Nuvigil Side Effects (Page 5)


I'm having severe side effects from nuvigil. Muscle and joint pain with numbness and tingling down my arms.

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My daughter had a reaction too. Was paralyzed for almost one month from the legs down late January 2011. Then she regained some strength and sensation. Now she is back in the hospital with weakness in her legs. Back in a wheelchair. Doctors say they can't find anything and Nuvigil wouldn't do this.

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My daughter had a reaction too. Was paralyzed for almost one month from the legs down late January 2011. Then she regained some strength and sensation. Now she is back in the hospital with weakness in her legs. Back in a wheelchair. Doctors say they can't find anything and Nuvigil wouldn't do this. They want you to believe it is in her head. Even confronted with these stories from others they swear it doesn't happen. My daughter is allergic to sulfur too. How many more people are going through this. The Government needs to look into this drug and remove it before someone else gets hurt. Doctors should do their job and report this drug and quick getting kickbacks pushing it on their patients

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Thank you to all who have replied to my post. I think I'll NOT take this medicine and speak with my doctor when I go back. I would rather be tired than take a chance on another illness.

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I get the same thing... extreme abdominal pain starting around the 3rd day. Sometimes it gets so bad, I double over, but at least now I can stay awake at work.

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Been taking it for just 3 days. Was diagnosed last year with severe sleep apnea and now use a cpap machine daily. Work the night shift 11pm - 7am and have been exhausted and depressed. Only sleep 4 hrs a day. for the past three days I have been taking nuvigil and have seen a great improvement in my energy and alertness. No side effects as of yet. I hear from other blogs for most people that by 2 weeks your energy and lifestyle improves almost 100%. Hope this will be the same for you and me. It appears thet the only people on this blog are those that have had non therapeutic experiences. I'd look elsewhere there are loads of folks that this has been a life saver. Just like in life not everything works for everyone. Good luck! John B.

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Have you gone for a sleep study test? I had the same symptoms and and went for the test abd was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and prescribed a CPAP ( continuous positive air pressure maxhine that helped some) I also have other sleep issues. But I know many others that have the same diagnosis that are using CPAP maching and it has resolved there issues. I would recommend that you ask your PCP to send you for a sleep study test. That may be your answer. By the way I am a Nurse Administrator and you have classic symptoms that might indicate sleep apnea.

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I have been taking amphetamines for over 5 years in order to stay awake during the day. The jittery feeling made me anxious which caused me to chain smoke and talk too much so I stopped taking it. To stay awake at work I was taking caffeine pills and it was an awful experience.

So I did the sleep study and started taking Nuvigil for mild narcolepsy last week. What I'd like to point out is that I answered "No" to questions about muscle weakness and temporary paralysis which the doctor asked for diagnostics. I never felt those things until beginning treatment!

The very first day I had excruciating neck pain. Just within this week I have taken several hours off from work and find myself wandering around the house scatter-brained. I can't seem to get anything done even though I am constantly making an effort. While the drug may keep me from feeling sleepy I now am just mentally and physically fatigued! I have also spent countless hours of precious daytime lying in bed staring at the walls unable to get myself up. The neck pain was followed by numbness of fingers and limbs at times. Shortness of breath has also been a concern.

I have felt an immediate change in my ability to effectively communicate with others, I am apologizing to my friends and family for being so "loopy". I am not acting like myself, unable to form complete thoughts aloud and generally acting like a schizo. When I'm alone things get creepy. This all started happening when I began Nuvigil. I never tried Provigil, however my experience with other uppers was nothing like this whatsoever. I will give this another day or two but after that someone would have to pay me to take this stuff!

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Thanks for all the inf. I have been receiving about this medicine "drug". I have done a sleep study and have used a CPAP for 3 years, however, my doctor suggested I try additional help. I WILL NOT begin using this medicine!!

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I've been taking Provigil 200mg for several years for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome due to Hepatitis C, and take Xanax or Valium for the dreaded speeding side effect. I still spend most of my time in bed. Please let me know if you find something to help with the Nuvigil side effects. Best of luck to you.

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I started taking nuvigil a few weeks ago for MS related fatigue. I had been on amphetamines for years for this
reason. My neurologist thought nuvigil would be work a try. I do have less fatigue but had severe nausea for the first week. Now I just had painful joints. I think I'll stick with it for now to see how it goes. The amphetamines were great but I was concerned about addiction and the effect is for a limited number of hours.

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I just started on Nuvigil again for the 2 nd time. My jaw is killing me. I keep puching my teeth together. It hurts around me ears and throat. I'm only sleeping 2 hours a night. What did you do.I don't know if I still going to take this Nuvigil

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Give it a try. My joint pain has subsided and if it flares up, advil and stretching help. It seems to be keeping my energy level steady. Not as many ups and downs as amphetamines.

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Thanks I'm trying I cut the pill in half. Its not as bad I do have a headache from clenching my jaw. Hopefully today will be better

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I was on Nuvigil 150mg for almost two years and had no negative side effects. (I was one of the first to use it when it came out). Nuvigil actually changed my life, I am Bipolar Type 2, and was dealing with severe depression and unable to work. Within 2 days, my depression was gone and I no longer felt sleepy during the day. I could think clearly and had tons of energy, it literally changed my life and i was able to go back to work. Before Nuvigil, I was in bed for about 12 hours a day and my Neurologist said that I was using my CPAP for close to 10 hours a day while sleeping. Sadly however, due to my financial situation I had to stop taking it in the spring. Recently I have more money and my sleepiness was so bad I started taking it again. I feel so alive and awake. My brain feels like it was turned on again. The only problem I am having is that I have only slept 4 hours in about the last 44 hours. I don't believe I am going into a hypomanic episode, but just suffering from severe insomnia. The insomnia is very annoying but nothing compared to what I was suffering through without the medicine. I am just hoping I don't go into a major depressive episode or manic/hypomanic episode because then I would have to stop taking it. Hopefully I will adjust soon to it.

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I tried Nuvigil for a month and a half. The joint pain started approx. one week after I started. Just last week, my ankle became so still and painful that I couldn't bend it. I usually have a high tolerance to pain. I stopped taking nuvigil 4 days ago and the pain is subsiding. I don't think I'll be taking it again. I was taking it for MS related fatigue. I'm going to go back on amphetamines instead. They keep me awake when needed with no side effects. Best of luck! :-)

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This is my fourth day of Nuvigil. I have Narcolepsy and Cataplexy. Additional Dx. of Fibromyalgia. Pain increase started yesterday and this morning was so bad that I could not do my usual routine and had to stay home.
This medicine is the only change and it does increase muscle tension. I think there is also some change in the way the neurotransmitters work. I will have to stop this medicine.

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I have been taking Nuvigil for over a year now. I have developed muscle spasms in my left thigh that are quite frequent and painful. My left arm muscle has been feeling very weak. It's all on my left side. I've been trying to figure out what has caused this as I am a frequent exerciser and try to eat healthy. After reading others have been having the same problems I'm starting to think it's all caused from Nuvigil.

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I had taken Nuvigil for only a month and a half but was having muscle and joint pain in my left leg also. I am sure it was the nuvigil because I stopped taking it and noticed a lessening of the pain the very next day. After a week the pain in my lower leg was gone. However, the muscle and joint pain in my left hip has remained, but is not as severe. Can anyone who had similar side effect tell me how long before your pain was completely gone? I've gone back to the provigil which I liked much better.

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I stopped taking nuvigil and the next day noticed a lessening of the muscle and joint pain in my left leg. After a week off of it, all pain in my lower leg was gone. But I've been off a month now and still having muscle and joint pain in my left hip, though not as severe. Can anyone tell me how long before the pain is gone completely? FYI went back on provigil and it works great for me.

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I was diagnosed with idiopathic hypersomnolence and have been on Nuvigil 150mg for a year every morning. I also take Lexapro 150mg for anxiety/panic disorder. I have felt good the past year; no pain, no problems and altho I can lay down and fall asleep anytime anywhere, I don't fall asleep the way I used to. lately though, around 3pm-4pm I start to crash and have to nap. I am thinking of getting off and managing it some other way.

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