybe at least try to help people quit if you are that concerned about it instead of putting your fellow human being down. What if you had a family member addicted to these drugs would u tell him or her they are garbage and junkies or would you try and help??? You are very wrong for what you had said about them and in my opinion you are a lower person than them...god bless you.

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i dont know anything about the remoxy i have never had it...but i i can help yyou with my opinion to the oxymorphone ir and the difference it has with the hydrocodone ir...if you feel that the hydrocodone ir is not potent enought i would first try upping the milligram if you can because the oxymorphone is much different at least to someone like me that notices effects well...The oxymorphone is much stronger especially in the ir(instant release) form. It is a combination of oxycontin and a strong type of morphine in one pill that is very very potent even compared to oxycontin. I recommend staying on the hydrocodone if you can and mainly because of dependency issues.

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I am a "failed back pain" patient. I am taking 4 80mg tablets of op (which is the new manafactured type of oxycontin). I have had terrible stomach cramps and at least 1-2 bouts of diarrhea a day. My doctor sugested opana. That is 320mg of oxycontin a day. I am concerned about the change over and what dosage would be effective. I am in bad pain even with this dosage, so I am afraid to start with a low dosage and titrate up. Am I wrong in thinking that I should take opana 40mg four times daily plus opana 20mg three times daily (with 10 extra 20mg tabs in case titration is needed. Please someone out there has to be in a situation like mine, please send me your thoughts. Thank You Katrina

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Anybody who crushes up anything to sniff or use like heroin should be thrown in prison. I am a person wo has tried EVERYTHING to relieve my pain before reluctantly resorting to narcotic pain meds. All of you lower than dirt junkies are making it impossible for the people who truly need medications like oxycontin to get them. Go shoot heroin. Be the junkies that you're going to turn into anyways. But stop with the meds!!! A LOT of people can't live a normal life w/o them. So just make the leap to the street garbage that inevitably you'll be doing soon enough. But stop ruining countless peoples lives by abusing medications. I hope that some of you know that every word of this is truth

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If you let people know what city you live in maybe someone can recommend a good pain doc.

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Can you tell me the name of the pain mgmt dr you are seeing? I would really apprciate it! My dr has had me on 90 mg morphine daily and now she is freaking out because of people that abuse it! Those people really make me mad because I finally felt like I finally had gotten my meds straight after 2 yrs and now all my meds are being messed with. sincerely,

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Thank you for your info on the Narcan. I did not know about the bioavailability percentages of I.V. vs. oral. Most of my knowlege comes from the Paramedics I used to work with. It did seem that most of the newer long acting pain meds. sure made me feel pretty strange though. In any event the new Oxy (OP's) work O.K. for me, about 20-30% less effective though. I am so sorry to read of your condition. I pray that you have good relief from pain and that maybe your situation will improve. Thanks again. God bless.

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Trigger, I have read many of your posts and I sympathize with you concerning your issues. I myself deal with a rather large brain tumor that has the V1, V2, and V3 branches of my trigeminal nerve compressed in multiple places and have been on a wide variety of pain therapies since 1999.

I wanted to comment on your post concerning Narcan (Naloxone). You are correct when you say Naloxone works great in Overdose situations, as well as has a much higher affinity for opiod receptors. Where I differ with you on this, is it has a very poor bioavailability when absorbed through the stomach. Much like Demerol where you get anywhere from 10 to 17% when administerred orally, you get about 2% from Naloxone.

We have been putting Naloxone in a lot of products over the years to prevent people from killing themselves when shooting products up such as Talwin, Subutex, and a few others. Those drugs have not had the issues that you have described. I don't believe that "Big Pharma I.E. Purdue" has put high doses of Naloxone in the Oxycontin tabs. I believe they have perfected the release the product and people that would have had a nice initial onset of pain relief and then a slow gradual process of metabolism, no longer have that. It's a constant release and because of that people are not getting similiar relief. Which is why I think Dilaudid works so well for you. Good initial onset, and slow metabolization. Feel free to post your thoughts.

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ChronicPainGirl I was in a car accident two years ago that left me with every bone below my waist crushed, I'm just learning how to walk again and trying to be as normal as possible. To hear you tell these "drug abusers" that you hope they get whats coming disgusts me. What would you like to happen? would you like for them to overdose and die? Would you like for them to maybe end up like myself? My meds were switched just like yours and I'm pretty sure your pain is no worse than mine, but I'm wishing no harm on any human being because of it!! Maybe you should think twice before opening your mouth again.

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if you ask for oxycodone er in the generic for you will recieve oc 40s or whatever dosage you may get. there is a new mfg of the generic form and they use the old oxycontin ingrediants

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My understanding is that they are trying to take the "euphoria" affect out of all drugs. I have lots of friends who love opana. Myself, I dont see what all the whooplaw is about them, they dont seem to give me any type of buzz which I believe is part of the "euphoria" they are trying to take out of the the drugs. No matter how I take the opana, regular, snort, or bang, no real result other than I did accidently OD on them when they first came out several years ago, because I was expecting that oxy buzz when I snorted it. I cant nor can my wife find anything that is working well to give a decent quality of life. My wife has a much higher tolerance than I do and is disabled. I just wish they would come up with something to get ahold of all this pain and suffering people are going thru. It's soon going to be a herion epodimic ( or however u spell that) if not already atleast here in Cincinnati. If anyone has an idea as to a decent medicine let me know asap.

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Insurance (disability) denied oxycontin coverage...
Hey guys, just a question, my insurance will not cover oxycontin. Been on all other forms of pain meds, vicodin, morphine, dialudid, methadone...etc. Have found that only Oxy is great with pain control with no side effects. Did the 2 week trial, having to pay $75.00 for it, thinking I would square it up with insurance later as I could no longer take the morhpine, too dizzy and nauseated. Well after I called, my PM docs office called and faxed them a form, they denied coverage. So now I will have to try another pain med as I can't affort $150.00/month for meds on disability. Question is, has anyone dealt with or have heard of Astra-Zeneca, I think it is, that helps people afford their meds who do not have insurance, or not covered for that med? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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i too have been wondering why i dont feel just right. i was taking 2 oxycontin-40mg per day with 8-5mg oxycodone for breakthrough pain. this worked very well for about 3-4 years. i noticed that my meds were running-out6-8 days early. i talked to my great,wonderful,caring,sympathetic,very smart well you get it,my dr. is my savior.anyway he bumped me up to 60mg from 40mg of the newOPs. well, i got them filled and the drug store had some old OCs and that month i had 3 OCs left and 29 oxycodone left... that was the best month for me and my pain.... now im feeling sick at my stomach and just down right rotten. THANKS alot for changing your formula. you are going to lose a lot of money cause the new OPs just dont work near as well as the OCs.. thanks for listening. im sure my dr. will figure out something for me to take.

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Oh I know, I was in Kentucky last year for a few months on business. They call I-75 the Oxy highway! Sux's that the abusers make it more difficult for the real people like me in horrible pain each day to make it more stressfull to obtain our meds just to keep plugging along. It will get to a point that they will have picture ID's to obtain meds which isn't a bad idea to begin with.

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HA HA Florida isn't the only state that people go to doctors to get pills and sell them. That happens in every state. LMFAO!!!

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Please go to another Doctor that listens to you. I have finally found one that listened to me and took almost an hour with me. Go on the internet and research your nearby pain management doctors, go to the office and look what kind of patients are waiting in the waiting room and you can get a feel if the Dr is in it for the money or for the passion. I'm from Florida where people come here for the pills and then sells them. If you don't like you Dr, find another and keep at it until you are happy. Don't let them bully you around because they are afraid of losing there license.

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is there such a thing as opana 40mg ir?

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I think we that take the new oxy's,,and are use to the old OC ones,,all agree that they are not worth a crap,,but what are we going to do about it? I have called Purdue, wrote to them, tried to explain to my dr. (who is not too happy with me anyway,,because when I first switched tothe new ones,,I had a terrible time ran out early, now I dont even know if he will ever write my script again,,,,so anyway,,I am worried, in pain,dont know what to do yet,,I will NOT taked suboxone or the stuff that says it is a pain med with it in it, (buprenorphine), or METHADONE,,as I was on that for years,,and it did nothing for pain,,just kept me out of withdrawals! so if anyone has any suggestions,,PLEASE post them, if ya know a good pain doc who is aware of all these med. changes,,in Northern MI,,that info would be greatly appreciated,,,and good luck and God Bless us all that have to suffer and worry because street addicts and the government made it so we have to go through more suffering on top of what we all ready do!

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